My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 941

The original holographic smartphone can also be used to watch 3D holographic movies!

Imagining the 3D holographic stereoscopic images that are more realistic than the current mainstream ordinary 3D movies, Enron can’t help but look forward to it!

Just as Su Wan said, the film industry is really about to usher in a huge change. The entire film shooting, production, screening and viewing modes will all occur Heaven and Earth turning upside down The change!

As the only Aegis Group that masters the core technology of this change, it will undoubtedly become the leader and ultimate ruler of this change!

And she herself will personally invest in this transformation and become the creator of the first 3D holographic film!

Thinking of this, An Ran, who doesn’t care much about fame and fortune, can’t help but feel overwhelmed by emotions in his heart!

As a director, who doesn’t want his work to become a landmark movie and be known and loved by more people!

Originally, she may need a little bit of effort for many years, but now, with the help of this 3D holographic film transformation, this process will be greatly shortened, and it is even possible to use this film to facilitate can be realised!

But at the same time, An Ran couldn’t help but have several points of anxiety.

It’s not that they are targeting the Aegis Group and doubting their strength.

After cooperating with Aegis Group so many times, Anran knows more about the strength of Aegis Group than others. If other people tell her about new technologies and major changes, she will only regard it as It’s a gimmick, but the SHIELD Group has already proven to her with facts that they do have this strength!

Her anxiety is actually worrying about whether she can perfectly achieve the goal of Aegis Group. With this movie, it will shake the entire movie market!

Be aware that this is her first movie, and her original plan was to make a movie based on Small Accomplishment, not at all with such a big ambition, she achieved great success in one go!

But now, according to Su Wan, they obviously won’t make a fuss like she originally intended!

This made her feel a little bit of pressure, so she was a little nervous.

Su Wan also felt An Ran’s emotions. She could fully understand An Ran’s feelings, as if she was entrusted by Chen Mo to manage the entire Aegis car as a secretary.

At first she was worried that she could not do well, but in the end she proved herself with facts!

“This film will be our 1st Step to change the entire film industry, and it is also the most critical step. This change will be led by you. I believe you will be competent and do your best. Your name is bound to be left in the history of movies!”

Su Wan looked at An Ran, resolutely and decisively said, whether it was for Anran or Aegis Group, Su Wan had absolute confidence, she seemed I have seen the day of victory!

An Ran was also infected by Su Wan’s strong confidence, and the only bit of anxiety he had had disappeared quickly.

In fact, she herself is very confident of her own abilities, but she suddenly shoulders the heavy responsibility, and it is inevitable that she will be a little uncomfortable. With Su Wan’s encouragement, An Ran quickly regained her confidence, and subsequently Is a strong fighting spirit!

This kind of opportunity is not something everyone can have. Su Wan gave this opportunity to her because of the relationship between the two and the strength she has shown in the previous cooperation between the two parties.

In fact, another reason she didn’t know was that she was an old classmate of S.H.I.E.L.D. Boss!

“Then I will be eating under your hands in the future, Sister Wan, please take care of me!”

An Ran moved towards Su Wan said with a smile.

“You are our talented woman. The future layout of the company in 3D holographic film will depend on you to achieve it. I should beg you!”

Su Wan also joked with a smile.

With the relationship and character of the two, and the previous cooperation experience, naturally it will not really be like the relationship between an ordinary film company executive and the director.

In terms of film creation, Su Wan is a layman. Naturally, she is responsible for Enron as before. All she has to do is to provide sufficient funds and technical support to ensure the smooth production of the film.

An Ran officially joined the Aegis Pictures that has not yet been established, and her originally planned Small Accomplishment film has become the first film of Aegis Pictures, and the treatment is naturally as the Tide rises, the boat floats, the production standards in all aspects are all mentioned to be the highest.

Film investment has been directly changed from the original US$5,000,000 to 100 million!

This one hundred million does not represent the total cost, because the main shooting equipment, props, and post-production special effects will all be paid by Aegis Group. It does not need to spend a lot of money to request special effects. The company makes it, and they can’t make it!

If these aspects are also included, the total cost of this film will be as high as hundreds of millions of dollars, which is hundreds of times the investment of the previous plan!

But the last thing Aegis Group lacks is money!

Every day, the sales of Aegis Motors alone are as high as $1 billion. Even if costs are eliminated, the profit is sufficient to make a movie.

Joining Aegis Pictures, Enron also needs to make adjustments to the original script.

Editing the script was supposed to be the most annoying thing for the screenwriter, but now An Ran is very happy. Every time he makes changes, An Rans face will show a satisfied smile, as if he has recovered a lost gem. !

Because of the original need to consider funding constraints, many of Enrons ideas are actually reserved and cannot be implemented according to the best plan, but now there is the Aegis Group, which is not bad for money, behind it, and Su Wan has made it clear that there is no need to consider the issue of funds. Everything is based on the final effect, even if it loses money.

So Enron doesn’t need to have any worries anymore. He can add back all the thoughts that had appeared in his mind but had to give up because of funding problems. This makes Anran very happy.

This is the reason why Anran likes to cooperate with Aegis Group. No one wants his own creation to be severely restricted. After constant castration, even the best script will be made into a bad movie!

If I was still a little uncertain about the final shooting effect of her first film, An Ran now has no doubts at all, her film will definitely succeed!

When Enron happily modified the script, Aegis Pictures was also officially established soon!

Because there is a huge difference between 3D holographic movies and traditional movies, Aegis Films and traditional film companies will also be very different, so Su Wan is not at all as straightforward as forming Aegis Motorcade Acquiring a film company, reorganizing on the original basis, but starting from scratch, forming a brand new film company!

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