My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1218: Eat right, you can be healthy for a nation!

So the reason why people gain weight is not that you eat a lot of meat and fat, but that you eat a lot of rice and noodles!

Two years ago, the BBC conducted a survey of healthy eating habits in the world.

Although Xiao Feng has a bad impression of the BBC company, because they often report some negative news about us.

But they are still quite professional in certain fields, such as field shows, and some popular science programs.

For example, they did a survey of healthy eating habits in the world, Xiao Feng felt that it was very objective.

If you let Chinese people watch such a program, you will definitely feel uncomfortable with some leverage.

Because of this show, H country food, which has always been considered the number one food in the world, was ranked 18th!

What do you mean? Our food is so unhealthy?

Even if the cooking methods of some of our foods are indeed high in oil and salt and unhealthy, it will not even make the top ten list, right?

But if you watch other people's movies, you will be speechless.

Because people rank you in this position, it's not because you have eaten too much oil and salt.

It's because we ate too much rice and white noodles!

It is precisely because we are accustomed to taking this kind of high starch content food as the staple food, this has led to the unhealthy diet.

Because this kind of high starch food is eaten too much, there is only one end in the end, and that is obesity and diabetes.

In this regard, we can look at the obesity rate and diabetes rate of the current population in our country.

Indeed, our country has now become the country with the highest prevalence of diabetes in the world.

On the other hand, our neighbors, the Southern Kingdom and Japan, are ranked ninth and fifth.

Someone might say that they are also based on rice and noodles as their staple food, so why do they rank higher than Country H?

The first is the low-fat cooking method. There is no stir-fry in Southern Dynasties and Japan.

Moreover, both of them ate more white meat, such as sea fish and chicken, than people from country H.

In addition, the kimchi that everyone laughs every day is actually a very healthy food.

Because it is a fermented product, it contains very rich B vitamins.

And this is the result of the decline in the rankings of Southern Dynasties and Japan. If they were ranked higher in the past, Japan could even rank in the top three before.

The reason why their rankings have dropped is entirely because young people in their two countries have begun to like food from the United States.

Such as fried chicken, potato chips, fat boy happy water...

And during that time, the BBC also conducted another scientific research survey.

It is to let the twin brothers, one specializes in sugar and the other specializes in fat.

Then follow up the two to see who will grow fatter after a period of time.

But when the time was up, the scientists discovered that neither of the brothers gained weight, and even lost a bit.

In this way, scientists discovered that the common sense that we thought that eating sugar or eating fat would make people gain weight was wrong.

So what is it that makes people fatter!

Finally, the scientists discovered that it was a mixture of sugar and oil.

For example, the milk tea you drink the most, the various cream cakes that girls like, and so on.

And if you want to eat right, eat healthy, and lose weight when you are full.

So what you have to do is to ensure enough vegetables every day, the right amount of high-quality protein and the right amount of grain products.

And what Xiao Feng wants to do is high-quality protein.

At a young age, he wants to make healthier food for the people of the country.

On a larger scale, what he has to do is to change the eating habits of the Chinese people and make them eat healthier.

In recent years, the domestic obesity rate has begun to soar.

If someone tells you that our country’s obesity rate has risen to the top ten in the world, would you dare to believe it?

In fact, it is true!

And this is all related to our unhealthy eating habits.

The funny thing is that there are a group of people in China who cannot face the reality. Instead, they are still emphasizing that the physical fitness of our citizens is the strongest in East Asia.

Stronger than the Southern Dynasties, stronger than Japan, I really don’t know who gave them the courage, so I closed my eyes and talked nonsense there.

It is indeed a good thing to have national pride, but you must also respect the objective reality, and you must not digress from reality.

If you say that and do that, not only will it not win honor to the nation, but it will discredit our nation.

To be honest, although our country's living standards have greatly improved in recent years and the people's quality of life has improved, the physical quality of our people has dropped significantly compared to before.

In this way, someone might say.

Are you nonsense?

Our parents couldn't even eat rice and white noodles before, so why are we now full and able to eat, but our physical fitness is not as good as theirs?

It is true that we are full now, and the children are taller than their parents.

But look, do those kids have muscles?

All of them are either thin bamboo poles or fat like water tanks. How can they compare with our parents back then?

Even though our parents grew up eating rice and noodles back then, because of difficult conditions, when they grew up, they mostly ate coarse grains.

Although coarse grains are not tasty, they are indeed healthier than refined rice noodles.

And our parents, although calcium and protein supplementation are insufficient, but their physical fitness is just as good because they often do farm work or heavy physical labor.

If you don’t believe me, look at adults in their 50s, as long as they grew up in the city, but as long as they have experienced those hard years, their physical fitness is generally just right.

But look at the young people nowadays, almost all of them are chicken coop heads and myopia, either as thin as a chicken or as fat as a pig.

It can be said that although he is taller than his predecessors, his physical fitness is really far behind.

And our neighboring countries, to be honest, in terms of the overall physical fitness of the people, it is not even a little bit better than ours.

In terms of height, the Southern Dynasty is actually the tallest country in Asia, do you dare to think?

The average height of young Japanese has long surpassed us.

Many masters may say that this is impossible.

The young children around me are all very tall, over 1.8 meters tall.

Xiao Feng just wanted to persuade them to open their eyes and tell the truth. Is that exaggeration?

And those who are tall are all children in the city, and some children in areas with traditional height advantages are indeed tall.

But what about the children in the countryside, the children in remote areas? Are they counted by you?

In fact, it is very simple to want the physical fitness of the children to improve.

That is to give the children enough time for physical exercise and let the children exercise more. This physical fitness will naturally come up.

But because of our country's special education system, this is simply impossible to achieve.

So if you can’t give the kids more time for physical exercise, you have to start with letting the kids eat healthier.

So what Xiao Feng needs to do is to change the eating habits of Chinese people, especially children.

Only if the children are healthy, then the nation will be healthy.

Eating right and eating well can make a nation healthy!

This sentence is definitely not an exaggeration. Japan around us is an example.

Think about it, at the end of World War II, the average height of their citizens was less than 1.60 meters.

But now? The average height of young people has already surpassed us.

And it has greatly changed their international image.

And what about us?

To put it bluntly, now when I go abroad, when people think of people from H country, the first thing they think of is myopia.

Nowadays, almost 100% of young people in China wear glasses.

This is our national image!

And if the people are allowed to maintain such unhealthy eating habits, it will only ruin our nation.

Since there is no guarantee that the children will have enough exercise, it is necessary to avoid the children's intake of too much food with high GI value.

Let the children eat less rice and noodles, then let the children eat more meat.

Because eating more meat will increase satiety.

And more protein intake can ensure the body's muscle content.

The high muscle content guarantees a sufficiently high basal metabolic value for the human body, strong basal metabolic capacity, and talents are not easy to gain weight.

In our country in ancient times, meat was the main food.

But later, because the breeding industry did not develop, coupled with the **** Confucianists teach people to farm land every day.

And they teach people to farm land, on the one hand, to stabilize food production, and on the other hand, is it not for binding people to the land?

Let you work every day, lest you have time to think about it...

Only then has it become the habit of our nation to eat rice and noodles as the main food.

And if you want people to get rid of such eating habits, then you have to provide people with enough protein.

But in our country, there is no United States, Canada, and Russia as much land for grazing and breeding.

Therefore, the main source of protein is pork.

Compared with beef and chicken, pork cannot be regarded as a source of high-quality protein.

What is high-quality protein is that meat with high protein content, high amino acid content, and low fat content can be regarded as a supplementary source of high-quality protein.

In Xiao Feng's view, turkey is an advantageous source of protein supplement that is very suitable for promotion across the country.

The turkey jerky before was just a stepping stone for him to ask for directions.

At the same time, he also prepared several successors.

The turkey diet meal replacement is the second step.

This turkey product has high protein content, low fat content and low calories, making it very healthy to eat.

For many Xiaobai who want to lose weight but don't know how to eat the right thing, this is definitely the right choice.

When you go home from work every day and don’t want to cook, just open a bag of turkey meat and add some vegetables, and it’s a perfect dinner.

This is definitely the best choice for any urban white-collar workers who want to lose weight.

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