My Super God QQ

Chapter 230: Scary black people, weird means

It's almost unexpected!

The old man's face was frightened. Although he had a heart defense, it was too late. His head was directly penetrated, and even the impulse took his body... Then, the blood burst, and his body fell to the ground.

"Sneak at me? Really bad luck for you!!!"

Li Qing kicked the old man and kicked him to the side. Then he withdrew his sword and rushed to Scale One.

These people do not know whether they came to help themselves, or they were appointed by the state, but since Li Qing saw it, he could not help but draw his sword, no, help him!

"Deputy, I will help you!"

At this time, Li Qing had blood all over his body. Li Qing glanced at the audience. After the murder, he decided to help him first.


Scale 1's pressure was originally very great, this group of people did not know where they jumped from, all of them were terrible. Even if the special department of the country brings together the elite figures of the whole country, half of them are still unable to match and be crushed to death.

At this point, he was injured quite seriously, his spine was broken several times, and his movements were much slower.

Seeing that it wouldn't work like this, I wouldn't be able to save my life. He hurriedly called for reinforcements in the ministry while insisting hard.

At this moment, upon hearing Li Qing's cry, he was overjoyed and panted immediately, handing the blond old man to Li Qing.

"Okay, okay, then... then the foreigner will leave it to you!"

According to Scale's observation, the old man's defense is relatively strong, and the relative attack is relatively weak, which is just handed over to Li Qing. Even if Li Qing couldn't beat him, he could help him in time.

"Deputy, you really take care of me!"

Li Qing looked at him so badly that he said nothing, and gave it to himself and smiled bitterly.

He can also feel the strength of qi and blood emitted from them. Obviously this foreigner is the weaker one.


Just him!

Li Qing carried the sword and killed the foreigner!

"Brothers, be careful! Under the premise of keeping yourself, try to keep their lives as far as possible. It is about the face of our country. We want to let some people know that China and the Yellow Land are not barbarians. Easy to enter!" Scale Yi took advantage of the greatly reduced pressure and loudly encouraged morale.


Several responded at the same time, with a strong fighting spirit in their eyes.

Is it national honor? Thinking about this, their combat power actually increased a few points out of thin air!


Instead, Li Qing smiled noncommittally, and slashed toward the foreigner with a sword.

His sword was very fast, like lightning, the foreigner had just seen Li Qing, and the sword had hit his chest.

"Boy, you are dead!"

I don't know if I thought I couldn't avoid it. The old man actually ignored it, but instead showed an evil smile, and grabbed Li Qing's throat with one hand.

"Be careful, Li Qing, his body is very weird, as hard as steel! Just now, it was our people who secretly attacked him before he was injured!"

No wonder!

Li Qing suddenly understood why he didn't hide, but instead he caught himself.

He obviously wanted to rely on his own ability to come close to kill himself.

It's just that the defense that can be hit by a sniper rifle can stop the flying sword?

"I see you dead!"

For this, Li Qing only wanted to laugh.

This behavior of him is just to death!


In this terrified foreigner's eyes, Li Qing's sword only resisted outside his skin for less than half a second, and then smoothly cut into his chest.

A hack, a thorn, a stir!

Feijian is like piercing tofu, and his defense is completely useless.

Even when he was dying, he tried hard to catch Li Qing, but he couldn't catch it.

So, another pawn!

"Uh!" Scale Yi's corner of the eye saw Li Qing's Feijian killing the man so neatly, and that reminded him of something like that, his spirit was up, and ecstasy flashed in his eyes, shouting: "Quick, Li Qing , Go help scale eight."

Scale 8's opponent is obviously a strong defender.

Therefore, Scale wanted Li Qing to fight the fire!


Li Qing immediately rushed to the scale side.

This time, he didn't even get close, taking advantage of the other party's lack of attention, Feijian passed by and took away a head again.

Double kill!

With the addition of Li Qing, Feijian was invincible, and the people in the special department quickly regained their disadvantages, and there were continuous screams that sounded one after another, all from these foreigners...

"Three kills!"

Li Qing killed another one!

"Four kills!"

In the past half minute, Li Qing grabbed his head again while the other party was not paying attention.

Seeing this, Scale Eight danced with joy and shouted, "Kill, kill these invaders, ha ha ha! With Li Qing, we won!"

"This young man with a sword is the new brother who joined our department, Li Qing?" A middle-aged man, about forty years old, waved the sword in his hand and asked.

"Yes! Is he awesome?!" Scale Ba responded with a big smile.

"Awesome! Really awesome, since the ancient heroes have been young!" The middle-aged man praised seriously and sincerely.

"Originally, I thought that those who newly joined the department, why can they have the a-level evaluation, the s-level potential, and a little bit dissatisfied! Now, I'm old Zhang service!"

"Li Qing? Sure enough, I am ashamed!"

"Hey, people are more dead than popular! It seems that his age is younger than me, but he is stronger than me, work! Both Shengyu and He Shengliang!" a young man about twenty years old sighed.

Hearing their praise, Li Qing was also a little proud in his heart, but he said modestly in his mouth: "Luck, luck, don't be so exaggerated, I will be embarrassed!"

"Hahaha..." Scale said with a big smile: "Brothers, work harder and kill them! I also blame me. I knew Li Qing was so powerful, so I didn't call for reinforcements. Let's kill them before the reinforcements arrive. So as not to be seen jokes by the brothers who have been reinforced!"

"Okay! Kill them all!"

"What's the matter, foreign devils dare to come to our wilderness and kill them!"

"Kill kill!"

With the joining of Li Qing, the morale of the special department has completely returned, and it is even more exciting.

Seeing that it won't work, if you go on like this, I'm afraid they will be wiped out!

A foreigner shouted sternly: "The black will help!"

In the distance, a black man stood up from the auditorium.

He was tall, more than two meters tall, and his figure was a little thin, covered in a large black robe.

Do not!

Apart from the black robe, the clothes inside him are black, even the pupils seem to be black, giving a feeling as if he had just come out of the darkness!


A cold cold light burst into his eyes, and he said softly, then frowned, his eyes seemed to study Li Qinglai.

"This is their leader?"

Li Qing also noticed Quite strangely, Li Qing can't feel any flesh from his body, and I don't know if it's hidden or what.

It stands to reason that the blood of a person, as long as he is a cultivator, can perceive it. From this person, Li Qing felt nothing.


Or is it stronger than I feel?

Li Qing's eyes narrowed and he was alert.

Suddenly, the black man in a black robe stretched out his index finger, pointed at Li Qing, and said in his mouth: "Darkness will never disappear. Even if the sun is too big, there will be a shadow! Shadow attack! "

Li Qing didn't understand what was going on!

The next second, he felt as if he had taken a punch in his chest, and the pain was terrible. Then, as if hit by a car, the whole person flew out ten meters, hitting hard against the wall of the exhibition hall.

"Li Qing!"

As soon as Scale saw this scene, he shouted in shock.

"Li Qing..."

Several people in special departments also exclaimed.

After fighting side by side for a while, they all believed that Li Qing's strength was very strong.

Now, he didn't even touch the enemy, he was beaten and flew directly to the wall, oh my god, how terrifying should this black robe be?

Thinking about this, many people feel that their scalp is numb, and their hearts are stunned.

Not to mention them, Scale 1 felt very stressed.

The other party's method is too weird. They didn't know how the black robe caused Li Qing to be injured, as if he was just pointing at Li Qing with his hand?

In this way, does this black robe refer to anyone, and everyone will die?

A great horror shrouded all the special departments!

Three shifts today, and one shift later!

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