96. Worrying

Shira Acacia greeted a pleasant morning.

The sun was shining and the wind was refreshing.

When I thought about the start of school tomorrow, it was an impossible feeling to be reminded of.

“Heh heh heh.”

Shira arrived at the academy while singing a hum, immediately unpacking her luggage in my dormitory and leaving to find Ian.

The bird escapes the cage and finds its own fiancée.

It was only about a month ago.

‘What did Ian want to do?’

In front of Shira, who was looking for Ian, Stella and her party appeared.

Shira looked at Stella’s face and spit out a curse inside.

She doesn’t like Stella very much. Because he is an opponent who has no choice but to have a sense of competence in various ways, whether in appearance, family, or ability.

At the same time, he couldn’t show his weakness to an opponent who was different enough to be qualified. Shira smiled softly and asked them.

“What’s up?”

“Do you know Ian’s birthday?”

Stella asked Ian’s birthday first. Shira closed her eyes for a moment and remembered when Ian’s birthday was.

didn’t come up

“Of course you know.”

But her mouth naturally put lies in her mouth. What’s next for this question? Even if I didn’t think about it, I knew it.


“Um- when was it… .”

She let out a sigh, pretending to think for a moment. Then he looked at the three people’s complexions. Dinoir and Noah caught my eye, feeling insecure and relieved that she knew.


The Acacia family was created to deal with humans, and thus the successor of the family, Shira, had a knack for dealing with humans.

Analyzing from a psychological point of view, the three do not know Ian’s birthday. He thought that was a bad thing, so he came to ask about his birthday.

“I can’t remember.”

Saying that, Shira, who smiled broadly, pondered what to say to shake them up. Shortly thereafter, an actual, misunderstood ending, which can shake them, is completed.

“Next time we sleep together, I’ll ask you again.”

Leaving those words behind, Shira immediately left her seat.

The three men’s stinging eyes were fixed on her.

Today is a really good day.

* * *

“Oh, Ian!”

“… Ayre-senpai.”

Ian, who was wandering around the campus without thinking to clear his head, ran into Ayre.

Like the daughter of the 4th Duke representing the Empire, she always carried her followers with her.

Seeing the blonde, roll-haired cadet standing behind her and glaring at him, Ian realized that her face was very familiar.

‘He… .’

It was an unknown cadet who was eliminated by him in the survival test and ranking match.

She stared at Ian passionately to see if she still had in her heart what happened to Ian.

“What are you doing here?”

While Ian was having a snowball fight with her, the innocent Aire approached Ian with her head sticking out.

Ian gently lowered his eyes, looked her in the eye, and replied that he was not doing anything to her.

“Ahahaha! you also?”

“You too, senior?”

“yes! It’s okay to walk without thinking like this sometimes, isn’t it?”

empty your mind and walk

Walk to clear your mind

Their goals were different, but their actions were the same.

“It’s good.”

“The academy has a walking spot that only I know of, would you like to go with me?”

“… together?”

At her words, the followers standing behind Ayre looked at Ian with hot eyes.

If you accept, the gaze that will somehow make your life difficult. I’m not even a teenager, and the days when I was afraid of those eyes are long gone.

“Let’s go.”

“yes! let’s go!”

Ayre took Ian and headed to the spot only she knew. The disgruntled followers behind her mumbled something, but Ian couldn’t hear it.

As if the purpose was to walk without thinking, Aire hummed as if she had forgotten that Ian was by her side and walked to her destination.

After walking for such a long time, a large lake appeared, which makes you wonder if there is such a place inside the academy.

Ian was confident that there was no unknown place inside the academy, but it was a superb view he had never seen before.

“What do you think? Isn’t it beautiful?”

Aire said that and burst out laughing. When I first saw him, I thought he was a selfish person, but seeing these actions now, he was truly an altruistic person.

It’s beneficial to be part of your own faction, so coming under you can open up a wider dream.

Perhaps it was because of that thought that she tried to recruit Ian under me.

“Good air, good water.”

“Would you like to soak your feet?”

“… Is that okay?”

“Isn’t it written that no?”

Aire, not bound by public opinion or common sense, immediately took off her shoes and socks and ran to the river to soak her feet.

Her followers quickly picked up her socks and shoes, then whispered, looking at Ian, who had not yet left.

“I’m going to kill you.”

“Where are you going to put your dirty feet in the same water as the lady… .”

“Are you going to soak it?”

After listening to the women who cursed her, Ian burst out laughing and quickly took off her socks and shoes.

Amidst the astonishment of the followers, Ian approached the lake barefoot, stepping on the grass, and sat down next to Ayre and put his feet into the lake.

As Ian shuddered at the temperature so cold that his feet froze, Aire smiled and rolled his feet and splashed water on Ian.

“What are you doing?”

“Hey hahaha! why? You do it too!”

Saying that, Aire continued to roll her feet, but Ian, who had given him water several times, could not stand the constant flow of water and rolled her feet in the same way and splashed water on Ayre.

“Hey! you-!”

Ayre, who was hit by the water, changed her posture and kicked her towards Ian, and when Ian gave her the same revenge, she summoned my summoned beast to shoot at the water.

In the end, this match was a defeat for Ian. Ayre was unreasonably strong in the cold like an aristocrat who lived in the northern region, and Ian, who was from the warm central region, couldn’t do that.

“Whoa, whoa… .”


When your whole body is wet with water and your body is trembling. Aire smiled and looked at Ian.

“Is the problem resolved?”

“… Yes?”

“I used to cry a long time ago – but not now.”

With those words, Ian stopped shaking and looked at Ayre. Her wet blue hair clung to her skin and shimmered alluringly.

Where does that stupid figure usually go, seeing all the secrets of the world like a witch or a sage—Ian swallowed his saliva without realizing it.

“I don’t know what kind of worries you have.”

Because she’s not a god- Aire muttered that and placed her hand on Ian’s.

Even though she was soaked in the cold lake water, Aire’s hand, which was still warm, was passing my warmth to Ian.

“But, do you know this one thing?”

With her body wet and deprived of her body temperature, she was foolish enough to hand over her warmth to others, but she knew one thing.

The fact that Ian Clark’s worries are not very serious.

“No matter what you worry about, it’s small compared to the goal you’re going to achieve.”

Wasn’t he the man who wanted to catch the Demon King? To achieve the same achievements as a hero… .

It’s a concern that such a man has – I don’t know what it is, but it was highly likely that it wasn’t that important.

I didn’t even think that there was something wrong with catching the Demon King. Ian Clark, the man she saw, was confident that he could catch the Demon King no matter what.

If so, the worries he had were only small and useless worries.

That was Ayre’s idea.

Hearing her words, Ian snorted slightly and opened her mouth to her.

“I didn’t worry about anything like that.”

“yes? okay? Am I wrong?”

“Just, just a little lament.”

It was close to the anxiety felt by a phenomenon different from the game – that only your own pets did not level up while all other people’s pets were leveling up.

The reason I said that Ian is the Demon King and that he can defeat everything is based on the game system to the last, and if that game system becomes false information, Ian’s confidence was only a tower of thought.

“However, it is a little comforting.”

“Well then! Oh, would you like some cookies?”

“Did you bring it?”

“yes! Guys!”

Saying so, Ayre rose from the lake and waved at the followers who had followed her.

They were waiting in the distance with their shoes and socks, and they quickly ran to them with a basket of refreshments.

The followers who approached were astonished to see Ayre soaked like a wet mouse.

“Stand, stand, senpai… !”


“It’s been like that all along… ?”


“Hey, you pervert bastard!”

One of his followers kicked Ian, who was sitting still in the lake, and threw it into the lake.

After sitting down, Ian fell into the lake, drank some water, and then managed to get up by holding onto the bottom.

“Fuha-! … what?”

While soaking in the lake, Ian tilted his head as he watched the followers wrapped around Ayre’s body in towels.

The cadet, who had blonde roll hair, looked at Ian with only his hair sticking out and was furious.

“Don’t look this way!”

“No, what… ?”

“This perverted child soaking his senior in water and looking at his underwear… .”

At her words, Ian realized only then that Aire’s clothes were pure white school uniforms.

By the way, when white clothes get wet, the inside is transparent.

‘Oh, then it’s not the hair… .’

Ian remembered the blue clothes that he had seen sneakily. I thought it was the same hair color as her hair that went inside… … .

“Whew… Come out now.”

“No, just a little more.”

“… … ?”

After that, Ian could not come out of the lake. for a very long time.

* * *

Academy opening day.

All the cadets gathered in the auditorium.

After seeing each other for the first time in about a month, the cadets visited close friends, greeted each other, and chatted.

Even the instructors thought it would be like today and passed on. If it wasn’t already the second semester, all the standards to be captured were already in place.

—Ah, focus.

Even the students who had been making so much noise quietly shut their mouths at the words of the principal. Realizing that the children had become quiet, the principal opened his mouth only then.

─How was your vacation?

The cadets were silent. The good vacation is over, but the main reason is that there is no one to give an energetic answer.

The principal, who heard the children’s silence, thought it might be the case and continued the event.

—During vacation, something like a sergeant occurred.

Then some children listened. From the academy’s point of view, there aren’t many things that can be called a sergeant.

The children’s interest arose as to what was so rare.

—Ian Clark, Noah Melie. above the podium.

“… Noah?”

“Isn’t he a commoner?”

“Why all of a sudden… .”

The two men who were called went up to the podium. Their chests were engraved with the emblem of their own family.

The principal opened his mouth again while the cadets were furious at the fact that commoners and barons had put sentences that even the daughter of the duke would do not arbitrarily use.

—During vacation, the fact that they had contributed to humanity was revealed, and they were awarded the title directly from His Majesty the Emperor.

Again silence flows between the cadets. But this was a different silence than before.

Before the bewildered silence ended, the principal explained again.

—Marquis Ian Clark and Count Noah Mellier.

In the next moment, screams mixed with astonishment filled the auditorium.

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