My Super God QQ

Chapter 225: Handsome dead!


In the end, he ate a total of three dishes to barely fill up.

Really, he hadn’t eaten for two years, and he didn’t expect his appetite to be so large. Originally, he had something to say. He finally worried about frightening the waiter girl in front of him.

After eating, Li Qing comfortably touched his belly and asked where there are herbs to sell.

"Pharmacy Street, where there are a lot of pharmacies."

The waiter pointed to a street specializing in Chinese herbal medicine, and Li Qing went there.

Some medicinal herbs are difficult to buy, but it takes a lot of time and energy to buy them. Finally, Li Qing also bought a medicine tripod and firewood by the way, and then returned to the hotel.

As for wooden hammers, copper hammers and the like, Li Qing asked the hotel's waiter to buy them.

If you change to a regular guest, the waiter must not do it! However, Li Qing is a VIP guest after paying a deposit of one million, so he naturally has to help.


Entering QQ Book City, Li Qing began to make medicine!

The refining medicine referred to here is not alchemy, but simply burns the herb into a paste.

After being refined into a black ointment, Li Qing was smeared all over the body with these fragrant herbs, even the face was covered with only facial features.

Someone said, Li Qing is to practice all of his face, is it as thick as the city wall?


When the Wang family fought against those innate strongmen, he found that his face could not bear the flames, and he was always afraid of being burned.

Well, it is really necessary to have a thick skin like the city wall.

The way of fighting, no matter what part of you, as long as it is weaker defense, all may become the shortcomings of the enemy will kill you, so it is also necessary to practice the face together.


In the QQ Bookstore, he was making medicine while hitting himself with a wooden hammer.

After the hammering of the wooden hammer, the medicine was constantly hammered into Li Qing's skin, as if the woman was applying makeup, and was completely absorbed.

Occasionally hungry, he came to the real world to eat, and tired to sleep.

More than 80 kinds of medicinal herbs that were bought were finally refined into ointments.

And he used the wooden hammer to hit him without pain, and replaced it with a copper hammer. The copper hammer did not respond, and then replaced with iron...

In this way, he stayed in the hotel for another two days. In fact, almost two years later, he was all practicing this exercise.

After two days, the waiter looked at him again, as if he had become another person.


Li Qing's skin has changed color after being tempered, from white to brass, no, more like the color of gold. This shows that Li Qing has smelted the Xuanwu Zhenjing, the layer on the outer skin, to perfection.

Now, he uses a pistol... well, the gun directly hits himself, and he can't break his skin.

In addition to his skin, he suffered great pain and perseverance in the past two years, his entire face became firm, masculine, and his eyes deep.

This made him even more handsome out of thin air!


Very handsome!

The facial features on the face are like swords and knives, and there is a sharpness between the eyebrows, full of masculinity.

His skin tended to be pale gold, which made him seem to be carved out of golden jade, like the young **** of war in ancient Greek legend.

At this time, Li Qing was really like a sword out of the box, sharp and powerful.

To say that in the past, Li Qing was in the style of Xiao Xiaosheng, then, now he has become a masculine male god.


The eyes of the two waitresses were almost heart-shaped, and they stared at Li Qing in a frantic manner. Then they could not wait to lie directly in Li Qing's arms and let Li Qing knead them well.


When they secretly looked at themselves, Li Qing was eating delicious food, showing a happy and satisfied smile.

This smile was so happy that they were so happy that they almost didn't make a confession directly.

"Sir, I'm a little curious. Did you apply skincare oil that temporarily changes the color of the skin in the room? This color is just too good for you and makes you look extraordinary..." Finally, a waitress couldn't help it Inquisitive, daringly asked.

"That's right!"

Li Qing said casually.

In fact, he is also a little annoyed by the changes in his skin. After all, in the real world, he changes too fast, fearing that it will cause others to doubt.

But there is no way. According to the records of the Xuanwu Zhenjing exercises, this can only be restored to his original state after taking the pill medicine internally.

Fortunately, is he handsome now?

Li Qing secretly observed their reaction. It seemed that they were still curious and admired their skin. He secretly guessed in his own heart.

Of course, this guess was even more affirmed after Li Qing walked out of the hotel. Because, when he walks on the street, the rate of looking back is almost 99%, and that one percent is invisible to myopia.

Even, he heard some women secretly looking at him and commented.

"This skin is too beautiful, my god, this is not bronze?"

"No, the bronze color is not so beautiful!"

"I used to see the ancient divine book in the church. It seems that there is a record. The skin color of the Western deity is also the same? Yes, it should be this color. In addition to this, I can't think of anything else. It's really handsome!"

"I really want to be hugged by him. If I were hugged, I would be happy to die!"

"You are a little wave hoof, but, you are right, I want to be hugged, otherwise, let's go up and talk?"

Soon, Li Qing received three or four waves of bold girls.

Looking at these beautiful girls exuding youthful vigor and shyly answering themselves, Li Qing had to cope with the past coyly.

"Xuanwu Zhenjing has been trained into a layer, and now he should have the strength, to save the younger sister?"

Li Qing's plan is to go northeast now.

But he hadn't gone to the northeast yet, Murong Fengrou had called and urged him to go to Kyoto.

Listening to her excitement, the suspension technology motorcycle can be completely assembled into a production line, and advertising planning and publicity have been put in place.

Tomorrow in Kyoto, the company they are working with will have a press conference to release suspension technology motorcycles.

"Sister, I'm in Kyoto now, I haven't left yet~" Li Qing said to the phone with a wry smile.

"Oh~ I thought you were a busy man and left again! Well, I have just arrived in Kyoto now. Where are you? I will find you."

Li Qing had to declare her position and wait for her to find herself.

Just find a cafe and sit down...

Li Qing planned again.

Depending on the situation, it seems that he can only stay in Kyoto for an extra day or two before going northeast.

Miss Sister is very important, but it is not in a hurry for these two days, and the suspension technology is coming soon, which is also very important for Li Qing.

Someone asked, what is important?

Of course it is money!

You know, Li Qing now only has more than 30 million left in Cary. Even if he wants to learn another meditation exercise, he needs 100 million. It is really not good if he does not make money.

"If the suspension motorcycle comes out, the money that should be made is enough to learn those cultivation methods at will?" Li Qing took a sip of coffee and figured in his mind: "In addition, the ground repair fluid that can cure the injury needs more practice. Make some preparations and simply use that ambergris flower! I hope the trip to the Northeast will not use too much ground lotion!"

Li Qing is confident that she will save the younger sister, but she is not completely sure. Tonic fluid, as an essential medicine, of course, should be prepared.

Sitting in the cafe, Li Qing thought and looked around.

This is a small and fresh style cafe, where many young girls sit.

They don't know what to worry about, either chatting with each other, or picking up their mobile phones, enjoying a leisurely time.

Looking at this scene, Li Qing felt a lot in his heart.

If he is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he is enjoying the fun of life just like them! Now Li Qing is too busy and too tired to run around.

Thinking about this, Li Qing sighed.

But soon, his eyes were firm again.

Do not!


He is not an ordinary person, this ordinary person's life will not make him happy. Don't look at these people, this time is very happy, but people can enjoy this kind of happiness for a few hours in their life, more is the pressure of life and society, everywhere.

On the contrary, Li Qing is very tired and bitter right now, but he is very fulfilled and full of various good expectations for the future.

This is right!

He does not want to be ordinary, he does not want the pressure from society, he wants to be free, strong enough, no one can pressure him, that way, it is true freedom and happiness.

Since God gave him the QQ system, he will seize this opportunity to pursue a truly free and carefree life.


Be stronger!

Only by being stronger, you don’t have to be afraid of anyone, and you don’t have to be constrained by pressure. That is what Li Qing really wants.

"Large, everyone, good... I, I am in the Blue Whale Cafe, Blue Whale Coffee, but it's a must..."

Suddenly, a slightly stuttering female voice caught Li Qing's attention. It was a girl who was on the mobile phone and was broadcasting live. From time to time, she would shake the camera to Li Qing.

Li Qing has gradually become accustomed to others peeking at him, because he walked along all the way and attracted the attention of many people.

Pulling the wind is quite pulling the wind, but too many people pay attention, Li Qing always has the discomfort of becoming a monkey being watched by people, just like the girl watching now is broadcasting, Li Qing suspects that she is taking this Watching yourself, and let the people in the broadcast room look at yourself.

That's right!

Li Qing didn't see what live streaming platform the girl used to say, but the live barrage on her mobile phone was a lot of talking about Li Qing.

"It's so handsome! Hahaha, our Laner anchor really knows the trick, pretending to show us the decoration of the cafe, and secretly watching the handsome guy."

"Welfare! Wow wow wow, this guy is so handsome, much more handsome than those celebrities..."

"Even if I am a man, I have to admit that he is very handsome, especially the skin. Well, jealousy kills me!"

"All the males on our live streaming platform add up to this handsome guy. You can ask the blue anchor, what is his QQ number, we want to add him, I will give you the most expensive gift!"

As soon as the barrage came out, many people followed suit and asked the anchor to interview Li Qing. As long as they did, they would never be stingy with the gift in their hands.

But the anchor was afraid of it, because every time she peeped at Li Qing, she felt that her deer bumped into her heart, and she was almost killed...

Even talking, she became a little stuttering...

"It's so mad, the anchor is coming soon, I'm giving a present!"

Someone started brushing gifts.

Behind them were a lot of followers who brushed gifts.

There are as many as three thousand RMB gifts, all painted by women.

"You, you... this is forcing prostitutes to prostitute, no, not right, forcing me... to Liangshan!" The female anchor's pretty face is a little bit bitter, and she is still begging her fans for mercy.

"Anchor, go, I support you!"

Another water friend issued a barrage.

Then, the water friend actually threw out ten gifts worth thousands.

"Xiao Xiao, you..."

The anchor froze, looked at the ten walls, and then watched the barrage of countless brushes that made her go, don't counsel, and finally, helpless, she could only brave the courage, a look of imminent sacrifice, careful, slow Slowly approach Li Qing.

"Have you anything?"

Li Qing smiled, and his smile attracted numerous screams and gifts from the barrage.

"You, you, hello, I am...a presenter, the beauty of Panda's live broadcast... food anchor, can I interview one...can you?" She talked more stuttering, her teeth nervous. Fight up and down.

The closer to Li Qing, she felt that her heart was beating fiercely, her blood was coagulating, and an unparalleled masculine atmosphere enveloped her, making her breathing faster.


It's so handsome!

Li Qing's facial features are not the ultimate beauty, but when combined, they are like natural, ghosts and spirits, especially his skin and masculinity, which makes the anchor shocked and suffocated~www.NovelMTL. com~ Actually, Li Qing didn't even know that.

After he practiced the Xuanwu Mantra, he already possessed a supreme and domineering breath of mythical beasts. In particular, Xuanwu was still a kind of energetic beast, which was also extended in Li Qing's body.

Coupled with Li Qing's skin, and the natural gas quality after he became a self-cultivator, all this created his appearance and temperament.

"Of course, I can be interviewed. In addition, you have just caught my attention. Haha, the little stutter can also be the anchor. It's really interesting..." Li Qing teased her, showing bright white teeth and sunshine smiling.

Lan'er, the female anchor, looked at Li Qing's almost perfect sunshine smile, her body stiffened, her breath stopped instantly, and she felt like she had forgotten how to breathe.

At the same time, she gave birth to a ridiculous idea.

The idea is-Is it true that those funny people on the Internet are more handsome than the expressions say? !

This time, I might be killed by the handsome? !

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