My Super God QQ

Chapter 233: Live water party gathering

"My boss doesn't say, anyway, he means that the whole hotel has been notified that no one is allowed to collect your money..." Wang Yan looked at Li Qing with curiosity. 【Latest chapter reading】

She really didn't expect Li Qing to have such a great energy, and to be able to meet people about her boss, so great!

"Who is your boss? At the hotel?"

"He is a Hong Kong person and is not in the hotel for a long time. This hotel is just an investment for him. Well, since they don't charge money, they don't take advantage of the bastards, giggling~" Wang Yan laughed.

Li Qing thought about it, so be it!

It is too late now, and it is not good to change the hotel again.


When the time was at six o'clock in the evening, fans finally arrived one after another.

Some even looked like servants, apparently coming from abroad, so Li Qing asked Wang Yan to book a room for them.

Why is it "they"?

Because almost all are women!

Even if there are male fans, it's because the girlfriend watched Li Qing's live broadcast that he paid attention to Li Qing together.

Some fans were more shy and shy. They entered the banquet room and sat quietly after saying hello to Li Qing. Some fans just slipped away. When they met Li Qing, they said they liked me directly or they said they wanted to hug and take pictures.

Taking pictures is better, if you hug, Li Qing is really shy!

One or two is okay, but looking at a dozen Yingying Yanyan in front of her, rushing to hug her girlfriend, female fan, Li Qing, even if the face is thick, it is a little red!


In the past, before the live broadcast, Li Qing envied those anchors who had so many fans and could be loved by the fans. If he had no money at the time, he would definitely go to the lively event.

He also thought, he is the anchor, will so many people like it?

Today, he finally fulfilled a little dream he had before.

"Anchor, do you have a girlfriend?"

A cute girl about the student's appearance, asked Li Qing.

"No!" Li Qing replied, seriously, he knew so many female friends, and really none of them could be considered real girlfriends.

"Then will I be your girlfriend?"

This girl is only about one meter five or eight, and the girl who is still very loli looks up, her eyes are bright and serious.

Li Qing suddenly smiled dumbly.

"Me, me, choose me! Anchor, I like you, you don't know that I cut your picture, it is all used as the desktop background of my computer!"

"Anchor, can I add your WeChat?"

"Anchor, I like you so much. Can I confess to you if you want?"

A lot of girls were so entangled in Li Qing that they couldn't get away, but it was not easy to drive them away. Li Qing had to answer depressedly.

This was unimaginable in the past!

In the past, where did he know so many girls, and he took the initiative to talk to himself, to confess to himself, in the past he was in the school, a hanging wire envious of people who can hold the girlfriend's hand!

"Fortunately, fate is always changing, and no one knows what will happen in the next second...bad, good!"

Li Qing has a kind of epiphany.

When he remembered this, suddenly, a man in his thirties came into the distance.

He was a bit thin, and his appearance was moderate. One meter seven or eight, he shouted, "Brother Li Qing!"

Hearing this voice, Li Qing instantly knew who he was, with a happy expression on his face, and signaled these female fans to wait a moment, and they greeted the crowd.

"Brother Alphabet! Hahaha..."

The letters, that is, Lin Tian opened his arms...

Li Qing hugged him heavily, without the embarrassment and discomfort of the first meeting.

This is a friend!

Even though they have never met before, the exchange of hearts has made them true friends.

"Hahaha, it's a little nervous to meet the big anchor~" Lin Tian made a fearful expression and patted his heart.

"Okay, brother, don't joke with me, you guys!" Li Qing scolded.

Lin Tian is a joke-loving person, very optimistic and easy-going.

"Really, I am nervous. You see, so many female friends, you are a big winner in life now~ Hey, who can think of it, our live broadcast room was originally dozens of people, and it has developed to the present. Hundreds of thousands of people!" he said deeply.

"Yeah..." Li Qing nodded his head in agreement.

At that time, Li Qing did not expect that he could reach this step.

"By the way, tell you something interesting." Suddenly, he said with a frown.


"In the past, wasn't that Wange jealous of you and asked others to attack us? Guess what, I had a whimsy last night, and I built your fan base, which will soon be full, and then built, and then full, Re-build...developed to the back, it was actually full of fifty QQ groups, and then I called all your fans, besieged them a wave, hum, you didn’t think of that brother’s expression last night, it was extremely funny ."

"Brother?" Li Qing smiled.

At his current level, he really hasn't forgotten that little character.

Even if he is a very popular anchor, but how can he be comparable to Li Qing, Li Qing dare to say that as long as he concentrates on live broadcast for a few days, then the popularity can be comparable to him, more than several times more than him.

"I went to war last night too! As soon as we swipe the screen, all of his people disappeared in the barrage, and he was also called behind, but he still couldn't win us. Finally, he patted the table and his black face went offline. Giggle..." Wang Yan was on the sidelines, and when he talked about this, he was also proud, very happy.

"I am also in the war!"

"And I!"

The girls around came shouting, all beaming, seemingly very glorious.

That's right!

What Li Qing didn’t know last night was that tens of thousands of Li Qing’s fans had flooded into the live broadcast room of Wan Ge, and they began to siege that Wan Ge.

As for how to siege, directly brush the barrage, that is, Brother Wang bullied their anchor newcomer, now Li Jiajun is growing, come to borrow to report the roll call!

Later, people from the entire live broadcast platform came to watch, and the brother was so shameless that he could only go offline.

"Thank you, thank you for helping me get revenge!"

Li Qing watched these people excitedly discuss the situation of last night, grateful.

This is the person who likes you!

As long as anyone bullies you, then even if you don’t care about them, they will feel bad for you and return the hatred for you.

"Oh, my brother, many people have no way to come today, just ask me to tell you and let you start the live broadcast! Although they can't come, they also want to share the joy of this water club with everyone!" Alphabet, also It was Lin Tian who solemnly asked Li Qing: "I am asking for the people!"

"Hahaha, good, but you don't want to ask for help for the people, I'm not the emperor's material!" Li Qing laughed, he tuned his mobile phone, ready to start broadcasting.

"Brother Alphabet, I want to say hello to so many friends of the water, maybe I can't take care of it. Then, you will come to this live broadcast!" Li Qing thought for a while and said again.

"Really? Can I help you live?"

Lin Tian was suddenly excited and gasped.

How can I help a big anchor, especially the anchor of so many sister paper friends, help him live broadcast?

He was excited, he was too excited to restrain himself!

Not to mention how much it should have a face, just because of the feeling of being a big anchor, it made him a little uncontrollable, and his heart was "banging".

"Really, bother you!"

Li Qing didn't think there was anything, so he opened the live broadcast and gave him his mobile phone.

"It's so coincident that I happened to bring a live broadcast rod. If you don't agree, I want to use my live broadcast studio..." He pulled out a selfie stick from the back, and he was awesome. He actually put this thing directly in the Behind the pants belt.

"Then use yours?" Li Qing meant that he wanted to make his live broadcast popular and subscribe.

"No, no, in that case, I am afraid that no one will pay attention to me, or use you!" Lin Tian thought about it more thoughtfully. Similarly, he didn't want people to hold Li Qing's thighs and rub Li Qing's popularity. .

Hugging his thighs, he wanted to hug, but rubbing popularity, this is not good!

After taking the phone from Li Qing's hand, Lin Tian's hands were shaking, really exciting!

"Big, big... Hello everyone, because... the anchor is going to greet the friends who are present today, so I will help him hold the live broadcast!" Lin Tian said when he saw someone start talking in the live broadcast room, because the tension was a little small Stuttered.

"Quick, we have to watch the anchor!"

"Look at the number of people!"

"Look at the food!"

" I really want to go!"

More and more barrage...

Just ten minutes after it was broadcast, what surprised Lin Tian was that his mouth closed. After ten minutes, the popularity reached 100,000 people watching.

Lin Tian couldn't get back to anything. He could only pick people who were more familiar with him and help Li Qing answer. Even if he didn't know, he would follow Li Qing and ask him at any time.

Later, someone asked Lin Tian and begged him to get acquainted.

Lin Tian’s heart almost exploded when she looked at each of the sisters and begged herself, and said that she was asking for their attention.

This is simply flying bliss!

Li Qing may not care about these female fans, but as a 30-year-old old light G, he really has no way to "control and remember him"!

Thank you for your monthly votes and recommend your votes! Li Qing thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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