My Super God QQ

Chapter 180: Fierce battle

Akun is really tired, and his tongue keeps spitting out, just like a dog.

He felt that if he continued to run like this, he would really suffocate and die, so he dared to wipe off the sweat on his forehead and said, "Master, can we take a break? I think that if we go on like this, we have not caught up with others. You will be exhausted first!"

"Oh, I am afraid that the other party is thinking the same as you! But he did not expect that we have so many people, even if we are tired, it is more than enough to deal with him!" The middle-aged man has a good face.

"Then Master, are we really going to take a break? We have been running so hard for so long that Tuer really can't stand it."

"I know you're getting started late, and it's actually not much use to bring you, then you can rest for a while and wait for it to catch up!" After that, he didn't wait for the apprentice to answer, he still chased up with passion.

He saw clearly that Hai Dongqing in the sky seemed to move much slower, and the other party must be tired. This is just right, taking advantage of this stall, they rushed to catch up, and surely could catch him.

The more you think, the more excited you are, and the others are tired, but he is more and more motivated!

After another half an hour...

Running with all his strength, even a middle-aged person felt that his body was a bit weak, which made him wonder why the other party would run that way.

"No way, I have to chase, chase it!" He swallowed hard, moistened his dry throat, and continued to take steps.


Relying on QQ search, Li Qing found Murong's gentle location.

There are also three female guardians with names beside her.

Because of the dense crowds here, Li Qing walked almost a few steps, so he had to hide his appearance.

Slowness is a bit slower, but the victory is safe.


Of course, Wen Qing is for Li Qing, and I don't know which corner can see here. Li Qing was finally discovered.

The three middle-aged men in black jerseys rushed towards Li Qing from the roofs of the three houses.


It was because they found Li Qing hidden on the roof. Li Qing had to blame him for his inexperience. He thought that those people were staying in the house. Be careful and pass through.

Who knows, they are in a whistle on the roof!

"It's mean!"

Seeing the three of them jump off the roof and roar, Li Qing knew that something was wrong and hurried away.

When he ran, he had two thoughts in his heart.

The first thought was to run in the direction of Murong gently. Originally, Li Qing wanted to see her.

But it was just such an idea that he immediately rejected, because if that were the case, he would have conflicts with others and it would definitely make it difficult for the young lady.

The second thought is to run. When the night is quiet, go in again.

I am afraid that there is only a second idea to choose. Li Qing made a decision and turned to escape.

"Hugh wants to escape!"

A middle-aged man was closest to him, and the speed was really fast enough. The whole person jumped high and his hands spread like an eagle.

"What a special!"

Feeling the strong man's breath exuded from him, it was a gas field that was violently carried out to the extreme. Li Qing didn't dare to turn his head around and blasted him with a punch.

Li Qing didn't dare to ask.

In this punch, he used all the internal force!

The ingenious master's full punch made Li Qing's punch extremely fast, with a terrifying power and sound.


But the other party's support was too big, Li Qing was hit by a punch, and the whole person flew away with a grunt.

"No, this kid is a master!"

"Youngest, are you okay!"

At this initial contact, the middle-aged man suffered a loss. The other two middle-aged men no longer dared to underestimate Li Qing. One pulled out the sword in one hand and the other took out the knife.

Jianguang waved into a curtain of light, and with that sharp sword qi, he spurred Li Qing.

Before the sword arrived, there was a terrifying wind, and the face stabbed with pain.

The sword is also with the unprecedented power, giving people a sense of horror that Mount Tai is about to crush.

"Wipe, these two guys are a bit stronger..."

Li Qing was on the spot and could not fight hard. He took out the silver chain and swept forward, preventing them from daring to get close, and turned and ran again.

Of course, the young and middle-aged people here can't say that Li Qing is afraid. After this punch, Li Qing's confidence in defeating the other three must be certain. Instead, the other party has issued a warning sound, and by then, Li Qing can only be surrounded by trapped beasts.

There are so many people around here, if there are more of these people, I am afraid that I will be exhausted!

Stay is not a hero, but a silly!

"Don't run him!"

"Come here!"

Middle-aged people shouted.

At the moment, running sounds and calling sounds are heard from many directions, forcing Li Qing to come.

"Can't run like this anymore. The terrain here is unfamiliar. I'm afraid if I get caught!" Seeing that they were getting closer and closer, Li Qing thought that he couldn't run on the ground. Leap on the roof.

In the past, Li Qing had never tried such a running method, high and high.

This run was a bit unfamiliar at first, and almost fell, but after a few more strokes, he became proficient.

From a distance, Li Qing saw a forest, and Li Qing's goal was set there temporarily.

Not to mention, running on the roof, many people can't catch up, Li Qing really ran out of everyone's encirclement.

Seeing that Li Qing was about to enter the forest, suddenly, abruptly!

Lin Zizhong actually drilled a white-haired old man.

"Where is the mouse, stay here!" The white-haired old man's face was a little thin, and he was not angry. He actually stretched out a palm and patted Li Qing.

The palm just stretched out flatly, and it turned into a transparent palm shaped like a wind, photographed from afar towards Li Qing.

"Innate powerhouse!"

Li Qing's eyes narrowed and he immediately recognized the strength of the other party.


Today, all the middle-aged people he meets should be acquired powerhouses, most of which are acquired peaks, and the one in front of him has attributes at once, so Li Qing immediately recognizes that the other party is also an innate powerhouse.

The palm shape turned out, and it seemed that a hurricane was set off on the ground, and a terrifying power came into being, photographing Li Qing.


Too fast, Li Qing had no place to hide at all, he roared and could only fight with the same palm.

"Chiyan Palm!"

Li Qing's palm turned into a red flame.

When the fire collided with the fire, it seemed that it was a natural disaster, and there seemed to be a strong wind blowing down the candle wax, causing the house to burn, and a huge explosion mixed with the wind and fire suddenly rushed.

"Innate! Impossible!"

The old man saw that there was flame in Li Qing's palm, his eyes suddenly turned round.

In his eyes, how old is Li Qing, that is, a child, this child is already a congenital strongman, this is really incredible!

I think he is sitting in a high position in the family, and all kinds of resources are inclined. Then he was only 60 years old before he reached the innate!


Extremely fearful!

He looked at Li Qing as if he had seen a ghost.

At the same time, he also thought about whether there were any people behind Li Qing or his family could afford?

So, he took another shot, and he was afraid to kill Li Qing directly.

"Lingfeng Giant Palm!"

His hand changed from palm to claw, and the wind automatically formed claws and grabbed Li Qing.

The future of the wind is under pressure!

As if everything in heaven and earth were used for it, Li Qing felt that there was a strong wind rushing around him in a second, constantly restraining his body's actions and suppressing him in place.

Very windy!

Just like ordinary people encountering a twelfth-level typhoon in the That totally makes people unable to move freely!

This is a bit powerful!

Li Qing had not thought that the other party actually had such a trick.

Encountered a hard stubble!

But Li Qing was not afraid, but was trembling all over.

Not afraid, but inexplicable excitement rushed out of the body, only to feel the blood boiling, burning in the flames.


If you want to fight, then fight!

He kept waving his hands, breaking up the wind that bound him, and the wind burst into flames, enveloping him like a fireman.

Afterwards, he tried to roll all these fires and bombard them!

The whole sky's fire light rushed up, and the manor that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years was illuminated with blood red!

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