My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 449

Under Henry Clays concession, the power of the Southern slave masters increased, and some of them even withdrew from Congress in disappointment.

And Chen Mo was very interested in one of these people. Therefore, shortly after Zachary Taylor was elected as president, Chen Mo was also invited by Henry Clay many times. He joined the Whig Party as a banker, and with his abundant financial resources and boldness, he funded many Whig Party members who were excluded because of their opposition to the slave system, and his reputation within the party quickly increased.

Henry Clay didnt care too much about the partys disputes over the slave system. He compromised with the southern slaves only to gain their support, win votes in their hands, and realize his establishment of a private The goal of the central bank, so it is strange that Chen Mo, a big capitalist, opposes the slave system not at all.

As for Chen Mo’s aggressive funding of Whigs, this is exactly what he wants.

Only when the Whigs are strong can he control more powerful forces, and Chen Mo’s rising reputation is not at all threatening to Henry Clay.

Because Chen Mos anti-slave Whigs actually only occupy a small part of the party, and most of them are young members with no background and weak strength. The true core of the Georgian Party, the elite member who has great prestige and influence in Congress and the states, still surrounds him closely, looking ahead.

Although quite a few of them also oppose the slave system, because of their own strength and influence, not at all are as marginalized as those young Whigs without background, plus Henry Clay’s deliberate wooing and reassurance was not at all because of his compromise on the issue of slave system, he was alienated from him.

So the entire Whig Party is still firmly in the hands of Henry Clay, Chen Mos behavior seems to him to be only support and help to compatriots in the party who hold the same political views as him. He does not at all have too many intersections of interests with the core members of the party, and he will not threaten his position in the Whig Party and the control of the entire party.

So Henry Clay is pleased to see Chen Mo’s approach to funding low-level young members of the party.

And those young members who have been squeezed out of Congress and frustrated with the Whig Party have received strong support from Chen Mo. Chen Mo funded them to help them return to their respective states. They may continue to engage in political activities in their own state, resist the expansion of the slave system, or stay dormant temporarily, waiting for the opportunity.

Among them, one person temporarily withdrew from Congress and returned to his old career. With the funding of Chen Mo, he returned to his hometown to open a law firm and became a lawyer again.

However, like most other people who left, although he was dormant temporarily, he did not at all give up propagating his political ideas, and was still enthusiastic about public undertakings, and his personal reputation was constantly consolidated and improved.

These young political elites who have left Congress and are far from the center of American power have little contact with other members of the Whig Party, especially the leader of the party, Henry Clay, but they have always maintained and The connection between Chen Mo, they have common beliefs and ideas, and are funded, supported and encouraged by Chen Mo.

Under the influence of Chen Mo, they firmly believe that the abolition of the slave system is imperative, and there will be a battle between the North and the South. Todays temporary dormancy is only for the outbreak of the critical moment in the future, and their goal will eventually be achieved. !

This group is not valued by Henry Clay, and even in order to win the support of the southern slaves, they sit and watch them being excluded, but the Al-Shabaab members who are indifferent, seem to have formed one with Chen Mo The new small group, and the center of this group is to provide them with economic and conviction support, and to show them the great capitalist of the future, Chen Mo!

Not only the young political elites who left Congress, more and more members of the Whig Party, who were squeezed out and opposed to the slave system, have joined because of the growing power of the southern slaves. Coming from this small circle, with Chen Mo’s support and comfort, he hibernated quietly.

All of them, including Chen Mo who is behind them, are waiting for the time to come.

By 1852, in the 14th presidential election, the split between the Whig members who prospered and opposed slavery was completely revealed.

The former Vice President Millard Fillmore, who took over as President after Zachary Taylors “Death”, has caused many opposition in the Whig Party because of his consistent compromise on the North-South issue. The dissatisfaction of the slaves, the power of these people is enough to make him directly lose the opportunity to obtain the party’s nomination.

Finally, in view of the victory of the previous two elections, Henry Clay tried to repeat the previous victory and once again nominated a war hero General Winfield Scott as the presidential candidate.

However, there is an old saying in the mysterious ancient Chinese state, and it must not be repeated again and again. This time, the Whig Party ushered in a complete and huge defeat. At the time, it only won in the 31 states of the United States. With the votes of the four states, they lost terribly at an absolute disadvantage, and everyone in the party lamented that the Whig Party was over.

And during the campaign, there was a major event. The founder and leader of the Whig Party, Henry Clay, passed away, and those supporters who were still closely around him Lost the backbone in an instant.

Without Henry Clay’s coordination and operation in the middle, various problems and contradictions have been revealed.

The problems of the central bank and the slave system have deepened the contradictions within the Whig Party, and soon it became a mess of scattered sand, each acting independently, the Whig Party In name only.

At this time, the group of young political elites united by Chen Mo became a united and powerful force, but compared to the original Whig Party and the Democratic Party, they were still very Weak.

However, while the Whig Party is gradually declining, this small group centered on Chen Mo is gradually becoming stronger, and more and more Whigs who oppose the slave system have joined in. Even the core members of the original Whig Party who had some influence in Congress.

After all, politics is still a collective game. Without the backing of the powerful Whig Party, their life in Congress will not be easy. They are attacked and suppressed by supporters from within and outside the party. , It made them eager to find a new group to fight the enemy together.

At this time, the Chen Mo Group, which has already formed a group, united and helped each other, has fallen apart and has become a scattered Whig Party, and has always adhered to the same philosophy as the Chen Mo Group. Has become their best choice.

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