My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 91

The Baron territory taken over by Chen Mo covers an area of less than 10,000 acres, with only a radius of 67 kilometers, and the number of residents is about 3,000 to 4,000, so it does not affect the normal operation of the territory. Under circumstances, the number of soldiers can only support a few hundred at most.

The European people’s livelihood in the Middle Ages was declining, material was scarce, and the burden of supporting the army was heavy. The noble lords usually only kept a small amount of standing army, and then temporarily recruited from the civilians when fighting.

In this era of wars, Knight is the main battle strength. The number of Knights in the hands of the lord determines his military strength.

Knight equipped with a horse, heavy armor and long sword, has an overwhelming advantage in the battle against infantry.

But at the same time, the well-equipped Knight also needs to spend a lot of money to support the lord. Although all the equipment of the Knight is equipped by themselves, it is necessary to maintain the daily expenses of a Knight The cost is also extremely staggering. Even the noble lords who own large tracts of land and serfs cannot afford too many Knights.

The well-equipped, military-force Knight is the strongest battle strength in the European battlefields in the Middle Ages, and is also the most precious wealth of the noble lords.

The richer aristocrats are, the more Knights they can support, and the stronger their strength.

Many little nobles have limited financial resources and cannot afford to support the huge expenses of Knight. They can only rely on infantry to fight. Once they encounter an attack from a noble army with Knight, they can only defend themselves, pure infantry and Knight troops. Fighting head-on, the final outcome is usually a disastrous defeat.

In the Baron territory occupied by Chen Mo, there were originally eight Knights. Among the lords in the vicinity, they are already considered to be the stronger ones, but they are all fighting the invading wolves Human Race group. Sacrificed in.

Earl, the most powerful Warren in this area, has as many as fifty Knights under his command, plus nearly a hundred knights and thousands of elite infantrymen, enough to deal with the average scale of werewolf invasion .

Knight’s status is second only to nobles. To a certain extent, they can be regarded as the lowest level of the noble class, as full-time soldiers, fighting for their loyal lord.

Some meritorious Knights will get the land granted by the lord and become a little lord with Fiefdom.

This is also the only way for an ordinary commoner to become a nobleman.

However, becoming a Knight is not an easy task. All of Knights equipment, including war horse, armor, long sword, shield and lance, all need their own equipment. In medieval Europe, this productivity In the extremely backward era, the value of these equipment was extremely expensive. The price of a war horse alone was as high as twelve Gold Coins, and its value was equivalent to six strong bulls.

The price of ironware is also very high. A long sword is worth seven Gold Coins, and a full set of armor including a helmet, breastplate, and leggings is worth up to 24 Gold Coins, equivalent to two War horse.

Together with some other equipment, the cost of arming a Knight is close to 50 Gold Coins, and you can buy more than 20 bulls.

For ordinary European families, this is simply an astronomical figure. Many farmers can’t even buy a cow. The money is equivalent to their income over several decades.

Such a huge cost, not to mention civilians, even many small nobles cannot afford it.

So the number of Knights is actually not many. It is difficult for ordinary commoners to have the opportunity to become Knights. The vast majority of Knights are children of nobles who are born in the Knight family or have no inheritance rights. They have received Knight training since they were young. When they are adults, the family will equip them with all the equipment.

Fortunately for wealthy noble families, the average Knight family usually only has one set of ancestral equipment, which is passed on from father to son. If two sons are born, the family does not have enough financial resources to purchase another set of equipment. , Then the youngest son cannot become Knight.

The Andrew rescued by Chen Mo came from such an ordinary Knight family.

As the youngest son, although he received his fathers Knight training since he was a child, because the family was unable to buy him a set of costly Knight equipment, Andrew Kong had a strong military force, but he could only serve as a Ordinary soldiers have joined the army under the lord, hoping to gain military merits through battle, obtain the reward of Lord Baron, and one day become a real Knight.

Unfortunately, more than ten years have passed. Although he has killed countless enemies on the battlefield, and even killed more than one werewolf with his own hands, he is still an ordinary soldier. Nothing has changed, except for the countless ones on his body. Scars and wrinkles gradually appear on the face.

What a mighty Knight, a life of surging forward with great momentum, and a beautiful aristocratic Young Lady, are so far away from him.

Frustrated, Andrew left the hometown and army he had fought for for many years and came to this village.

He intends to succumb to fate and abandon the ideal of until now, so he will be a commoner obediently and honestly and spend his life in peace.

Now, he, who had already given up, seems to see the hope of realizing his ideal from Chen Mo.

He saw the power of Chen Mo with his own eyes. Now Chen Mo has become their new lord and has entrusted him with a heavy responsibility. While his heart is extremely excited, he secretly swears that he must swear allegiance to Chen Mo. Not only to repay Chen Mo for his life-saving and knowledge, but also to realize his dream of becoming a powerful Knight until now.

And his ideal was soon realized in half.

The original eight Knights in the territory all died in the previous werewolf invasion. Together with the same dead Baron, a total of nine sets of Knight armors and weapons were left with some damage.

Chen Mo paid no attention to these valuable Knight equipment, and directly gave it to Andrew who was rescued by him and the nine others.

They were rescued by Chen Mo from the wolf in a desperate situation. As their life saving benefactor and new lord, they have no problem with Chen Mo’s loyalty.

Of course, they are still not Knights. Except that Andre has the powerful military force that Knight must have, although the others do not lack the courage to fight the werewolves, their strength is still much worse.

You must know that the real Knights have received Knight training from the system since childhood, physical fitness, riding skills, sword technique, fighting, and a qualified Knight can kill a wild boar without wearing any armor. It’s not just who, wearing Knight’s equipment can be called Knight’s.

Of course, the other eight people besides Andrew were not useless. When the werewolves invaded the village, most of them lost one’s head out of fear, and even cried in despair, without the slightest heart of resistance. .

But they dared to face the werewolves and counterattack bravely. Under the command of Andrew, with simple weapons and geographical advantages, they blocked the attacks of the werewolves. From this point of view, they still have the potential to become Knights. , And this is exactly what Chen Mo values.

According to Chen Mo’s observation, these people are very loyal to him and have a certain fighting talent. This is enough for Chen Mo. As for the strength, they can be cultivated slowly.

Moreover, there are still many good things in the Chen Mo space that have not been brought out.

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