My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 176

In the Wakanda Palace Conference Hall, almost all Wakanda high-levels are present.

Including the five tribes Elder, the leader of the frontier tribe, the commander of the Wakanda army, Wakapi, the leader of the Jabari tribe, the strongest warrior of the five Wakanda tribes Mbaku, the former Panther T’Challa, the Chief of the Ministry of Science and Technology -In-Charge Shuri Princess, as well as the former King Techaka and the former High Priest Zuli.

Of course, there are their king Eric Kermango, and his comrade-in-arms, Wakandas guest of honor, Chen Mo.

Eric Kermongo sat on the throne, Chen Mo sat beside him, level with him, and everyone else sat on either side of the throne. The female Imperial Family Guard The vigorous female fighters stood behind the king with Vibranium lance.

When Eric Kermongo announced Chen Mo as the commander of this foreign military operation, all the people present looked at each other in blank dismay, some not knowing what to do, Only Princess Shuri sat there and rolled the eyes without saying a word.

Wakapi and Mbaku are both very powerful fighters, and they also lead their own tribe. Mbaku can be said to be the strongest fighter under the Panthers, and Wakabi is Secretary of Defense for Wakanda.

No matter from which way, without the command of King Eric Kermango himself, the commander of this massive military operation should be based on both of them. Choose one of them.

Instead of letting an External Race people who seems not at all strong to lead them, direct the future military operations involving Wakanda this time.

So the two men protested against Eric Kermongo.

“He is an External Race people, why should he lead our Wakanda’s strongest fighter!”

“This action is very important, although he helped you kill Ulysses _Crow, but you cant just use emotions for this!”

The two of them are straight-forward, and dont hide any opinions. They just speak in front of Chen Mo. Came out.

For the king’s order, they can’t disobey, but if there is any dissatisfaction, they will not hold back. They will not be polite to Chen Mo.

Everyone else hearing this was nodded involuntarily, and they agreed with each other, deeply agreeing with what they said.

Although Chen Mo and their king killed Wakanda’s enemy, Ulysses Crow, and the king’s friend, they are Wakanda’s distinguished guests, they are not at all hostile to Chen Mo.

But he is an outsider after all, and they don’t know him well. When it comes to important actions related to Wakanda’s future, they are unwilling to let an outsider who doesn’t know make the decision.

Eric Kermongo was stunned at first, but not at all, as the female soldiers of the Imperial Family guards behind him imagined, because his decision was questioned Furious, on the contrary, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Its my fault. I havent officially introduced it to you.”

Speaking of which, Eric Kermongo got up and came to Chen Mo. After Mo slightly nodded agreed, he turned to face everyone slowly said.

“Wakanda has been hidden for decades, but the information is not blocked. You should know the war hero 70 years ago, the commander of the special forces, Chen Mo, right?”

“You are talking about the commander who is said to have wiped out the entire Hydra with one person?”

“He didn’t crash 70 years ago in the super bomber that Hydra wanted to destroy the world. Is the sea?”

Everyone below is nodded hearing this. It is a name even more familiar than Hitler. If Hitler launched the Second World War, then Commander Chen Mo is I ended it personally and brought peace to the world.

“Yes, but that’s all in the past tense. Not long ago, the Americans found the plane in the Arctic glacier, and the commander was frozen in the plane.”


Eric Kermongo’s words made everyone’s expression uncontrollable.

“Are you saying…?”

Everyone had speculation in their hearts, looking at Eric, they asked a little uncertainly.

“Yes, we Wakanda also have cryo-sleep technology. The commander with very strong physical fitness did not die at all, but went to sleep at low temperature.”

The expression in his eyes started to change with Eric Kermongo’s words.

“He has been thawed now, and he is in front of you at this time.”

“This one is Commander Chen Mo!”

In the shocked expression, Eric Kermongo continued.

“Back then, as the commander of the special forces, he led the special forces to complete a large number of arduous tasks and eliminated all Hydra bases and troops. There is no doubt about the commanding ability.”

“As for personal strength, I believe everyone has heard about the legend, and what I want to say is that his strength is only stronger than the rumors, if anyone has doubts. You can challenge him and the facts will tell you Everything.”

Eric Kermongo finished speaking and glanced at the people below, slowly said.

“Does anyone have any opinions about him as the commander of the operation?”

The deeds of Commander Chen Mo in this world. Few people dont know. As a special force Commander, led the special forces to eliminate Hydra. No one would doubt his commanding ability. It was an ability that had been honed and tested on the spot. It was definitely much more powerful than those who had been calm for decades and could only talk on paper.

As for his strength, the legendary sword smashes the tank, killing people is as easy and fast as cutting melons and vegetables, and one person destroys the entire Hydra Legion equipped with advanced armored weapons, which is difficult for them to do now. Yes, this shows how strong his strength is.

After learning that Chen Mo is the commander of the legendary special force, Wakabi simply gave up his plan to fight for the commander of the operation. He has self-knowledge, whether it is from battle strength or command ability, he It’s incomparable with Chen Mo.

It was Mbaku. He was not interested in the command of the operation, but after learning Chen Mo’s true identity and powerful strength, the militant gene broke out again, and he immediately challenged Chen Mo.

For his challenge, Chen Mo did not refuse, but taught him to be a very friendly person.

Mbaku is even worse this time than the previous battle with Eric Kermongo at the waterfall.

Faced with the violent and ferocious attack of Mbaku, who was as tall and strong as a man, Chen Mo did not dodge, but chose to resist very directly.

Mbaku contains immense power, with a heavy punch, and the same punch as Chen Mo, and the two fists intersect, Mbaku only feels like a punch on steel. The finger bones seemed to break apart under this huge collision, and it was very painful

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