My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 192

Chen Mo walked out of the dojo slowly, accompanied by Wang Kun.

The two of them just stood at the door when a deep and powerful rumbling sound of the car engine passed over.

A very cool black sports car, which galloped like a wind from not far away, and stopped steadily beside Chen Mo with a sudden brake sound.

This sports car is different from the streamlined design of ordinary sports cars. The body has sharp edges and corners, strong lines, rich layering and three-dimensionality, and gives people a powerful feeling full of power and explosiveness.

This car reminds Chen Mo of a movie he has seen, Batmans car, Bat War Chariot.

However, compared with that super war chariot, this sports car is much weaker, just a tough and cool sports car.

After stopping in front of Chen Mo, the scissor door on the right opened slowly upwards, and Wang Jin was sitting in the driving seat.

Chen Mo moved towards side Wang Kun nodded, took the opportunity to get into the car, the door slowly lowered, this cool sports car roared again, and quickly disappeared under Wang Kun’s eyes On the distant street.

In the car, Chen Mo looked at Wang Jin who was a little excited and a little at a loss, couldn’t help but smile.

Before several times with Chen Mo, the Ancestral Master, he was accompanied by his Great Grandfather Wang Kun. He just stood by as a Junior, serving tea and pouring water, while Chen Mo instructed him There is also Wang Kun on the side, and this time for Chen Mo as a driver, this is the first time he gets along with Chen Mo alone.

For his mysterious Ancestral Master, the legendary existence, the superhero who saved the world, even if he has been in contact for several times, now sitting together at such close distance, Wang Jin is still a little excited.

And without the Great Grandfather who is familiar with Chen Mo by his side, Wang Jin walked alone at a loss. He didn’t know whether to drive faster or more steadily, let alone drive obediently and honestly. , I should say something to Chen Mo.

In fact, he has a lot of words in his heart to say to Chen Mo, the Legendary Ancestral Master, but he doesn’t know how to say it when he reaches his lips.

The pressure on Chen Mo is really too great, even if Chen Mo deliberately suppressed his imposing manner, but his unusual temperament and shocking Legendary experience still make Wang Jin feel Deep in awe.

Even as the Young Gang Lord of the Seven Rings gang that controls Brooklyn and even most of the underground forces in the United States, Wang Jin, who never fears anyone, still cant completely let go of Chen Mo. Self-confidence and calmness in recovery.

Chen Mo naturally saw his embarrassment and took the initiative to speak.

“This car is good.”

Chen Mos proactive opening made Wang Jin, who had been embarrassed, relaxed in an instant. Seeing Chen Mo praise his car, he was very happy. Like a child showing off his beloved toy, he praised with excitement.

“Ancestral Master, you have good eyesight! This car is not ordinary, it is designed by myself!”

Said this, Wang Jin completely forgot the uncomfortableness before. , Full of pride and pride.

Chen Mo didn’t expect that this distinctive sports car was designed by Wang Jin himself. It seems that besides kung fu, his obsession with sports cars is not low.

As the Young Gang Lord of the Seven Rings Gang with huge power and great wealth, he can naturally get any ordinary sports car he wants. The top ten supercars in the world are estimated to be He drove it all over, and it was obvious that these supercars that made ordinary car fans crazy could no longer meet his needs, so he simply designed a supercar of his own.

As for how an ordinary person completes the overall design of a super sports car, it involves a lot of professional technology and complex data, body power layout, suspension, wind resistance and many other aspects. But not a young person can do it alone.

Dont forget, he has received Super Soldier serum enhancement.

After Wang Jin became an adult, when he was still in college, Wang Kun felt that his temperament was still calm, so he injected him with Super Soldier serum. Therefore, Wang Jins current physical fitness is actually three times that of ordinary people. The level of development is far beyond the ordinary person, and the learning ability is very strong. Through continuous learning and experimentation in college, he designed this super sports car by himself.

As for manufacturing, Qijiebang owns a large number of shares in several major U.S. auto groups. It couldnt be easier for them to help build a sports car. If it werent for Kungfu, it would have more His time was spent on martial arts training. Wang Jin could completely build his own super sports car like Tony Stark.

After graduating from University, Wang Jin has been following Wang Kun to learn kung fu, coupled with Chen Mos advice from time to time, his current fighting skills are actually no better than Eric Kermangos crossbones How much weaker these battlefield elites like Brock Rumlow.

The only thing he lacks is actual combat experience, but with his fighting talent and learning ability, as long as he is really invested in actual combat, it does not take too long to grow up quickly and become a one A truly powerful fighter.

Of course, even then, he was still not Eric Kermongos opponent. After all, Eric Kermongo received the transformation of the enhanced Super Soldier serum, physical fitness It is already five times that of an ordinary person, coupled with the enhancement of Wakanda’s heart-shaped herbal medicine, the current physical fitness is seven times that of an ordinary person, and the strength is far greater than that of the improved Super Soldier serum. Only an ordinary person has three times the body. The quality of Wang Jin, not to mention the fact that he has not yet received the reinforced crossbones Brock Rumlow.

Although this is the case, it does not mean that Wang Jins power is not strong. Dont forget that Eric Kermongo was the same as the current crossbones Brock Rumlow before he was strengthened. , Are also very powerful fighters. In this world, they are also in the highest ranks, not to mention Wang Jin, who has three times the power of ordinary people.

With his current strength, equipped with suitable weapons and equipment, it is already enough to fight against a small modern army and is eligible to enter the ranks of superheroes.

Before, the strategic response team composed of powerful superheroes formed by Chen Mo in order to deal with possible special events that threaten the safety of the earth, so far only Chen Mo himself and Iron Man Tony _Stark is nothing more. Looking at Wang Jin, who is full of heroic spirit beside him, Chen Mo couldn’t help but a hint of thought flashed in his eyes.

Perhaps, he will be a good backup candidate.

Needless to say, the descendants of my confidants loyalty are absolutely no problem. Although young, they are still calm. Three times the physical fitness of ordinary people, coupled with good fighting skills, are enough to deal with Any battle.

With a little training, it is bound to become a good battle strength.

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