My Super God QQ

Chapter 260: The beam of light is still there

When the chaos outside the villa became more and more chaotic, Murong Fengrou looked at his mother in an anxious room, looking down and thinking about something.

"Miss, what does that Li Qing have to do with you?"

The poisonous mother-in-law finally couldn't help being curious and asked in a low voice.

If it is not a good relationship, she always feels that her father was killed, Murong Fengrou should not be such a reaction, even if there is no emotion, she should show a little hatred. However, she was miscalculated, and Murong Fengrou's eyes were only entangled, not even angry.

"I treat him like a brother, brother!" Murong Feng Judo.

"Just brother?" The poisonous mother-in-law looked suspicious.

"Well, even my younger brother, I often think of him, and I can’t control it, as if he has always been very impressed in my mind, always thinking of him inexplicably. Maybe it was because he was The man was kidnapped, it was he who accompanied me through the dark time, maybe it was..." Speaking of which, Murong Fengrou couldn't speak anymore, Sakura lips pursed slightly.

"I look like a lover in any way? You will miss him, he will miss you, and come here at the risk of life and death..." The poisonous mother-in-law groaned with a smile.

But she didn't try to find out. Murong Fengrou still looked down and could not see her expression.


The tidy, loud footsteps continued to sound under the military boots.

They are lined up in a neat line, with all directions as standard commands, ready to separate and surround here.

"Who are you leaders, no, sir?"

Liu Changqing approached and asked loudly.

In the distance, Yuemo, who saw this, smiled disdainfully: "Gaga, this guy, really love to do business!"

"I am the temporary supreme chief here, who are you? This has been taken over by our military department, idlers, etc. Please leave here as soon as possible, so as not to threaten your personal safety!" An officer with a star on his shoulder left Come out and shout loudly.

"There is a star, it seems to be a major?" Liu Changqing looked at his shoulder and quickly knew his position, which was all learned from the books of Xinhua Bookstore.

"I want to talk to you alone!"

Liu Changqing turned and walked towards the officer.

He had just walked over, and several soldiers next to him raised their submachine guns and aimed at Liu Changqing.

This caused Liu Changqing's brows to wrinkle slightly, and he unconsciously took a ruler from his sleeve.


Seeing this thing, a lot of soldiers are confused, and some people carry this thing with them.

Suddenly, at this moment, a soldier trot and came to the headmaster to salute the report.

"Report the major, there are wreckage of two cars in front of it, which seems to have been caused by the explosion, as well as several corpses. The temperature of the car and the corpses is still alive, and it seems that the time of occurrence did not exceed half an hour."

"Oh, I know. You give up, let the man in the robe!"

The major listened and pondered, nodded, and waved his hand back, signaling Liu Changqing to come.

"What are you looking for from me? Was the car exploded just now, and you are also one of the witnesses?"

"I witnessed the explosion of those two cars. But I came here, not to tell you this, there is a bigger thing than this...that is, you must, immediately, hurry Leave here, otherwise, it’s awkward, you might want to wipe it out!"

"The whole army is wiped out?" The major smiled, feeling a ridiculous expression.

"Yes, something happened here that you might find difficult to understand, so it's a good idea to retreat quickly."

"Incomprehensible? What do you mean, is there something about feudal superstition? Hahaha, I think if you dress up, you should also be a cultural person! How can you say this kind of feudal superstition, forget it, don't talk to you I mentioned this, I don’t believe it, if you can, you still tell me how the two cars exploded?"

The major only felt funny and kept shaking his head.

"The bombing of those two cars was caused by a handkerchief!" Seeing their unbelief, Liu Changqing had a headache and didn't know how to explain it.

The major heard this, stunned, and then laughed: "Ha ha ha ha... I respect you as a cultural person, it is not good for you to joke with me like this~ Wait for me to catch you up, maybe you can't be so free! "


Liu Changqing saw that it was impossible to speak. They didn't believe it, so they had to take out the rule.

The ruler was originally dim and dull, but it suddenly lit up, emitting a vast white light.

One wave!

The dazzling white light appeared!

I saw where the ruler pointed, exploded violently, exploding a pothole enough to bury ten people.

This time, the frightened major looked at Liu Changqing in amazement. It took a long time to get back to God. After he believed him, he began to order and everyone retreated.


The four monks are still waiting, and they are still waiting for this treasure chaser to show their power, but what makes them strange is that the beam of light has been there, but the murderer has disappeared. If they weren’t afraid that the chasing death beam would admit the wrong person, they would definitely go to Du Yinlong and search for something.

The third floor of qq book city...

At this time, he didn't know his behavior, which has caused the panic protagonist of the entire world-Li Qing seems to have forgotten this matter. After returning to this, he looked at the jade jade of "Sword of Memory".

Through continuous fighting, he gradually gained a lot of inspiration and understanding of the sword.

At this time, when he looked at the jade jade, he wanted to combine the jade jade notes with each other to complement each other and verify them one by one, so as to improve his understanding and cultivation of the sword.

"One of the swords, fighting is very important. It is important to know that the sword's main attacker is going to be in line with the sword! Come again, the sword is the king of the sword, there is no reason to retreat, so..." Li Qingbian looked, Bian Nian chatted about the note left by the sword fool.

Faintly, there was a lot of understanding in his heart, and there was a sense of comfort that many problems were solved.


Originally, nine nine nine nine swords, he can only use three swords at most, but after somehow used nine swords to kill the demon girl, that is, the old ancestor of the Murong family, he has directly skipped the six swords. The multiple of the first glance at the number of nine swords.


Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine swords, when practicing to a great success, one sword can turn out nine hundred and ninety-nine swords, when the sky is full of sword rain, the gods can stop the gods and the Buddhas can kill the Buddhas.

Within a day, he had already glimpsed the nine-sword style, enough to see that Li Qing's comprehension was indeed good.

And three is a multiple!

Li Qing jumped to nine at once, and that was two consecutive jumps.

With more and more in-depth understanding, Li Qing seems to be caught in crazy learning, forgetting everything outside.

Uh... if there is a creator in the chasing treasure outside, because you want to avenge your own disciples and apprentices, if you stare at this side of the world, you can’t find the Will be spitting blood and dying.


Outside, the soldiers came hurriedly and retreated hurriedly, leaving the major alone.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to go, he is also afraid! But there was an order on it, that is, let him continue to stare here. As soon as there is a situation, he immediately reports to the above that he can only stay here with a scalp.

Knowing that the four men in front of him were terrible monks, he dared not to investigate the explosion of the vehicle, just like the best child, standing behind Liu Changqing.

Liu Changqing didn't talk to him, he didn't dare to talk, he was embarrassed.

Fortunately, just after a while!

They found a figure suddenly burrowing out of the grass.

This figure is Li Qing.

It’s not a short time since he stayed inside, but when he came out, he didn’t expect that the blood-red beam was still...

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