My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 156

In a large Conference Hall in the office building of Stark Industries, all directors of the company are present.

They sat in their respective chairs and talked intimately, complaining about Tony Stark who was not here.

After Howards suspended animation, Stark Industries was once in trouble. At the instigation of Obadea, Tony _ Stark inherited from Howard. 40% of Stark Industries shares were sold. 10%, in order to save the troubled company, this is how we have the current board of directors.

Furthermore, after the company went public, Tony _ Stark reduced his holding of 20% of the shares as tradable shares. Now Tony only has 10% of Stark Industries in his hands. After a series of share changes, the board of directors The scale of the company has been further expanded. There are now nine directors who hold more than 10% of the company’s shares.

So the actual control of Stark Industries is not in Tony _ Stark’s hands, but the board members present here.

This is also Obadeas plan to vacate Tony through the board of directors and control Stark Industries.

For Tony _ Stark, the board members are the same as Obadea, but they use him as a tool to make money for them. Tony _ Stark continues to develop new weapons, and they sell these weapons to Anyone who needs it, whether they are a national army or a terrorist, as long as they can bring them wealth, they will not care if these weapons are in the hands of who.

From this point of view, they are consistent with Obadeas ideas and pursuits, so when Tony planned to close the weapons manufacturing department, they stopped Tonys work without the slightest hesitation. Helping Obadiah seize power and let him fully control the company.

This is also the result of many years of planning and working hard for Obadea.

Now, the spokesperson of the board of directors, Obadea, is dead, and Tony Stark, the chairman of the board, summoned them to convene the board of directors. They did not know what Tony’s purpose was for the board of directors this time.

Although he has become an Iron Man, in their opinion, he is still the playboy who was played with applause by them. If they were, they would never disclose their identity, he would still be like The same arrogant and naive before.

If he knows current affairs, they don’t mind resuming his job, let him continue to run the company and make money for them.

After all, Tony Stark is really a genius in weapon research and development. As long as he is willing to continue to develop more advanced and formidable power weapons for the company as before, then they will continue to do the same as before. Enjoy the continuously great wealth that Stark Industries has created for them.

And if Tony Stark is still a stubborn, they dont mind continuing to restrict him and replanting an obedient spokesperson. Anyway, Stark Industries existing weapon technology is enough for them to make huge profits, no more Tony _ Stark, they just made less money.

So when Tony Stark walked in, the eyes of the board members were not at all any respect for the chairman, but with an aloof and remote scrutiny.

But soon, their eyes turned to the few people who walked in with Tony Stark, especially when one of them was a tall, great cultivator, a long, grim and majestic Chinese young man. After sitting down on the chair that originally belonged to the chairman of the board of directors, the brows of several directors could not help but frowned.

“Tony! Who is this person?”

A mean-looking man who looks more than 50 years old, wears a pair of gold glasses, looks like he has just been in Chen Mo Tony Stark, who sat down beside him, asked unceremoniously.

Tony _ Stark ignored his questioning, without even looking at him.

Dare to use this attitude to speak very much to me, it’s strange that I care about you!

Moreover, he doesn’t know how to introduce Chen Mo, tell everyone, this is my godfather, can you call him father like me?

Ah no, it’s Uncle, because he is almost a hundred years old and has just emerged from under the ice.

You can live here to point your fingers, thank him for his life-saving grace!

Tony Stark only met Chen Mo’s request to meet the board of directors, but Chen Mo’s plan is not clear to him, but no matter what Chen Mo wants to do, he will fully support him.

The director who asked the question just now found that no one paid attention to him, and his face flushed uncontrollably. He gave Tony Stark a fiercely look and turned his gaze to Chen Mo, just as he was about to question Chen Mo directly. , Chen Mo’s gaze suddenly turned towards him.

Chen Mos eyes are indifferent and cold, which makes his body cold. It seems to be able to freeze the soul of a person. The sharp aura contained in it is even more heart-breaking. The questioning words to be exported were directly held back into the stomach, and the proud head lowered unconsciously, avoiding Chen Mo’s sight.

Chen Mo’s gaze swept across the faces of everyone present. For those who meet his gaze, the original arrogant expression changes drastically in an instant.

These directors are just wealthy people who have the power of the company. In the final analysis, they are just ordinary persons. How can they be compared with Chen Mo, who has killed countless people and is in charge of the imperial power.

Under his sharp eyes, they retreated one after another, did not dare to look at him, and felt a little jealous about this strange character who suddenly appeared in his heart.

Chen Mo glanced indifferently, Chen Mo raised his hand and waved to Phil Colson behind him, when he and Pepper Pepper came forward and sent the documents they were holding to everyone. , Chen Mo slowly said.

“I am the boss of this company!”

Everyone present, including Tony Stark hearing this, was taken aback, and then they saw Phil Coleson And Pepper placed the file in front of them.

With doubts, everyone opened the file in front of them and looked at it.

As the files are reviewed, the expressions on everyone’s faces become more and more exciting.

On the top of the document, there is a copy of the equity transfer contract. This contract shows that 70 years ago, Howard sold 60% of Stark Industries shares for 60 Million USD to Chen Mo, that is to say, the person named Chen Mo in the contract holds 60% of the company’s shares and is the real boss of Stark Industries.

In fact, everyone here knows that Stark Industries has a mysterious major shareholder who owns 60% of the companys shares, but he has never appeared or interfered with the companys operations.

The huge annual dividends have also been paid to Howards private research account. After Howard Death, it became Tony _ Stark. Therefore, Tony _ Stark until nows research funding is actually all It was provided by this mysterious controlling shareholder. If Howard hadnt spent too much money to research anti-gravity technology and spent all the money in his account, Tony Stark wouldnt have been encouraged by Obadea. The shares were sold to save the troubled company.

Although Tony Stark only owns 10% of Stark Industries, he actually enjoys 70% of the companys dividends, and several directors on the board of directors are only about 1% each.

Its just that Tony _ Stark is obsessed with weapons and technology research and development, and spends most of this huge income on experiments. The final results are produced and sold by Stark Industries, allowing the company And other shareholders saved a lot of research funds.

Its just that Tony Stark didnt care about these things. In his opinion, experimentation and research are his hobby. He enjoys this process, and Stark Industries is also his own company. So clear.

So the shareholders of these boards are actually taking advantage of Tony until now, and they feel at ease.

Tony Stark didnt care about it before, because anyway, the last 70% of the profits returned to him, and the money was a number to him. Stark Industries was founded by his father Howard. Now Handed over to him, he hopes to see it continue to grow and develop, and his research results are used by his own company, which is nothing for R&D expenses.

Of course, now, after being plot against by Obadea and the board of directors, Tony will no longer be as naive as before.

In fact, everyone, including Tony, didnt know the situation of this mysterious major shareholder before. His information seemed to have been deliberately hidden. Everyone only knew his existence, but no one knew him. In the end, who are you, and why is it that he has a controlling stake but never participates in the management of the company, and gives a huge dividend to the people of the Stark family for free use.

At this time, this contract solved the doubts in everyone’s minds. An additional clause on the contract stated that Chen Mo handed all the proceeds to Howard for research purposes.

As for not participating in management, it was a private verbal agreement between the two of them. Of course, for the two of them, this is enough. If it is not for the shareholding and income distribution that require formal documents, the two even have a contract. No need to sign, Howard dare to rely on Chen Mo’s account? Obviously he didn’t have the guts.

And if Chen Mo is renege on a debt, Howard can only tolerate it. Who will let him beat Chen Mo.

The authenticity of this contract can be found out by checking. They don’t think it is fake, but some people have discovered the problem.

“This contract was signed 70 years ago. Don’t tell us, you are Chen Mo?”

Although Chen Mo’s imposing manner was deterred at the beginning, it was related to The major event of the company’s control, the huge benefits let them put aside their fears.

At this time, Tony Stark, who had read the contract, spoke.

“You should know the identity of my father. During World War II, he joined a special department of the Allied Forces. You must have heard of one of his former comrades, that is, the commander of the special forces, Chen Mo! “

“This is the one in front of you!”

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