My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 95

Chen Mo’s plan this time was perfectly achieved, plentiful harvest.

First of all, he won two hundred excellent horses, which Chen Mo is in urgent need of now.

In this World, Chen Mo has many plans to implement, but he is impossible to do all by himself. Forming and developing his own power is undoubtedly the best choice. This is also Chen Mo who chose to occupy this territory and become the lord. the reason.

The development of the territory inevitably requires a strong armed force. As the top battle strength Knight is Chen Mo inevitably needs a lot of development.

Secondly, I tested out the attitude of Warren Earl, he really wanted to attack Chen Mo.

After all, Chen Mo’s strength is too appalling, a little too exaggerated, and beyond their understanding until now.

Too powerful force is difficult to believe and accept. It can only make people scared for a while, and then gradually doubt and denial will arise.

In fact, Chen Mo had anticipated this a long time ago. The original purpose was only to reduce trouble. With a stable development period, this purpose has been achieved.

Thirdly, the intentional display of weakness led Knight to launch an attack, which paved the way for the subsequent counterattack, agitated the morale of the people, and tested the combat literacy and loyalty of his men.

Fourth, taking the opportunity to kill nearly half of Warren Earl’s subordinate Knight, weakening the opponent’s strength.

Finally, after this time, Chen Mo, who has been preparing for a long time, feels that the time is ripe and he can officially launch his plan.

Putting away the long sword, Chen Mo stepped on the corpse and walked out slowly to meet Andrew and the others who rushed.

Excitedly watching Chen Mo, who had destroyed a powerful Knight regiment alone, was filled with uncontrollable admiration and pride in everyone’s hearts. This is the extremely powerful Lord of their War God!

Chen Mo had a calm face, and he could not see that he had just fought a fierce battle and killed dozens of powerful Knights.


Chen Mo called out slowly.

“Sir Lord!”

There was a hint of excitement in Andrew’s voice.

“Clean up here, these horses are all equipped with guards.”

“Yes! Sir Lord!”

Andrew looked at the group of tall and majestic men in front of him Warhorse, with extremely heating rays of light projected in his eyes.

Finally, he will have his own horse, from now on, he is a real Knight, a Knight who swears his allegiance to Sir Lord!

Other people are also excited about the flushing of the ground. They never thought that they could own a precious horse and become a noble and powerful Knight.

“From now on, all the territory guards have become cavalry. I want them to grow into qualified Knights as soon as possible.”

Hearing Chen Mo’s words, the soldiers of the guards couldn’t help but get excited. Endless, doesn’t this mean that they also have a chance to become Knights?

The most ordinary commoner, the noble Knight is something they can’t even imagine. Who would have thought that Chen Mo would train them all into Knights!

Even the most powerful lord in Europe, he only has more than a hundred knights.

But they believe that their great lord will be able to do it. All they need to do is to train hard, constantly improve their strength, meet the requirements of becoming a Knight, and even be stronger than other Knights. !

But Andrew was a little embarrassed.

“But Sir Lord…”

“The training of riding skills needs to be carried out from an early age, and it takes several years to learn to be able to control the horses for combat well. It is really difficult to learn in a short time.”

Chen Mo heard this with a light smile.

“Clean up here first, and then everyone will bring their own war horses and gather together at the workshop.”

After Chen Mo, he moved towards the corner of the manor. Walked to the workshop surrounded by a single circle of tall walls.

After Chen Mo left, Andrew and the others forcibly endured the extremely strong expectations for the horses, and led the guards to gather the nearly two hundred precious horses together, and quickly began to clear the battlefield.

The corpse was moved outside the manor and burned, and the broken armor and weapons they left behind were carefully collected, waiting for Chen Mo to dispose of.

According to Chen Mo’s order, the battlefield was quickly cleaned up. Everyone impatient rushed to the tall and majestic horses. One person chose a favorite and hugged them and refused to let go. These horses In this era, the equivalent to modern supercars is a precious mount that every man is dreaming of but hard to get.

After finishing packing, Andrew led the guards and led the warhorse towards the mysterious workshop that they had never entered.

This workshop was established when Chen Mo took over the territory. It occupies a large area and all the artisans and their families in the territory live in it.

There is also the focus of their usual patrols and guards, and the tightness of defense is even above the lords mansion.

Except for the smoke and ding ding dong dong that often popped up above the workshop, they didn’t know what was going on inside.

But the large number of new farm tools manufactured by the workshop has greatly improved the farming efficiency of their family members. This year, the grain output in the territory is much more than in previous years, and the lord not at all collects a tax. Even the food and drink for them and himself were bought from the farmers with money. In the words of the lord, this is called recuperation.

When they entered this mysterious workshop from the open door, they found that it was not at all as magical as they thought.

Two rows of neat houses made of square red bricks and gray soil, and two tall stove-like objects standing on the side of the workshop, smoke bursts from them. Out.

Many craftsmen and their families are busy in the workshop. People come and go in the house from time to time, and various sounds are constantly coming out from inside. In the workshop, there is a busy scene of in a frenzy .

But they can see that although they are busy, the expressions on everyone’s faces are cheerful and positive. Obviously they are very satisfied with their current life, at least Chen Mo has not treated them badly in terms of living conditions.

As they looked at the scene in the workshop curiously, Chen Mo walked out of a house accompanied by a wrinkled but vigorous old man, Andrew and the others Hurried forward.

Sweeping the excited faces of the soldiers, Chen Mo’s gaze fell on the broken armors carried on horseback.

“Remove all the rags, and all the weapons on your body, and throw them all together.”

“Take off all those on you.”

Chen Mo frowns said, and finally pointed to the armor worn by the Andrews.

That is the armor left by Knight and Baron in the original territory, and there are traces of werewolf minions on it.

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