My Super God QQ

Chapter 197: It turned out to be "Kendo"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtraling now we can’t be able to see the leather seats and the instrument panel. It’s comfortable to sit in a good car. Even if the air smells there is a special fragrance, praise!) Touch here, look there, enviously.

To this end, he opened the window specifically, watching passers-by passing by, looking at himself with jealous eyes.

The feeling of beauty is no different from the sky.

"Fragrance? Haha, obviously the taste of leather is good~" Li Qing laughed and scolded: "I thought you were a dog with a pretty nose. What kind of perfume do you spray on girls? You can tell what brand you are at once. Now, I seriously doubt it. You used to brag..."

"Hey, hello, how can a big boss now understand the psychology of our little hanging wire! This is the smell of money! Gee..." Wang Lin looked like you didn't taste, you don't understand the look.

"Does money have a scent?" Xiaoguo Guo asked milkily, and her lovely big eyes stared at the thief. "Guoguo smelled like it smells so bad~"

When she saw that she was serious and believed, Wang Lin was stunned and laughed.

Li Qing shook his head and ignored Wang Lin, letting him stretch his head out of the window to pretend to compare.


Jianjiang City, Qianda Plaza, third floor...

Here is the largest toy store in the city.

Wang Lin took Xiao Guoguo to buy her favorite toys, while Li Qing picked up the wooden sword.

Just buy one at random, Li Qing can't always go to some craft shops to buy some peach wood for a sword!

Finally, he chose a light sword and carried it with him, waiting for the checkout.

"Uncle, these toys are expensive, don't want Guoguo~"

Xiao Guoguo was only four years old, but he was extremely sensible and distressed. Although she looked at the dolls, Pikachu and the like, she liked it very much, but she just endured this kind of love, and she refused.

You know, in orphanages, they don’t have any toys to play with, and some of them play with children who are adopted and hung on other people’s accounts. Children like them, who are left unattended, will at most take branches on the ground to play with little ants, and just circle around.

She likes toys very much, and envy others for having dolls in her arms, but she has sensiblely rejected Wang Lin's words for her.

"Hey, it's really good! No, today, your uncle must buy it for you. Let's buy whichever you like, don't worry that your uncle has no money!" Wang Lin waved his hand.

In the past, when he came to Qianda Plaza, he dared not say this. The most expensive glass of water to buy is to go shopping. But now, he has hundreds of thousands of live broadcast earned in his bank card, buy these toys, not bad money!

"It's okay, Guoguo, your uncle wants to buy you gifts and toys. That's a performance that hurts you." Li Qing didn't know when he came to them and felt the pity when he touched Xiaoguo's hair.

This kid didn't know how hard it was before, and he only knew how to be frugal when he was only four years old.

"Oh~" Xiao Guoguo nodded, but he still didn't dare to say what toys he wanted.

Wang Lin took note of the toys she had been looking at and selected several dolls for her. Xiao Guoguo still kept shouting too much, no need.

On the first floor of the mall, Li Qing bought another car-mounted child safety chair before leaving the mall.


"Yo, what kind of wind is blowing my younger brother, rare guest!"

In Jie Wang’s hardware store, Jie Yu was lying inside the counter, closing her eyes and raising her mind. Hearing that someone walked in, she sat up and showed a charming smile.

"Sister, don't bury me. What a sparse customer, I'm not busy in Jianjiang City for a while~" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

Wang Lin is stunned.

He looked at Jie Yu, only to feel that the blood in his body was boiling.

Cheongsam, a character cheongsam that is half-to-thigh to the root of the thigh. The uneven curves are exaggerated to the extreme. It is definitely a standard s-shaped figure, especially the face and the eyes.

He felt that his soul was taken away with Jie Yu's smile, and there was a dazed look in the eyes of outsiders.

"Is this your friend? Is this child?"

Jie Yu asked curiously when he saw Wang Lin with Xiao Guoguo in the back.

"This is my brother. I adopted this child from an orphanage... Guoguo, call her aunt!" Li Qing smiled slightly and let Xiaoguo call him.


Xiaoguo shouted timidly.

"Yeah, it's okay for this kid not to take a closer look. It's really cute when I take a closer look! Just look at these eyes, as if they can talk... Come, be good, my aunt hugs!" Guoguo also loved her, and she would hug her when she reached out.

"Xiaoguo Guo is good, it's okay~" Li Qing saw Xiaoguo peeking at him secretly.

Xiao Guoguo gave Jie Yu the past.

Jie Yu looked closely at Xiao Guoguo, and the more he looked, the more he liked it, just like a child saw a favorite toy fake.

"This child's eyes are so spiritual... how to say, it makes people look comfortable, it seems that they have to immerse the soul in her eyes, and there is still a natural breath in her body, this Child..." Suddenly, Jie Yu was surprised.

Natural breath?

Li Qing didn't notice it.

But Jie Yu talked about the natural breath, and seemed to think of something, and carefully looked at Xiao Guoguo, and a different color flashed in his eyes before saying to Li Qing: "Brother, where did you get it back? This Xiao Guoguo is very good, or else , Let my sister raise it?"

Xiao Guoguo's eyes suddenly appeared frightened, and his small body shivered, and he was about to break free from the jade of the world.

Li Qing quickly came over and comforted Xiaoguo Guo said in his mouth: "Are you afraid, your aunt is joking with you~"

Jie Yu did not expect that Xiao Guoguo would suddenly be so emotionally intense, stunned there.

"Sister, you don't know, this kid seems to have been trafficked before, and then something bad must have happened to"

"It was sister nonsense, but I found that Xiao Guoguo seems to have a very special talent, and I can't say what kind of talent, but I can see that her future is definitely not a mortal. Just like my watch Brother Lu Jiandao, um, they are very special children..."

Li Qing heard this, and she couldn't help feeling trembling.

Could it be that her sister also noticed her difference, it was impossible, but she only knew about her unusualness by relying on the qq system. How could the elder sister hug it and find out that it should be impossible.

"Oh, sister, you're kidding, Xiaoguo is cute. What's the difference? By the way, Lu Jiandao? He doesn't seem to be at home. When I went back, I didn't find anyone in your house." Li Qingcha started the topic Road.

"He, busy!" Jie Yu answered a little strangely.

Let Li Qing think about what a little boy can do.

"Oh, this is the case, everyone is busy~" Li Qing smiled casually.

"Yeah! You are so busy. The business that has such a good suspension technology is so busy~" She gave Li Qing a white glance.

"Sister, are you blaming me for not doing this business for Jie Shi?" Li Qing smiled bitterly.

"Oh~ I'm just kidding you, my sister and I really don't lose the money. After knowing that, Jie An and his son let me beat me. It's not blaming you, my sister is a wise man... …"Jade Yu disdained the authentic.

"Ah, you beat them up?"

"Well, if I'm not afraid of the old man's distress, I can break their legs! The guy with a rib all in the eyes of money!" Jie Yu said uncomfortably.


Li Qing can only accompany laugh.

"By the way, you are not going to the Three Treasures Hall, come to your sister for something, won't you let your sister sell you black goods again? Right, your kid is rich now, not bad for those black goods money."

Listening to what he said, Li Qing remembered the days when he first started selling his mobile phone and gold necklace.

As if yesterday!

"Sister, I just came to ask if you sell that kind of iron sword."

"Sword?" Jie Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Qing: "Do you want to practice sword art?"


Wang Lin was surprised on one side, for things like swords ~ ~ modern people really have a good contact. After all, whoever took the sword on the street now, even in the Gudouza movie, also took the machete.

"How does sister know?" Li Qing scratched his head embarrassedly: "It's just that I have been bored recently and want to play with a sword, making two gestures and pretending to be pretending."

"Oh, I believe you only have ghosts~" Jie Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "You want a sword, I have several at home, all of them are my cousins. Let him give you one, my brother. Naturally, nothing can be used."

"Lu Jiandao?"

Li Qing suddenly thought of something, but he just thought it was impossible.


The name reminded me of the swordsmanship pursued by the warriors in the ancient martial arts novels.

No, he is pursuing kendo himself.

So, is Lu Jiandao with this name really good at swords, and maybe even a master of kendo?

impossible! How old is it?

"Well, since you are also a trainer, I will simply tell you that my cousin is a master of swordsmanship, kendo is just his name, and he doesn’t know any kendo. If you don’t understand anything about swords, You can inquire about him. He is born to play swords, and he is more slippery than me." Speaking of Lu Jiandao, a trace of pride flashed in Jie Yu's eyes.


Lv Jiandao's sword is the main reason why she lives in Jianjiang City. If it weren't for Lv Jiandao, she might not have been in this city.

"Sister, when will you close the store and go home?"

"It doesn't really matter whether the shop is open or not, just pass the time. Since you want a sword, let's go home now and let you open your eyes to see the sword room comparable to the famous sword collection museum!" Jie Yu A confident smile smiled.

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