My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 244

Although the steel battle clothes itself does not have stealth ability, he can also take out the small stealth equipment specially modified in the space if necessary.

The suitcase-sized stealth device has been transformed into a streamlined shape that fits tightly on the back of battle clothes. It can be carried behind the battle clothes and does not affect the flight. It just blocks the two propellers behind and adds After the wind resistance, the flight speed will be slightly slower.

In this way, the role of the stealth aircraft is really small, and it takes up a lot of space, so Chen Mo without the slightest hesitation gave up.

In addition to the equipment, materials and production and processing equipment mentioned above, Chen Mo also left a small area of about two cubic meters in the space for a very important experiment.

Hydras manufacturing efficiency is very high. After Chen Mo spent some time selecting and configuring various top production and processing equipment, and preparing test materials, after the space was basically filled, the bat war chariot also Has been manufactured.

In addition to using Edman alloy armor for stronger defense, this bat war chariot also installs a small stealth device that can be optically and radar invisible.

After the stealth function is activated, war chariot will completely disappear from peoples sight, evading detection by radar, infrared and other detection equipment, plus advanced electric engines that remain silent even at full speed, and it The pitch-black appearance that blends into the night is almost like a real ghost, so Chen Mo named it the ghost war chariot.

Looking at the dark and domineering war chariot parked in front of him, Chen Mo loved to look at it for a long time before he waved it into the space.

Calculating, the value of this ghost war chariot is also higher than Chen Mo’s steel battle clothes. The amount of Vibranium used to make it is several times that of battle clothes, and only Chen Mo is behind the scenes. With Wakandas Hydra dominance, it is possible to use Edman alloy to build war chariot so extravagantly.

You must know that Tony Starks Mark 3 alone costs more than 100 million US dollars, which is not even considered the Alpha alloy armor and parts that the outside world cant buy.

And Chen Mo’s steel battle clothes are completely made of precious Edman alloy, and its value has increased many times.

This more extravagant ghost war chariot can no longer be measured by money. Even the U.S. government would have to work hard to get a big piece of Vibranium to make steel. It is estimated that Vibranium of battle clothes will have to empty all their inventory. As for ghost war chariot, anyone who dares to use Vibranium to build war chariot will definitely be expelled as a mental disorder!

In addition to the armor, chassis and key components of this ghost war chariot, even the tires use flexible Vibranium fiber made with Wakanda technology. The defensive power is equivalent to the Panther combat uniform.

The whole war chariot can be said to be from top to bottom, without any weakness, all-round no dead spots, super defense, even if you stop there and let you attack, it will not cause a single bit of damage, at most Drop some paint.

As for the power and weapon system, Chen Mo not at all made changes. These two aspects have already achieved the ultimate. The speed of 720 kilometers per hour has reached the limit on the ground, no matter how high It has no meaning anymore.

Airborne sonic cannons, high-explosive armor-piercing shells, six-barreled heavy machine guns, automatic aiming machine guns and other powerful weapons have also met air-to-ground, as well as attacks against armor, buildings, and individual targets. Even stronger than steel battle clothes.

With the powerful defense and attack of the ghost war chariot, there is no problem in single-handling an armored division. The final result of the battle is absolutely non-destructive, and the opponent is completely destroyed. This shows the power of the ghost war chariot. .

Only this super powerful and invincible war chariot is worthy of the Chen Mo Hydra controller, the status of the master of the earth!

What top ten supercars, you can only eat ashes in front of the ghost war chariot. The powerful main battle tank is like a paper toy. The gunship and fighter planes have to be beaten down even if they get close. It is the existence at the top of the food chain.

The four tires rotate ninety degrees, and you can directly run amuck throughout the world!

After putting away the ghost war chariot, the huge space of one thousand cubic meters was completely filled, and it was time to leave.

After explaining to the old Eddie, Chen Mo returned to the real world in his office.

On the island in the evening, the sea breeze gently blows the leaves, and the sunset that is about to fall to the sea level reflects half of the sky in red.

The afterglow of the sunset passed through the dense tree canopy, and when it fell on the ground, it had become very weak, and the environment in the woods began to dim in advance.

In the survivors camp, a pile of bonfires is burning raging, use its bright light to dissipate the darkness that enveloped these last survivors, and increase the gradually cold air around them. With some temperature, this deserted island has supported a warm and bright world for them.

People gathered around the burning bonfire, preparing food for the evening.

On the other side of the desert island, in Chen Mo’s camp, a burst of white light suddenly lit up in the dark.

When the white light dissipated, a tall and sturdy silhouette appeared in the open space in front of the tent, and the pitch-black nano-combat uniform covering the whole body made him seem to blend in with the darker surroundings.


That night, without a word, Chen Mo did not show up in front of the survivors, but went straight back to the tent, and had a good nights sleep. In the simple tent on the desert island, Chen Mo felt more at ease than in the heavily guarded Hydra base.

In the early morning of 2nd day, the sun was mottled down through the gaps between the leaves. On the large inflatable bed in the tent, Chen Mo was awakened by the fine sunlight swaying on his face and slowly opened his eyes. .

In the eyes of golden sunlight, there is no coldness, sharpness, and murderous aura. It seems that they are all purified by this pure sunlight, leaving only peace and deepness.

Stretching comfortably, Chen Mo sat up from the bed.

I felt the situation of the survivors, and found that some of them had already set out to go fishing, and the rest were staying in the camp. Not at all people approached him.

Immediately, Chen Mo took out a black ordinary combat uniform from the space, put it on the outside of the nano combat uniform, got up and walked out of the tent, and stopped on the open space outside.

I went straight to rest after I came back yesterday, and it’s time to start doing business today!

Standing on the clearing, Chen Mo extended the hand arm towards the front. With a movement of consciousness, a huge silver metal box nearly two meters high and about one meter long and wide suddenly appeared out of thin air and stretched close to him. The out palm stood on the ground in front of him.

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