My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 420

At this time, the western United States was a desolate land.

The people who come to these places now are people who are extremely poor, have lost their land, or cannot live in the central and eastern regions. They are either alone or dragging their families and rushing to carry them. With his only possessions, attracted by the preferential policies introduced by the US government to attract immigrants to develop the west, he traveled thousands of miles and came to this wild land.

And those wealthy businessmen and capitalists simply look down on these desolate lands at this time. In comparison, they prefer the fast-growing central and eastern regions as the industrial revolution progresses. There is gold everywhere there. As long as you have enough funds, you can make a lot of money even if you put money into the stock market or open factories. These desolate lands are not attractive to them.

But its not that no one has taken a fancy to the future development of these areas and came here to invest in advance. However, the desolate and backward environment here is completely as desolate as the wilderness, and most people have been driven away. After all, not everyone has Money people can live in this harsh environment. There are no hospitals, no shops, and no bars. Apart from the vast land and harsh environment, there is nothing here.

They are accustomed to the comfortable and convenient life in the bustling city, it is difficult to adapt to the primordial hard life here. In the end, there are very few speculators left. Even those who stayed are not sure they can I will leave when I insist.

These speculators who came to the west with the poor are actually small businessmen. They have limited funds and do not have much development in the big cities. In the west, they just hire the poor who came to the west. Farmers have built small farms. In essence, they are not at all very different from these poor people.

People who are truly capable are comfortable sitting in their own office, commanding and taking care of their own property. Who would go to such a wild land to find sin.

Chen Mo can be regarded as a truly powerful big capitalist, but he did not at all sit in his office and direct the work of the team, but personally led the team to the northwest.

Compared with the poor or speculators who are rushing to run the shabby carriage, dragging their families, Chen Mo’s arrival is completely different.

Hundreds of sturdy Indian warriors, riding horses, carrying muskets, and whizzing gallop, guarded the long convoy full of supplies and marched toward this vast land.

The vast wilderness, natural stone arches, huge canyons, charming ditches, rapid waterfalls, dark green Colorado river water, rough and desolate red land, weathered into strange-shaped rock cliffs.

Carriage is driving on the vast land of the west, the scenery changes along the way, magnificent, beautiful, and desolate, occasionally passing by the vigorous silhouette of a cowboy riding a horse in the distance, the sound of Dadas horse hooves and the running of cattle The yellow dust is flying in this desolate and vast land, as if being in an American blockbuster, a strong western flavor assaults the senses.

Smelling the fresh and incomparable smell of cow dung floating in the wind, Chen Mo did not see any changes on his face, and faintly retracted the sight of the looked towards the car window, but quietly slowed the frequency of breathing in the dark.

This cowboy is really bad, it seems necessary to improve their treatment appropriately.

Chen Mo, who is well-funded, has bought a vast piece of land of incomparable gigantic, and built huge pastures with no end in sight.

Chen Mos great generosity shocked the poor who came to explore the Western Wilderness. Then, when Chen Mo offered very good terms to recruit cowboys, countless people rushed to sign up .

Compared with working hard to graze in this wilderness, but can only get a barely subsistence harvest, Chen Mo, a rich and powerful rancher, offers far more attractive treatment.

But the strange thing is that all those who sign up have to go through the personal interview of the rich man before they can officially join his ranch and become his employees.

Said it was a personal interview. In fact, Chen Mo was only sitting on the side of the interview site, and several interviewers were interviewed by the candidates.

The entire interview time is actually not long, everyone only has a few minutes, the interview process is also very simple, just ask a few questions casually, but in the end not enough people can pass half.

Chen Mo still has certain requirements for his own character and loyalty, especially the first group of people. Although these cowboys do not need to be as loyal as his private business team, they are not Who can join in, and the questions he asks seem simple, but Chen Mo can tell the truth accurately. Lies have no effect on Chen Mo. He can directly question people’s hearts through these simple questions, knowing The most true thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, those who have been personally screened by Chen Mo are only the original core members. The area of these pastures is very large, and they are just starting now. With the construction of pastures, the number of cattle, sheep and horses will increase, and they will continue Recruit more people to join in. The number of these people will be in units of 10,000. This is not something Chen Mo can detect. However, after the pasture develops more prosperous and large, everything will be on the right track. , When the time comes Chen Mo does not require every employee to be extremely loyal. It is enough to ensure the character and loyalty of the core staff.

As Chen Mo’s route went all the way west, a lot of money was thrown out. Chen Mo also established a series of huge super-large pastures on this wild land. The largest landlord and rancher in the west, and even in the United States.

Indians, whites, blacks, all became his employees.

After the completion of this series of big moves, the time has entered April 1846, and it has not been long since the outbreak of the US-Mexico War.

At this time, although the United States acquired large tracts of land in the west by purchasing land from European colonial countries such as Britain and France, its land area was far from reaching the scale of later generations.

California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico Brother Xi and Wyoming and other future southwest part areas of the United States are still under the territory of Brother Xi.

Since Brother Xi became independent from the Spanish colonists in 1821, various political forces in the country have started fighting with each other, coups or rebellions have continued, and the political situation has been turbulent for a long time.

From 1821 to the present, everything about Brother Xi has been chaotic.

In more than 20 years, there have been more than 40 governments, almost all of them are the products of military coups.

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