My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 159

Leaving Tony _ Stark and Ethan Court Academecian to continue to improve the steel battle clothes in the laboratory, Chen Mo alone secretly returned to the Hydra headquarters in Norway.

The third generation Ark reactor has been successfully manufactured. It uses replaceable palladium metal plates to provide energy, with higher energy output efficiency and longer use time.

Moreover, it is very convenient to replace after the energy is exhausted. You only need to prepare enough palladium metal plates. It is no longer like the second-generation Ark reactor. After the energy is exhausted, a new reactor needs to be rebuilt.

At the same time, the electromagnet on Tony’s chest has also been improved. Cable connection is no longer needed, and the installation is more convenient. Tony _ Stark can replace and install it himself, no longer need Pepper to put his hand into his chest Replaced for him within.

More convenient and efficient energy supply is solved, but the rapid equipment deployment system of battle clothes has not yet been completed.

The new rapid equipment mode has greatly transformed battle clothes. Many modules need to be redesigned and the deformation function is added to meet the requirements of automatic assembly of battle clothes. At the same time, the connection of battle clothes must be ensured. The firm and overall defensive power.

Although the highly developed brain makes Chen Mo’s thinking, memory, and analysis abilities far beyond ordinary people, in terms of the specific improvement and design of battle clothes, with Tony Stark, the inventor of steel battle clothes, Compared with weapons-making geniuses, they are still much worse.

Steel battle clothes are a complicated system. If you want to make a huge transformation and upgrade to him, the things involved are very complicated.

Each system needs to be changed accordingly, the transmission system is upgraded, the various modules of the body are re-arranged, the shock absorption system and the enhanced composite armor are improved accordingly.

These all require a very system and in-depth understanding of each part of battle clothes, and the ability to make overall changes to all systems and layouts as needed.

At present, the only person who can do this is Tony Stark, the creator of steel battle clothes.

Chen Mo relies more on the storage in his mind, the large amount of scientific and technological information provided by Hydra, and the foresight brought by the familiar plot.

As long as he proposes the shortcomings of steel battle clothes and the direction of improvement, Tony _ Stark can easily solve these problems.

Steel battle clothes are different from any weapon in the past. There is no place to refer to. Each new feature of his will face many problems.

Chen Mo can point out the shortcomings and improvement directions, and provide the corresponding high-end technology, but the specific design, the overall technical transformation, and the final application of it to the battle clothes, these all require Tony _ Stark This is the inventor of steel battle clothes. After all, he is the only person who knows steel battle clothes best.

Its like a house. Tony designed and built the main frame. Chen Mo knows what the house will look like in the end. He can put forward various deficiencies, give comments and some modifications, but its true To make changes to the main frame, it must be done by Tony Stark, the original designer.

Of course, when the whole house is finally completed, Chen Mo, who participated in the whole project, knows it well, and will not have any problems if it is built again or some minor modifications.

But the fast-dressing system is obviously not something Chen Mo can complete. The design inside is too complicated and delicate, and it is a field that Chen Mo has never touched. There is no such aspect in Hydra’s technology. Data, so Tony can only rely on this.

After Chen Mo told Tony Stark all of his ideas about fast and automatic system assembly, Alone left the villa.

He can’t help much with the following things, just leave it to Tony, he has other things to do.

During the previous battle with Obadea, Chen Mo discovered that his left arm, which had been cut off by the crossbones Brock Rumlow, was fitted with a bionic mechanical prosthesis that could be transformed into a sonic cannon. .

And this robotic arm, Chen Mo, was seen in a movie.

In the same superhero movie “Black Panther” produced by Marvel, the arms dealer Ulysses Crow who sneaked into Wakanda and stole a large number of Vibranium was equipped with this on his left arm A prosthetic sonic cannon.

According to Chen Mo’s understanding of the plot, this prosthetic sonic cannon was transformed with a sonic weapon he grabbed from Wakanda.

Its just that he shouldnt lose his left hand yet. This sonic cannon is just a weapon for him, and the news of Obadeas loss of his left hand clearly shows him a business opportunity After transforming the sonic cannon, he sold it to Obadea at a high price, making a fiercely.

It’s just a pity that although Obadiah got this huge sonic cannon with formidable power, he still couldn’t pose a threat to Chen Mo, and ultimately he did not escape the fate of being killed.

But Ulysses Crow and Wakanda are therefore in Chen Mo’s sight.

Norway, the northernmost point of the Scandinavian mountain range, dozens of kilometers away from the coast of the western fjords, is covered by snow and ice all year round, beneath a tall and steep mountain, a huge underground is hidden The base, here, is the headquarters of Hydra, the top secret base of No. 0.

In the large office belonging to Chen Mo, Chen Mo sits behind his desk and uses his tablet to quickly read all the information about Ulysses Crow and Wakanda from Albert. .

Ulysses Crows situation is no different from what Chen Mo knew.

Many years ago, Ulysses Crow infiltrated the mysterious country, Wakanda, hidden in the jungle, and stole a large amount of Vibranium from there.

Now, in addition to smuggling and selling arms, he spends most of his time searching and stealing Vibranium weapons handed down in ancient times with the assistance of an elite mercenary named Eric Kermongo , And sell precious Vibranium at high prices.

Wakanda, the mysterious kingdom, has actually attracted Hydra’s attention a long time ago, and has learned too much about them in secret. It can be said that Hydra is definitely the organization that knows Wakanda best in this World.

Even Ulysses Crow, who has personally entered Wakanda, knows Wakanda far less than Hydra.

In fact, apart from Ulysses Crow, few people in this World know the existence of Wakanda.

Even if I knew it, I just thought it was an extremely poor and backward African country that was dominated by hunting and farming.

Even the Intelligence Section and the National Land Strategy Defense, Attack and Logistics Security Bureau of various countries do not know that hidden under the appearance of poverty and backwardness, the scientific and technological strength of the Kingdom of Wakanda far exceeds that of any country on the earth. The organization is the most technologically advanced country in this World.

According to the information obtained by Hydra, over 10,000 years ago, a huge meteorite fell on the earth, where Wakanda is now. This meteorite is entirely composed of Vibranium, forming a deep underground Vibranium vein.

As early as when the previous King Wakanda was reigning, they sold a small amount of secreted Vibranium to the outside world.

Most of the primordial Edman alloy shields used by McMullan Court Academecian to manufacture Chen Mo, and the Vibranium used in the later research on Edman alloys, were obtained from them.

Using the huge amount of funds obtained from the sale of Vibranium, domestic elites will be sent to developed countries to receive higher education and learn advanced scientific knowledge.

After they finished their studies, they returned to Wakanda and used the powerful Vibranium to develop technology with the advanced knowledge they mastered.

For decades, Wakanda’s technology has developed rapidly, and it soon surpassed all countries on the earth, especially in the processing and stealth technology of Vibranium.

They can process the hard Vibranium into soft and close-fitting, can maintain good flexibility, and at the same time have strong defensive power Panther battle clothes.

Using Vibranium, they have developed many very advanced technologies, weapons and equipment.

After the development of satellite technology in other countries, Wakanda even hid the entire country in order to hide from the world. The developed modern city with tall buildings standing in great numbers is just a primordial jungle to the outside world. Wakanda has always appeared on the international stage as a poor and backward third world country.

Wakanda is composed of five major tribes, each of which performs its own duties, among which the border tribes are responsible for guarding the kingdom and preventing outsiders from entering Wakanda.

The clansman of the border tribe normally pretends to be farmers and hunters, living on the border of Wakanda to deceive the outside world and conceal the real situation of Wakanda’s wealth and power.

Although they seem to be just a group of clansman from the backward tribe wrapped in blue cloak, they are actually equipped with very advanced equipment.

The cloak used by the warriors of the frontier tribe to wrap the body is actually the Vibranium cloak with protection and invisibility.

When the cloak is activated, it can form a very powerful energy shield with defensive power, which can withstand the attacks of bullets and bombs.

According to the analysis of the Hydra Intelligence Section, Wakanda’s technological level is even higher than Hydra in some respects. You must know that Hydra’s technology has been ahead of the current world for more than 20 years, which shows that Wakanda’s technological level is high.

But if it really fights, Wakanda is definitely not Hydra’s opponent. Although they rely on Vibranium to develop many advanced technologies, Hydra is not inferior to them, and in terms of background, it is even better than them. On a lot.

Many of their technologies are based on Vibranium. Almost all powerful weapons and advanced equipment, the core components are composed of Vibranium.

The sonic cannon that can launch shock waves and conduct sonic attacks, the Vibranium cloak that stimulates energy shields, the panther battle clothes, and the aircraft are all inseparable from Vibranium.

However, Wakanda has a powerful Vibranium, and Hydra also has a more powerful Tesseract.

The offensive power of energy weapons is also higher than that of sonic weapons, and the various types of fighters and ships developed with Tesseract as the energy basis, whether in terms of quality, performance, battle strength, or quantity , Must surpass Wakanda.

The combat literacy of the soldiers of Hydra Legion is far above that of the Wakanda border tribes. Whether it is will, belief, discipline, or combat literacy, they are all impossible to compare.

Once the sleeping Winter Soldier in the basement is awakened, it will be able to crush Wakanda and destroy it overnight.

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