My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 460

After being successfully elected as the President of the United States, leading the Union to victory in the Civil War, and completely abolishing the slave system, Lincolns national reputation reached its peak, and after the end of the four-year term He was re-elected without dispute, and was re-elected as President of the United States in 1864.

But this does not mean that he won the respect and love of all the people. Before Lincoln put his post-war policy into practice, it was Easter, April 14, 1865, at 10:15 in the evening. On the fifth day after the Southern Army surrendered, Lincoln was shot dead at the Ford Theater in Washington.

The famous actor who sympathized with the South, John Booth, took advantage of the departure of the president’s bodyguard and sneaked into the presidential box and shot Lincoln.

John Booth was born in Upright Sect in the American theater industry. His superb acting skills have always been the target of female theater fans, but at the same time, he is also a strong supporter of the Southern Confederation, the Civil War During this time, Booth entangled a group of people to operate secretly.

This organization once conspired to kidnap Lincoln in exchange for the captured soldiers in the south in an apartment in Washington, but these plans are like many other conspiracies. , To no avail.

Two or three days before Lincoln was assassinated, Booth was almost drunk every day, and his previous conspiracy was fragmented, leaving only three or two people left.

At noon on April 14th, John Booth went to the Ford Theater to pick up the mail. He accidentally saw the poster saying that Lincoln and Ulysses Simpson Grant, the commander-in-chief of the Union Army, will attend the evening. During the show, Booth immediately burst into ecstasy and immediately summoned his buddies to implement their final plan: shoot the president!

Booth calmly entered the presidents box at 10 pm. There was a lock in the box, but the lock broke a few days ago, and no one reported it to the top.

Because John Booth was originally an actor, the presidents guards did not at all stop him, and the police officer John Parker was supposed to be on the only way to the box in the lobby, but he She seemed to have no interest in watching a theater, so she hid in another room to drink.

In this way, under this series of “coincidences”, John Booth successfully entered President Lincoln’s box, and the dignified President of the United States of America, Lincoln, defended by the presidential guards and police. In this way, he was shot from behind without knowing it while watching the show.

John Booth, the murderer of President Lincoln, fled while the scene was in chaos, but only ten days later, he had escaped from Washington, and John Booth who entered Virginia was still found And was shot on the spot.

Following the deaths of President William Henry Harrison and President Zachary Taylor successively, President Abraham Lincoln was directly assassinated, and the death rate of the President of the United States was surprisingly high.

This time the assassination of President Lincoln seems to be the crazy personal behavior of an actor who sympathizes with the southern forces. Even if someone perceives too many coincidences, he can only suspect that it is the southern slave master. Revenge.

However, Chen Mo was rescued like Zachary Taylor after his death, but Abraham Lincoln himself, who woke up in Brooklyn Manor, did not think so.

Those southern slave masters have been wanting his life since he came to power, but they have been unsuccessful. Did they happen to succeed after the war?

Compared with the main southern slave forces, Lincoln is more suspicious that the other group is not conspicuous, but has a more powerful force.

And Chen Mo’s knowledge also confirms this point.

This assassination seems to be a personal act of John Booth, but there is an invisible hand behind it that is secretly manipulated, but it is estimated that even John Booth himself does not know his behavior Has been secretly influenced and manipulated by people.

All this seems to be an opportunity given to him by God. It is his own spontaneous decision. With careful preparation and good luck against the sky, he successfully completed this time the main southern slave forces have worked hard. A feat that has not been successfully completed many times, in fact, he was completely used as a gun!

The real promoter behind this assassination is in fact the same group of people who caused the death of the previous two presidents!

The world banker who holds huge wealth in his hands and wants to fully control the American economy by means of financial means!

To be precise, it is a banker from Europe!

Although the United States is independent from the United Kingdom, neither the United Kingdom nor France and other European countries have given up their penetration and control of this emerging country.

Compared with Europe, the history and heritage of the United States are much worse. The United States was originally the descendants of European colonists and immigrants, but the original American immigrants were mostly poor people from the bottom of Europe, and there was no background. At all.

The overwhelming majority of the bankers and financiers who control huge wealth in the United States today are all from the European continent, and the rest are mostly European bankers agents, the real bankers developed in the United States Very few, and even these local bankers, while growing, have more or less connections with European power.

Since 1833, President Madison shut down the second private central bank in the United States that bankers managed to re-establish. After the Second Bank of the United States, he killed two consecutive presidents and failed to rebuild them again. The goal of the private central bank, on the contrary, was the complete collapse of the Whig party led by their spokesperson Henry Clay, which they had spent a lot of effort to foster.

European bankers are seeing the U.S. economy becoming more and more independent, and the hope of establishing a private central bank is getting less and less. European bankers are unwilling to sit back and watch the U.S. economy just get out of their grasp.

The European capitalists who manipulated the situation in Europe behind the scenes and used money to break their hands with the king were not forced to retreat from the current situation. They have fought with royal families and governments in Europe for many years, and have successfully become the leaders of the British royal family. Creditors, European bankers who forced Britain to borrow money from them through the private central bank, have rich experience to deal with the current situation.

The establishment of the Bank of Scotland in the United Kingdom took advantage of the financial difficulties of the British government during the “Nine Years War” between the United Kingdom and France. Through a clever operation, it successfully passed the permission of Parliament and obtained the King Concession granted.

In addition, countries such as France, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries have also established private joint-stock banks with the nature of central banks to provide financing and lending services to the royal family and currency issuance services.

They analyzed the current situation in the United States in depth, and finally found that the only way to split the United States is to plan a war to increase government expenditures, so that the government will be burdened with huge debts, and then realize their plan. The ultimate goal!

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