My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 228

The wrist was pierced, and Justin Hammer’s gun hand was released uncontrollably, and the pistol fell to the ground.

While the pistol was still in the air, a low buzzing sound suddenly sounded. Then, behind Justin Hammer, the wall where the flying knife shot suddenly broke through a big hole, solid Concrete and special alloy steel plates were all torn into pieces by an invisible force.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a black peculiar war chariot leaped in from the hole and directly hit the opposite wall and stopped, while one was standing by the wall. The mercenary was too late to dodge and was directly squeezed between the front of the car and the wall. The entire lower body instantly turned into a meatloaf, and the upper body weakly fell on the front of the car, twitching from time to time.

It wasn’t until this time that the dropped pistol finally landed, and Justin Hammer had just felt the pain in his wrist, clutching his pierced wrist and howling.

The position where this war chariot rushed into is very clever, just to block most of the mercenaries including the mercenary Captain “Death God” at the other end of the room, and Sharon Rogers is here Only Justin Hammer and two mercenaries were left screaming with their wrists.

But in the next moment, a tall black silhouette suddenly jumped into the hole.

The two elite mercenaries just came back to his senses from the changes they had just made, and before they had time to raise the rifle in their hands, this shadow had already arrived in front of them.

A dazzling silver sword light passed between the two necks. The two elite mercenaries didn’t even have a chance to resist, and they fell straight down like this.

On the other side, when the war chariot hits the wall and stops, the armor on the side of the war chariot suddenly opens. A strong silhouette wearing black tight clothes with two sharp blades on its head suddenly disappears from the war. The chariot rushed out, and moved towards the mercenaries who were blocked by war chariot on the side of the room rushed up.


The mercenary Captain “Death God” commanded several men around him and quickly launched a counterattack.

But the dense bullets hit the opponent, but it had no effect, and he couldn’t even slightly hinder his moving towards the momentum of their rushing.

The two people who rushed in were naturally Chen Mo and Wang Jin who was driving a bat war chariot.

In fact, Chen Mo had already reached the other side of the Steel Fortress when Tony _ Stark broke through the ceiling and appeared.

With Chen Mo eight times the huge power of ordinary people, the formidable power of the thrown knife is no less than sniper bullets, while the reinforced concrete walls and alloy steel plates are no different from tofu in front of Edman Alloy. It was easily penetrated by a flying knife.

It’s just that there were more than a dozen mercenaries armed with guns in the room at that time, and some of them were standing around Sharon, who accidentally hurt her.

Moreover, judging from Justin Hammers performance, he is very cautious about his life, and at the same time he is very jealous of them. He has specially prepared a lot of back players. Chen Mo cant guarantee that he Did you move other hands or feet?

So to be safe, Chen Mo did not rush to take action, but asked Wang Jin to rush over to help. The sonic cannon loaded by the bat war chariot can easily destroy the wall of this “Steel Fortress” and let them enter Inside the room.

Later Justin Hammer sent two mercenaries out to deal with Tony Stark. Sharon Rogers was left with only two mercenaries, and none of them pointed at Sharon. Some mercenaries are concentrated on the other side of the room.

And Justin Hammer shook Sharon’s pistol back and forth, often deviating from her body.

Seeing that the time is right, if you drag it on, he might really see Tony _ Stark’s “hand-to-hand combat”, so Chen Mo acted decisively and shot out when Justin Hammer’s muzzle shifted. At the same time, Wang Jin, who had already arrived and was ready, blasted the wall and rushed in.

So far, the whole operation has gone smoothly. Two mercenaries who were close to Sharon and were inconvenient to shoot with a flying knife were also quickly rushed in by Chen Mo and directly solved with the sword of the king.

Sharon is no longer threatened.

On the other side of war chariot, Wang Jin was still fighting with a few mercenaries. The bullets were flying around. He was worried that the stray bullet would injure Sharons Chen Mo. He quickly stood in front of her and blocked her behind. At the same time, take out the primordial Edman alloy shield, ready to resist the stray bullets rebounding from other directions.

The mood of Sharon Rogers tied up on the chair can be described as ups and downs. I thought I was going to be killed today. There is no way for “Iron Man”. Who can come to rescue them?

Didn’t expect the situation changed drastically in an instant, and she was dazzled by this series of changes.

First, a silver light flashed by. Justin Hammer, who was still very arrogant just now, threw down his pistol and started wailing, and then the wall behind was blasted open, a black war chariot like a science fiction fighter. Rushed in.

Next came the gunfight, the black shadow, and the sword light. When she came back to his senses, a tall and majestic black silhouette was standing in front of her.

The silver long sword dripping blood, the round shield on the arm, and the broad back of this stalwart mountain made her feel a very familiar feeling in her heart, a vagueness in her memory The silhouette gradually became clear, and slowly overlapped with the silhouette in front of him.

Sharon Rogers’ eyes reddened involuntarily. He didn’t cry under the muzzle just now, but now she shed tears uncontrollably, the choking voice with infinite grievance, involuntarily soft voice Shouted.


Although he was gagged and his voice was a little fuzzy, Chen Mo still heard the affectionate call, and he quickly understood in his heart. what’s going on.

Although Sharon Rogers was sent to Tony Stark at a very young age, she still had some vague impressions of her childhood when she was with Steve.

Steves equipment was all given by him. Edman alloy armored combat uniforms, long swords, and shields looked almost the same as him, and they also received the enhancement of Super Soldier serum. The body is very similar too, no wonder Sharon mistakenly identified him as Steve.

Listening to this grievance call, Chen Mo only felt that his whole heart was about to melt. How could this bastard Steve throw such a small child to Tony _ Stark, without the love of his father, she How can it be happy.

On the other side, the battle between Wang Jin and the mercenaries is finally over. No matter how elite they are, they are just ordinary persons. How can they be three times the physical fitness of ordinary people and possess powerful fighting skills? After a useless resistance, Wang Jins opponent, wearing a nano combat uniform, was completely brought down by Wang Jin.

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