My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 161


A low gunfire sounded, and unsuspecting Ulysses Crow was directly hit in the back and fell. On the ground, the Vibranium weapon in his hand also dropped to the side.

Looking at the motionless Ulysses Crow lying on the ground, Eric Kermongo did not relax his guard at all. He knew Ulysses Crow very well, with his Wily old fox, it is very possible to pretend to be dead and prepare to fight back.

Almost at the same time he fell, Eric continued to pull the trigger, and two more shots were fired. This time, Ulysses Crow seemed to be completely dead, and his whole body was soft. Li lay on the ground, and the red blood in the gun hole slowly seeped out, and it spread out behind his back, and soon became a big red.

Eric carefully approached Ulysses Crow with his guns in both hands. As long as he did any action, Eric could shoot quickly without giving him a chance to fight back.

It turns out that Erics caution is not at all wrong.

Ulysses Crow deserves to be a gangster who can steal Vibranium from Wakanda and retreat all over his body. The three bullets that hit the back failed to directly kill him.

He has been pretending to be dead, and he is ready to fight back.

When Eric came close to him and just stopped, Ulysses Crow, who had been lying on the ground like a dead body, quickly turned over, not knowing when he was already holding a pistol.

Unfortunately, not to mention that he himself has been shot three times at this time. It is already an arrow at the end of its flight. Eric Kermongo has always been careful to guard him, why May be successful by his sneak attack.

At the moment Ulysses Crow’s body suddenly moved, Eric’s gun fired quickly.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Ulysses Crow’s body just turned over. Before he could raise his gun to aim, his ribs and chest were again After hitting several shots, it was already an arrow at the end of its flight. Ulysses Crow, holding his last breath, instantly lost all his strength, and the gun in his hand fell weakly.

It’s just that the eyes he looked towards Eric Kermongo are still fierce.

“Do you want to swallow it alone?!”

Ulysses Crow looked at Erics gnashing teeth and asked, he thought Eric was doing it for his value Liancheng’s Vibranium shot him.

Eric Kermongo pointed his gun at him and gently shook the head.

“I want you to die!”

After Eric finished talking, he pulled the trigger directly, and the bullet came from Ulysses Crows chest. Shooting in, shooting his heart directly through, and his fierce eyes completely dimmed.

Kicked Ulysses Crow and dropped the pistol on the side. Eric knelt down to confirm that he was really dead, then stood up.

A generation of gangsters, internationally renowned Vibranium and weapons dealers, Ulysses Crow, who caused huge damage and casualties in Wakanda that year, successfully escaped the Guardian of Wakanda kingdom for decades Panther hunted, but died in the hands of his nephew who was abandoned by Panther.

Eric, who killed Ulysses Crow, stood up, turned and looked towards the direction he came, and saw two black off-road vehicles in the distance that were the same as the one he drove before. The car was moving towards him and drove over quickly.

It was Ulysses Crows men. After receiving the task just now, Eric speeded up the two cars quietly, and returned to the stronghold first, until he was killed. After Ulysses Crow, the two cars just caught up.

Eric Kermongo looked at the two cars fast approaching him, cold light flashed in his eyes.

Putting the gun back into the holster around his waist, Eric walked to the tail section of the car with a cold face, opened the trunk, and took out a scope with a scope under the barrel An automatic rifle with a grenade launcher.

Eric Kermongo held the gun in his hand, “ka-cha” pulled the bolt open, his sturdy and powerful arm held the rifle firmly in front of him, the butt of the gun On his broad and solid shoulders, the muzzle moved slowly, firmly locking the two off-road vehicles that were approaching him.

Running on an off-road vehicle in front, one of Ulysses Crows men who drove looked at the vehicle parked in front of the warehouse not far away. Stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward while complaining.

“Damn Eric Kermongo! Throw us so far away! He must be on purpose!”

The companion sitting next to him in the passenger seat Hearing his complaint, I couldn’t help but say with a smile.

“Hey! You can keep your voice down, if Human Demon is killed, beware of your life!”


Drive His younger brother hearing this’s expression changed slightly, thinking of Eric Kermongos fierceness and very ruthless. Compared with killing people like scything flax’s “killing human demon”, they follow Ulysses Kr. Lao’s subordinate in the arms smuggling business can only be regarded as a minor role.

But he still insisted on not wanting to lose face in front of his companions.

“There is a BOSS, he dare not mess around!”

The companion next to him wanted to continue teasing him, but suddenly realized that something seemed to be wrong, and his eyes widened. Toward took a closer look in the distance, and quickly shouted to the driving companion.

“Nothing! Do you think there is a person lying on the ground next to that car?”

The guy driving this also looked towards there and found that there was indeed someone Lying on the ground, and from the clothes that person was wearing, it seemed that it was their Boss, Ulysses Crow!

“It’s the BOSS!”

“Damn it! Killing Human Demon and betraying the Boss!”

The two hurriedly informed about the situation they discovered through the walkie-talkie The companions in the car behind, both cars accelerated at the same time, and moved towards Eric Kermongo rushed over.

Just when they discovered something was wrong and started to accelerate, in their sight, Eric Kermongo opened the trunk of the car, took out an automatic rifle from it, turned and pointed at them .

“Be careful! He’s going to shoot!”

“This bastard!”

“Prepare to fight back and kill this traitor!”

Without waiting for them to react, Eric Kermongo took aim and quickly pulled the trigger, but instead of a bullet, they were waiting for a grenade.

The off-road vehicle at the front was hit by a grenade in an instant. The exploded formidable power directly blew the vehicle forward and rolled over. Hot flames emerged from the broken windows. The car became a big Fireball, and all of Ulysses Crows men in the car were buried.

The off-road vehicle behind hastily stepped on the sudden brake and stopped. The four Ulysses Crows men in the car quickly rushed out of the car, hid behind the car, and took out their weapons. towards Eric Kermongo fought back.

After Eric killed a car directly with a grenade, he did not evade. Instead, he stood still and quickly aimed at a few people who came down from the car through the rifle scope. The trigger was moved.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is more than a hundred meters. The four Ulysses Crows men behind the car fired in a panic, all the bullets fired at the distance of Eric K. Ermango’s far away place was no threat to him.

Even if bullets glided by him occasionally, it did not affect him at all. The hand holding the gun is still as solid as a rock, and the cold and severe expression on his face has not changed at all, and the bullets he shot But quickly took away the lives on the opposite side.

The battle ended soon, and the four people on the opposite side were all killed by Eric Kermongo before one magazine was finished.

Throwing the rifle to the ground, Eric turned back to Ulysses Crows corpse, picked up the Vibranium weapon that fell on the ground, and Eric dragged the corpse Back to the car.

Throwing Ulysses Crow’s body into the trunk, Eric started the car, turned around and drove along the map that appeared on the phone.

Dozens of minutes later, when they were tracked through surveillance and traced, and when the local police who followed all the way arrived, they only saw two badly damaged off-road vehicles and a few fallen in a pool of blood. The bodies in the middle, as for the few people in the first car, had already been burned to ashes.

When these arriving slowly police began to search the scene of the shootout, Eric Kermongo had already driven into a more desolate, uninhabited mountain area.

Turning at the foot of a mountain, Eric turned into a small valley surrounded by several hills.

A sci-fi black fighter is quietly crawling in the middle of the valley, waiting for his arrival.

Looking at this advanced fighter plane that has clearly surpassed this era, Eric Kermongo couldnt help flashing excitement in his eyes. He knew where this fighter plane would take him, which represented Now, his test has been completed, and he will be eligible to enter Hydra headquarters, the top secret base zero.

There, he will formally become an Inner Member of Hydra, which is as extraordinary as a pilgrimage for the external reserve members of Hydra who have been cultivated like him.

With excitement, Eric Kermongo got out of the off-road vehicle, picked up Ulysses Crows body from the trunk, and moved towards the fighter in front of it strode away past.

As he approached, the position of the rear belly of the fighter opened downwards, forming a ramp. Eric carried Ulysses Crows body onto the ramp, towards the fighter Go inside.

After Eric Kermongo fully entered the fighter plane, the ramp behind him slowly retracted and closed.

Then, the energy engine under the aircraft was activated, and a strong blue flame was ejected from the engine. The fighter slowly lifted off from the ground, accelerated suddenly under the push of the tail section engine, and moved towards the distance. Flew away, and soon disappeared in the sky.


Northwest Norway, deep in the Scandinavian mountain range.

A sci-fi, astonishingly fast black fighter tail section jets a dazzling blue flame, passing through the deep fjord, and rushing towards a tall mountain covered by ice and snow.

After the fighter approached, a tunnel suddenly opened on the mountain. The black fighter got through the tunnel, disappeared, and the split mountain slowly closed and returned to its original shape.

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