My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 958

Although Chen Mo not at all put forward some evidence, but combined with Chen Mo’s previous performance and the things that pointed out Arcadia’s doubts before, they actually believed it in their hearts!

Umbrella company, a name that has not appeared in their sight for many years, and even the name that has been almost forgotten by them, is once again deeply imprinted in their minds!

Looking at the four people with shocked and thoughtful faces, Chen Mo didn’t go on, and sometimes it was enough to click and stop.

After a brief silence, the expressions of the four people became serious, but seeing that Chen Mo did not continue to explain to them, it was taken by Chen Mo’s power, and the four did not ask questions. At the end, but with a heart full of thoughts, I asked them what they were most concerned about.

“You said you came to save us before, how do you plan to save us?”

Luther West asked expectantly.

Acadia clearly has a problem. It is very likely that it is the conspiracy of the umbrella company, the culprit that created this world doomsday, so the only thing they can rely on now is Chen Mo!

The other three people were hearing this in an instant. They temporarily put aside the matter of Arcadia and Umbrella Company that they had selected in their minds, and looked towards Chen Mo with the same look of expectation.

Since Chen Mo dared to rescue them by the singlehanded breakthrough corpses, then he must have a way to save them!

In the eyes of private anticipation, Chen Mo said solemnly with a serious face.

“There are two ways now. First, charge ahead directly!”

The four people are hearing this. I can’t help but think of Chen Mo just now leaning on two pistols to pierce the corpse. , An unimpeded scene.

They know that Chen Mo is not talking about boasting, but Chen Mo can do it, it does not mean they can too!

They all saw it when Chen Mo rushed over just now, and the space he cleared out was just enough for him to pass through safely. Even if there is one more person, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be zombie Caught.

Only relying on Chen Mo to open the way, they will easily be caught by the zombies rushing up around them, and it is estimated that none of them can finally escape with Chen Mo!

But if there is a car that is as powerful as the heavy truck that Chen Mo drove before, but also strong enough!

Only their own words, of course this method will not work. The final result must be the same as Chen Mo before, besieged by a huge number of corpses.

But if they drive and have Chen Mo shooting in the car to cover, it will definitely be much less difficult than Chen Mo’s attack on the corpse alone. There is basically no problem with charging ahead!

Unfortunately, they only have one police car that has been parked for a long time.

Lets not say whether you can sit down all of them, just the thin defense and weak horsepower are simply not enough!

If they really dared to drive this car into the corpse group, they would be trapped in the corpse group within a short distance, and eventually be knocked on the car window and swallowed alive!

This plan obviously won’t work!

It cant be said that Chen Mos method is not good. If it is outside, they can easily find a car that meets the requirements, or if the prison car used to escort prisoners is in the prison. Chen Mo’s killing efficiency, although the horsepower of the prison truck is a little weaker than that of the heavy truck, it is enough for them to charge ahead under the cover of Chen Mo.

I can only say that they are out of luck!

But the four of them are not at all disappointed because of this because Chen Mo just said there are two options!

From the faces of the four Angel Ortiz, Chen Mo could easily see their thoughts. He didn’t sell it, so he continued.

“The second way is to clean up all the zombies outside!”

After Chen Mo finished speaking, the four of Luther West looked at crazy expressions. With Chen Mo.

Although they dont know the exact number of zombies outside, but based on the population of nearly 4 million in Los Angeles, even if you remove the outer city that is too far away and are not attracted by them, they are eaten by zombie skeleton doesnt The zombie that’t exist failed to mutate, and the zombie who wandered out of Los Angeles, the number of zombies gathered outside the prison was at least hundreds of thousands!

Only a few of them, how can it be done!

Moreover, they dont have enough ammunition!

“If there are enough bullets, we can really spend some time to clean up these zombies slowly, but we didnt have many bullets. Weve all burned out just now, and now there should be only This pistol still has bullets!”

Luther West said, holding up the lady’s pistol that originally belonged to Bennett that he had picked up from the ground.

Chen Mo glanced at the small lady’s pistol that could not hold a few bullets in total, but did not speak directly, but turned around and looked towards outside the wall.

At this time, the surrounding wall has completely restored calm, the zombie that had flooded the heavy trucks has all been scattered, the huge body of the heavily damaged heavy truck and the long carriage behind it are Revealed again.

The four of Luther West followed Chen Mos gaze. At first they were puzzled. But soon, Luther West took the lead to reflect and looked at the back of the heavy truck. The huge carriage with more than ten meters factory, the eyes can not help but brighten!

“In that truck…?”

Luther West asked uncertainly from the back who moved towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hearing this turned around, glanced at the other three people who had not yet reacted, and said slowly.

“I prepared some ammunition in the carriage, enough to clean up all these zombies!”

Luther West hearing this brightened up and couldn’t help thinking of Chen Mo Hurriedly said excitedly.

“Then we can help you open the way, let’s charge ahead together!”

Angel Ortiz, Christo, and Jin Yong are also nodded with excitement. zombie is not at all, too much fear.

Maybe Chen Mo’s powerful strength gave them confidence, or they were trapped for too long, and their desire for freedom made them willing to take a little risk.

But Chen Mo hearing this shook the head and said slowly to the four.

“That’s too risky, it’s easy to get casualties, and there are only pistol bullets I use in the car.”

After hearing Chen Mo’s words, all four of them couldn’t help but have a look Stunned.

According to what Chen Mo just said, the bullets in the truck are enough to clean up all the zombies outside, that is to say, the compartment should be full of bullets, and there are hundreds of thousands of bullets!

But all the bullets in this entire carriage are pistol bullets!

They also saw the two pistols of Chen Mo. Although the model has never been seen before, it is obviously not the same caliber as the lady’s pistol left by Bennett.

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