My Super God QQ

Chapter 220: 1 against 5

"Do it!"

Between the roars, all five of them used their abilities.

A wind hovered around him, and he could vaguely see that the wind seemed to transform into the shape of a python...

One is fire wrapped in fists, and the other is crossed hands, with a green light flashing. As for the last two, they are all sword bearers.

As long as the strong are innate, most of them can transform their unique ability attributes according to the five elements of their bodies. Even if you can't comprehend it yourself, some cheats are handed down for reference.

And there is no specific attribute, such as the last two, must be metallic.

"The five congenital strong men, this royal family is also quite strong!" Seeing their five siege, Li Qing's legs dragged out afterimages, constantly changing positions.

They cannot be surrounded, otherwise, the five people will attack together, and Li Qing can hardly resist it.

However, again, it is inevitable that the Wang family can have five innate strongmen. After all, Murongjia is only a branch in Kyoto, and there are three innate strongmen.

The Wang family has such strength, and it is worthy of their family position in Kyoto.

"Bound of the wind!"

The windy old man shouted, his hands crossed, and two weathered pythons entangled in Li Qing.

Before the wind arrived, Li Qing felt that the cells on the skin began to feel sticky, and he seemed to be trapped in the wind.

"I have the gallant fire, it's wild and unrestrained, it's unfettered! It's just the wind, what can I do!"

He screamed slightly in the eyes, and slammed his palms hard in front of him.


A deafening explosion sounded.

The two groups of flames collided, as if exploding, suddenly blowing the wind to Shengsheng!

"Boy, when it comes to fire, you can't compare with me! Let me burn to ashes!"

The old man with a fire attribute laughed, waving his fist in his right hand, and hurled at Li Qing.

His whole body was an explosion. Every piece was like lead and iron, with a sense of power. With the fire striking, it actually gave Li Qing a collision like a burning head.

"I have never been afraid of anyone more than fists!"

Li Qing was not afraid, he laughed loudly, raised his eyebrows, as if he were going to the sky like a knife, and at the same time punched him.

The two phases collided, and a large amount of flame exploded in all directions from their contact.

In the eyes of outsiders, there has almost become a place where only flames can exist, and even that fire light illuminates the entire Wang family.

The earth seemed to shake twice!

In the end, the flame wrapped the two of them, changing shapes constantly.


This huge flame seems to be constantly generating firepower, and it seems to never extinguish. It is constantly changing into a shape, and sometimes stretches out a human fist or foot.

Do not!

This is not that the flames are changing, it is clear that the two are fighting directly in the fire!

Li Qing closed his eyes to prevent the flame from rushing into his body. This is still the flame he transformed with his internal force to protect himself. Otherwise, if he is burned by the other party, he will not be afraid of other places, and his sight will be burnt. !

In fact, he did not want to fight in the flames, but the old man of the other party seemed to be entangled, Li Qing wanted to retreat, he would catch up.

After playing for a few seconds, he found that his flame could wrap his body without being burnt. With this magical discovery, he and the other party directly started in a huge flame.

"It's terrible! How can humans withstand such a high temperature? Look, the ground where they are located, the masonry seems to be blackened..." In the distance, the onlookers were scared of the tunnel, and the sweat on the forehead was dripping. Down.

"It's more than bricks and stones, you see the plastic protective railings that are ten meters away from them melt directly..." A middle-aged man looked at the battle with a shocked, frightened look.

"Is this still human?"

"No, after they have surpassed the innate, they can no longer be called humans, otherwise, why should they be called innate, that is, the previous step or the human, the next step is to go to heaven!"

A middle-aged man spoke slowly.

As the pinnacle of the acquired powerhouse, he knew that the innate powerhouse was not easy.

how to say?

He is still an individual with the acquired power, but after being promoted to congenital, they seem to have the ability to communicate with each other and transform into natural power. That is no longer a model for human beings, it is more like a fairy.

"Look, he also entered the most powerful uncle Iron!"

Suddenly, someone called.

I saw on the field that an old man who made the sword danced the sword, and actually danced an airtight and rushed in.

This old man is the strongest congenital strongman of the Wang family!

Innate eight paragraphs!

Even in Kyoto, he is one of the top three. It seems to see that Li Qing is not easy to deal with. He actually gave up his face and wanted to use two to one.

His swordsmanship is really good!

I saw that when he rushed in, there was no slight fire light that could rush into his body within one meter, and just like that, he rushed in and saw Li Qing.

No, he was shocked to find a clan brother beaten by Li Qing.


The old man who had just fought Li Qing had lost Li Qing's hand without knowing it. At this time, he was covering his chest with one hand, and looked at Li Qing with hell.

On the contrary, Li Qing sneered.

Of course, the old man who made the sword couldn't see their faces wrapped in flames. He only saw that his family brother seemed to be falling down, beaten by Li Qing.

"Junior, dare!"

Seeing that Li Qing jumped high, his fist was like a hammer about to hit his clan brother. While he was glad that he had come in early, he slashed towards Li Qing's arm with a sword swing.

It's not a sword, he used Jianqi, because he came in late.

Seeing that Jian Qi was about to slash his own arm, Li Qing seemed to be a little late to retract, because he did not expect that someone would dare to rush into the flames! This is not true, the other party obviously has no innate power of fire.


He shouted and made a decision instantly, that is, fighting the danger of being cut with a sword, a punch finally hit the old man's head.


Although the old man temporarily blocked his head with both hands, Li Qing's offensive from the top down was significantly larger. The punch went down, not only pressing down his hand, but also hammering him on his head.

Suddenly, as if the old man was hit hard, he sat directly on the ground.

But Li Qing was cut with a sword, leaving a deep bone wound in his arm, and blood was spurting out like no money.

The flame of the old man disappeared!

Li Qing hit this blow, but also backed away!

In the end, everyone saw the old man who possessed the flame property, and he sat down on the ground and lay down softly. It seemed that even if he did not die, he was not far from death.

"You dare to hurt my younger brother, ah!" An old man saw this, roaring with rage.

"Boy, you are dead!"


The other three also changed their faces, and they were all unbelievable and frightened.

You know, they fell into the flames in less than a minute! Depending on the strength of their younger brother, how could they not believe it!

In fact, what they did not know was that Li Qing was simply the nemesis of close combat, because he not only possessed a strong physical defense, but also possessed thorns and tendons, and the old man was going to hit Li Qing with his fists.

So, he was defeated and fell to the ground without knowing his life or death.

"What a powerful physical defense..."

After slashing Li Qing's sword, he didn't sever his arm. The old man with the surname Tie flashed in his eyes, wondering, and couldn't help but take a breath.

You know, his sword spirit can usually cut off even steel.

He was a bit skeptical, was he dreaming?

"Give me away, let me save him!"

The owner of the Wang family saw the two old men rushing past him. He pushed them away and crouched beside the old man. His hands glowed with green light and pressed against him.

I saw that the green light was flowing like water on the old man's body, as if he was treating his injuries. There was a faint scent of grass and trees scented away and secreted.

"It turns out that the property of this owner is woody!" Li Qing thought secretly.

At the same time, he took out a bottle of ground lotion ~ ~ and poured it directly on his cut wound.

At this time, Li Qing's image was also very bad. Many places on his body were burned by fire. In fact, he was only hit by the old man.

However, this is not a big injury to him.

Man, what is this injury?

"Jianguang, come!"

The old man who made the sword flashed in the eyes of unbelief, only to see him pointing to the sky, as if he was calling something, and then pointed with his index finger on the tip of the sword, and scratched the handle of the sword.

The next second, a magical thing happened, his sword was so bright...

Then, the sword seems to be bigger!

No, it's not right. It's not that the sword has grown bigger, but that he has turned the sword energy into substance, extending the length of the sword to two meters!

"Wipe it, this... this, could this old man become a magician?!" Li Qing's eyes were rounded and his heart exclaimed.

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