My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 985

Maybe the previous corridors and narrow hatches have affected Chen Mos strength, or the number of zombies is not large, so Chen Mo has never had it before in order to save bullets. Full attack.

Until now, facing countless zombies blocking the front of armored vehicles, Chen Mo has truly exerted his full strength!

Looking at the vacuum area in front of the car that was cleared by Chen Mo’s bullet rain, Alice was shocked hard to describe.

She discovered now that what Christo said was actually not at all, and she even made Chen Mo a lot weaker!

After cleaning the zombie on the roof, the armored vehicle has already recovered to its top 20 speed. After Chen Mo started shooting to clear the zombie in front of the car, the zombie was not blocked. In the collision, the speed of the car has increased by a big margin, at least more than 30 steps!

You must know that the faster you move forward, the speed of zombie cleaning will also increase. At this speed, if you want to clear a vacuum zone in front of the car in time to ensure the smooth passage of armored vehicles, you need The cleaning speed can be much faster than when running.

Moreover, when a person walks through the corpse group, the space that needs to be cleaned only needs to be about two meters wide. Now the width of the armored vehicle itself is more than three meters. The area cleaned by Chen Mo The width is even more than four meters, plus the factor of forward speed, the gap in it adds up to several times!

Alice asked herself, if it were her, even in the peak period, let alone clearing the road for armored vehicles, even if she was alone, she could not rush too far in the corpse, like outside a prison Such a huge sea of corpses that can’t be seen at a glance, as long as she sinks in, she will never escape!

But as far as Spear Art is concerned, Chen Mos performance has completely exceeded her cognition. She never thought that Spear Art alone could reach such a level, even if she has encountered it so far. The most powerful enemy, Wesker, Alice, it is estimated that it is difficult for Chen Mo to reach such a powerful and terrifying realm!

The wheels of the armored vehicle rolled continuously over the fallen zombie corpse, and the body bumped up and down continuously, while Chen Mo always stood firmly on the roof with his feet as if growing on it. , Very stable!

Just as Alice looked at Chen Mo’s back standing on the roof of the car, her eyes were shining brightly, but the movement behind the car suddenly awakened her.

Alice turned her head quickly, but saw a zombie quickly climb up from the side of the armored car!

Alice quickly raised the pistol, took aim and shot it headshot, and hit it down!

Although the speed of the armored vehicle has been increased again under the Chen Mo bullet, the zombie behind has been difficult to catch up, but there are too many zombies around, although there are other people passing by on both sides The shooting holes are being cleaned, but the effect is far inferior to Chen Mo. From time to time, zombie grabs the body and climbs up, especially the shooting blind spot behind the armored vehicle!

Alice also not at all plans to clean up like Chen Mo did. Under the current circumstances, there are only a few zombies that can climb into the car. She only needs to guard Chen Mos back and not let zombies. It will affect Chen Mo’s shooting!

But Alice was worried that zombie would climb up from the blind spot between the two, so she walked directly behind Chen Mo and turned around again, clinging to Chen Mo.

So next, such a scene appeared in the sea of corpses.

An armored car is galloping in a dense group of corpses, but there are two figures on the roof standing opposite each other. Wearing a black suit, the tall Chen Mo fired double guns in his hand, cleaning the front of the armored car. zombie, while Alice stood with guns, guarding the rear of the two men, shooting from time to time to shoot down the zombie who climbed on the roof!

Although there is a weapon behind it, Alice can still feel Chen Mo’s wide, steady back like a mountain!

Standing behind Chen Mo, Alice feels an unprecedented sense of security, even if she knows that there is a turbulent sea of corpses not far behind, Alice is not worried or disturbed at all!

It seems that all the dangers are blocked by Chen Mo behind him!

In the armored car, Luther West and Christo were still attacking the zombie that rushed up on both sides. Fortunately, they almost emptied the ordnance depot in the prison before, and all All of the ammunition was moved to the car, so even in such a high-intensity battle, the ammunition was still sufficient.

As for Chen Mo, he actually didn’t carry a single clip on him!

But in his space he has a huge amount of magazines that he can squander, including special bullets such as armor-piercing bombs, high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, but for some ordinary zombies, these formidable powers are obviously not needed. A huge special bullet!

If Luther West and the others are on the roof of the car, you may wonder why Chen Mo has so many bullets on him, but they are all in the car now, even if its the driving Angel. Ortiz could only see the zombie in front of him falling down, and he simply didn’t know what was going on on the roof.

Only Alice can see Chen Mo’s shooting method similar to “infinite bullets”.

And most of Alice’s energy is dealing with the zombie behind, and she herself has been completely shocked by Chen Mo’s strength, she simply has no thoughts about the bullet issue.

In her eyes, Chen Mo is like a deep black hole, mysterious, it seems that he will never see his full picture, and it is not clear how strong he is!

This is also one of the reasons Chen Mo chose to let Alice come up to help!

With the concerted efforts of everyone inside and outside the vehicle, the armored vehicle has broken through the dense corpses all the way, moving towards the continuous breakthrough outside!

Due to Chen Mos frantic cleanup a few days ago, although he failed to clean up all the zombies as he planned, the number of zombies was weakened by several percent, surrounding the prison. The radius of the zombie encircling circle has also dropped a lot.

Angel Ortiz sitting in the driver’s cab, looking at the edge of the corpse group that can be seen ahead and getting closer, his expression couldn’t help but get excited.

“Hold on, we are about to charge ahead!”

Angel Ortiz moved towards the people in the carriage who were shooting desperately shouted excitedly.

All the people who have been shooting continuously for a long time almost non-stop for a long time, the people who have been shocked by the recoil of the rifle and their shoulders hurt, hearing this can’t help but get excited, one by one, they are like chicken blood. He continued to squeeze the trigger with his teeth, and quickly took out the magazine from the weapon bag next to him when he ran out of bullets and replaced it with no delay!

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