My Super God QQ

Chapter 263: Old witch

Facing the "paw", Murong Fengrou's eyes appeared frightened, because she found that she couldn't hide. Finally, the paws grabbed her fragrant shoulders, and the nails, like the knife, stab hard, so that Murong Fengrou screamed out loudly.

Looking at her shoulder again, five finger holes had been pierced, and blood ran out confusion.

"Dao friends, is it too much? I saved them!" Suddenly, the masked woman said, the voice was crisp and bright, just like Lin Laiquan's rhyme, and like Yuruo melodious.

Fang Cai, Yue Po forced Murong to be gentle, she remained silent, but Murong Fengrou was injured and finally spoke out.

"Secret Star Palace? I'm fancy with this disciple. I'm disobedient and just punished. I also want to thank you for saving me this disciple..." Yue Po turned her face and smiled.

The meaning of her words is that you saved her, I will not kill her, now, I just want to accept her as a disciple.

"I am not your disciple!"

Murong Fengrou's tone refused fiercely, and the pair of vivid eyes were full of anger.

"I'm afraid I can't help you!"

Yuepo's face was dull, and her hands were hard again. Murong Fengrou lost her ability to move directly, her eyes were reddish, and her tears almost came out without pain.

After making this action, she saw that the masked woman seemed to be about to move, and quickly said: "I know that the person in your secret star palace wants to be a disciple, but it needs a great chance test. I think that the Daoist won't grab this for me. Fancy disciple! If you really want to grab it, we will have a dispute when the time comes, I am afraid it will miss your mission in the lower realm~"

The masked woman seemed to think for a while, and she didn't move.

"Quack, come with me!"

This made Yue Po even more rampant, and she laughed and pulled Murong Fengrou directly to the side.

Forced by two pressures at a time, Murong Fengrou has been watching her mother injured and left unattended, and she swallowed her voice, but now, she actually wants to catch herself away.

What about the mother? Just throw it here?

Do not!

Murong Fengrou will not abandon his mother, where to go, so, seeing that she is going to be taken away, she finally can't control her anger, Xingmei's eyebrows stand upside down, the pupils in her eyes tremble like the stars in the sky, a burst of anger filled her heart. .

At the moment, there is a whisper: "Old lady, you let me go!"

"Dare to resist! Ah~"

With a sigh of relief, Yue Po lifted the dark, thin-skinned hands on Murong Fengrou's face, and the face was swollen straight, showing a slap red mark.

Murong Fengrou has been beaten by others since childhood, no matter what the gap between the two sides, raising the long legs will kick the old witch...


Yuepo slapped again, and Murong Fengrou seemed to be too slow. She was served first, and she fell down to the ground. Her mouth bleeds.

"It's simply stupid and unreasonable! Today, I want to accept you as a disciple, a blessing you have cultivated in a few lifetimes, and actually dare to resist and scold me! It is impossible, you really want to kill me with anger? "" Yue Po's ugly face was vaguely threatened.

"I admit that you are an old lady like a master, I would rather die!" Murong Fengrou's temperament is also very strong, dare to protect Li Qing from the hour, facing the gangster, you can see it, and immediately scolded with hatred.

"Okay, quack, good, then I will fulfill you!"

Yue Po was really angry.

Today, she was insulted by the kid who had just died, and her magical instruments were damaged. Her mood was already bad. Now she was rejected by a doorkeeper. Where did she lose her face?

So, she had an anger that needed to be released urgently.

Seeing that her murderous intentions had soared, she had to slapping Murong Fengrou with a slap, and Duan Yue on the side made a suspicious voice.

"Does this guy with developed limbs and simple brains want to stop me?" Her eyebrows were slightly frowned and she was even more angry. She turned around and said something, but at the next moment, she was stunned.

I saw that a figure appeared in the distance, and seemed to step on the magma burnt by the flames of the stone. He jumped and yelled in pain.

"I'm **** your uncle, this, this, what's going on!"

Li Qing had just appeared, and smelled a disgusting burnt rush straight to his nose. It was not over yet. The soles of his feet were so hot that he suddenly jumped to the old high.

Jumping, he glanced around.

Then, Li Qing also froze, and saw that the four monks were still there. The most noticeable thing was the younger sister. She was now swollen and lying on the ground, her face angry and unwilling.

"Sister! What's wrong with you?"

At the moment, he didn't care about the pain and rushed to Murong Fengrou.

Murong Fengrou heard Li Qing's call and turned his head, which was unexpected, but quickly hurriedly anxiously shouted, "Don't come!"

Li Qing stopped her body and looked at her, full of confusion, with a trace of pain, as if to say "why".

He thought that Murong Fengrou didn't just see him, he didn't even let him get close. There was a pain in his heart that made him unable to breathe.

In fact, Li Qing misunderstood, Murong Fengrou refused to let him come near, for fear that Li Qing would also be poisoned by this old witch.

However, she was obviously disappointed, even if Li Qing could not come, the old lady also noticed Li Qing, the look in her eyes constantly changed between greed and resentment.

"Little friends..."

Liu Changqing first exported.


Li Qing looked at this middle-aged man dressed like "Mr. Ancient Teacher". His Chinese character face and eyebrows were like swords, giving the impression that he was upright, so he didn't feel bad.

"Just now, that light hit you, why didn't you die? Er, although this is a bit ugly, but I'm curious, I don't know if you can tell me." Liu Changqing said with a curious look, all in his eyes. Curiosity.

Upon hearing this, Li Qing remembered something, and his forehead immediately forced a lot of fine sweat, and the string of his mind controlling his thoughts stretched tightly in an instant.


He thought that if he wasn’t dead, he would definitely make the other party think he had some self-defense treasures... wouldn’t these guys try to **** it?

He has never seen such a thing as killing people and winning treasures, but it is not uncommon on TV and in novels.

This made Li Qingsheng impulsive and wanted to immediately re-enter qq bookstore and escape from here. But seeing the younger sister like this, he gave up.

He couldn't and couldn't leave Murong soft.

"Then why would you explain that you are not dead?" Li Qing's thoughts turned quickly.

Seeing that Li Qing was there, the other monks didn't say anything, but that month's mother-in-law was so greedy that she couldn't suppress it. She just said, "What good baby, don't hurry to offer it, I You will be spared the thing that you just damaged my magic Otherwise, wait a minute, and you will die without a burial place!"

Her preemptive appeal is to set a tone, that is, the baby should be hers.


In that way, Li Qing would give her treasures to her in order to compensate her for the damage to the law. Naturally, she would stand firm on the word "li" and others would not be able to intervene.


Old traitor!

Even Duan Yue, who didn't like to use his mind, could not help but sneer.

"Dedicated to you? You are just a dreamer! Are my sisters beaten by you?" Li Qing scanned the four monks around and found that it seemed that the old witch was showing greed and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, he was furious.

"Sister Miss?" Yue Po stunned, kicking Murong Fengrou's head lying on the ground with his feet: "Are you referring to her?"

That move was simply to treat Murong Fengrou as a pig and dog, treat it at will!

Immediately, Li Qing's irresistible anger rushed up, arched against the forehead, with several ribs attached to the sun nest on his face, twitching there.

"Old...demon...pom, you **** land, it's almost death!" Li Qing's words were almost squeezed out of the teeth.

"A Qing, don't come over..."

When Murong Fengrou saw Li Qing like this, wouldn't he know what he was thinking, and now he was worried and scared and hurriedly shouted.

It's not over yet...


Murong Fengrou was kicked by Yue Po directly again, and she kicked directly to the ground and rolled several times.


Seeing this, Li Qing couldn't help it anymore. There seemed to be an explosion in his mind, bursting out his anger, roaring, as if irritated beast rushed to Yue Po.

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