My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 154

A dazzling silver sword light swept across Iron Monger’s head.

The arm that was originally swinging towards Tony _ Stark seemed to lose power in an instant. Under the action of inertia, it lightly hits the helmet, and the slight vibration is completely offset by the defense system of battle clothes. Can give Tony any feeling.

Obviously, under that sword light, the impact hammer has lost its power and can no longer exert the powerful impact before it.

The other steel arm that had bound him firmly fell down weakly. Tony rushed forward a few steps, then quickly turned and looked towards Iron Monger behind him.

I saw Iron Monger’s huge body standing quietly. The original head position was cut off by the roots. The cut in the armor below was smooth as a mirror, and some cut lines were exposed in the cut. The cable is still sparking from time to time, and the entire armor has completely lost its battle strength.

Under Tony’s gaze, the huge body of Iron Monger, whose head was decapitated, slowly fell backward, and the heavy weight shook the ground.

In the smoke and dust that Iron Monger fell on the ground, a tall and stalwart black silhouette walked out slowly and came to Tony, holding a silver one meter long in his right hand. The two-handed Knight heavy sword clearly cut out the devastating silver sword light that Tony _ Stark saw just now.

Black’s full-body armor and silver’s two-handed Rider Head sword. Although he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes before, Tony Stark was very familiar with these. When he was a child, he did not listen to his father Howard. Chen Mo’s equipment and clothing, the origin and performance of each weapon and equipment, he knows well.

Designed by Chen Mo himself, the tightly defensive and indestructible Edman alloy armored battle suit, the legendary sword of King Arthur, the sword of the king that no stronghold one cannot overcome, is only one primordial in the world Edman alloy shield, can eliminate all attacks invisible.

These legendary weapons and equipment that he couldn’t be more familiar with appeared in front of him at this time.

So although he did not see the face of the person in front of him, Tony _ Stark can conclude that this is his godfather, Commander Chen Mo.

Tony Stark, who was rescued by Chen Mo in despair, quickly opened the battle clothes mask, and moved towards the tall silhouette in front of him, shouting excitedly.


It turned out that Chen Mo had arrived at Stark Industries long before the two flew high, and witnessed the entire process of the two fighting. .

Just for the purpose of training his godson Tony _Stark, Chen Mo not at all rushed to shoot.

Until discovering that Tony was in danger, Chen Mo drew out the long sword behind him, exploded with all his speed, moved towards and the two rushed quickly.

As he approached behind Iron Monger, Chen Mo used his feet and jumped up from the ground. The sharp sword of the king in his hand directly slashed out, cutting Iron Monger’s head completely After cutting it down, Iron Monger also lost control and fell heavily to the ground.

One sword killed Iron Monger and relieved Tony Stark’s danger. Chen Mo inserted the sword of the king back behind him and strode to Tony’s body, staring at him said solemnly with a stern look.

“The battle is not over until the enemy’s death is confirmed!”

Under Chen Mo’s stern gaze, Tony felt ashamed to think of his carelessness just now. He nodded earnestly to Chen Mo’s teaching.

“I remember, daddy!”

This is the third time he was rescued by Chen Mo in danger. Looking at Chen Mo’s tall and stalwart silhouette, Tony couldn’t help but feel admiration.

“It feels good to have a dad!”



At a distance from Stark Industries Not too far away in the secret underground base of SHIELD.

Howard _ Stark, who was conducting an experiment in the laboratory, suddenly sneezed uncontrollably. The hand holding the tool inevitably shook. A crackle sound accompanied by a large amount of electricity. Sparks sounded, and the components on the test bench in front of them were completely scrapped.

“Fuck! Damn it! What’s the matter? I’ve been sneezing recently. Is it Tony that little bastard thinking about me?”

Looking at the experimental parts smoking in front of him, Howard rubbed his nose in irritation.

He knows that Tony was kidnapped by terrorists, but because Chen Mo is there, he is not worried about Tony’s safety, so he can safely leave it to Chen Mo to solve it.

Since the suspended animation, he has not interfered too much with the affairs of Stark Industries until now not at all.

Howard regards these as training for Tony. He doesn’t want Tony to become a child who will never grow up under his secret care. To truly grow, he must experience some setbacks. He also followed Chen Mo on the battlefield, and his son must be a real man.

Before, he was a little worried about Tony. After all, he was an unreliable playboy. Fortunately, Chen Mo is back now. With him by Tony’s side, Howard believes that Tony will be big There is an improvement.

Think about the people brought out by Chen Mo, Steve, Huang Quan, Han Qing, Luo Zhen, Wang Kun, none of them are bad guys, all of them are heroes. Give Tony to Chen Mo , Howard a hundred rest assured.


In the Stark Industries Park, Chen Mo looked at Tony Stark who was looking at him with excitement and admiration, shook the head somewhat helplessly.

Seeing Chen Mo shaking his head, Tony looked towards Chen Mo a little puzzled.

“What’s wrong, daddy?”

Chen Mo gave Tony a sideways glance and asked harshly.

“What did I say?!”

Tony hearing this didn’t understand why Chen Mo was angry, but he replied with a serious face.

“The battle is not over until the enemy’s death is confirmed!”

Under Chen Mo’s gaze, Tony finally reacted after speaking and turned to look towards and fell down. Iron Monger on the ground.

At this time, he remembered that although Iron Monger had his head cut off by Chen Mo just now, he lost control and fell to the ground, but the cut surface where it was cut was only a broken cable with sparks. , Not at all bleed, and there is no vain brain, that is to say, Obadiah is not dead!

Because I dont know the design and layout of Iron Monger, and because he was rescued by Chen Mo in the crisis just now, Tony _ Stark just instinctively thought that his head was cut off and the battle was over, completely ignored These details.

He didnt realize until then that the huge Iron Mongers internal layout is different from Mark II, and its not completely close to the body. Obadiahs position is even lower, in Iron Mongers body. Inside, cutting off the head just destroyed Iron Monger’s control system, not at all hurting Obadea.

Under Tonys gaze, a sound of mechanical exhaust sounded from the Iron Monger’s body, which fell on the ground, accompanied by a few white air currents ejecting from the chest armor. Amidst the sound of mechanical operation, Iron Monger The armor on Monger’s chest was fully opened, and Obadiah stood up from inside with a hideous look.

Looking at Iron Monger whose head was cut off behind him, Obadiah turned his head, fiercely looked towards Chen Mo, and said with hatred.

“Who the hell are you?!”

After Iron Monger’s head was chopped off just now, Obadiah of rigorous schemes and deep foresight wanted to hide in the armor Waiting for the opportunity, taking advantage of Tony’s carelessness to come out a sneak attack, didn’t expect was discovered by this mysterious person who suddenly appeared, lay bare the truth with one remark.

Chen Mo looked at Obadiah coldly, not at all paying attention to what he meant.

However, Chen Mo’s eyes suddenly stopped when he glanced across Obadiah.

Obadea saw Chen Mo ignore his question, and his already hideous face was even more angry, but strangely, he did not have the iron Monger destroyed. , Lost the panic and fear of the greatest reliance, and did not seem to be afraid of Chen Mo who killed Iron Monger and Tony Stark who was still wearing steel battle clothes.

Under the strange gaze of Chen Mo, Obadea raised his left hand with a brutal look, and saw that his left hand that should have been cut off by the crossbones Brock Rumlow looked like It was intact as before, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the movement of this hand is very stiff.

Obadea raised his left hand, facing Chen Mo and Tony Stark with his palm, and then, under the gaze of the two, this hand split a gap between the middle finger and the ring finger , The palms on both sides were separated along the gap and opened to both sides, and a sci-fi-like silver barrel stretched out in the middle.

A triumphant smile appeared on Obadeas face, and a string of light blue light began to light up from the base of the barrel and quickly spread towards the muzzle.

When the entire barrel is lit up with blue light, it seems that the energy accumulation has been completed. Along with a somewhat harsh whistling sound, a group of shallow blue hazy lights emitted from the muzzle very quickly The speed flew towards Chen Mo and Chen Mo.

As early as when the abnormality of Obadeas left hand was discovered, Chen Mo was already on guard. At this time, seeing the change of this arm, Chen Mo couldnt help but flash a strange look in his eyes. Looking at the hazy light group flying at high speed, the shield behind Chen Mo disappeared instantly, and then it appeared directly in Chen Mo’s hand, blocking the light group.

The hazy, shallow blue light group touched the shield, but did not blast Chen Mo together with the shield into pieces as Obadea imagined, but like a cloud of smoke hitting the wall , There was only a faint ripple, and it dissipated in the air directly, without even making a sound.

“How is this possible?! How could the sonic cannon be blocked so easily?”

Obadea, who had the chance to win, saw that his attack was easily cancelled out and eliminated Invisible, unbelievable.

He has personally tested the formidable power of this weapon in his left hand. Even an armored vehicle will disintegrate in a single blow. How could it be easily blocked by a person with a shield? !

Suddenly, Obadea seemed to think of something, and he carefully looked at Chen Mo who had just put down the shield in front of him. Under this look, Obadea’s expression could not help but change drastically.

The black alloy armor that covers the whole body, the round shield that can withstand powerful attacks, cut off the Iron Monger’s head in one blow, and the silver two-handed Rider Head sword that cuts the iron like mud, connecting all these things At the same time, the name of a legendary character appeared in his mind.

Recalling the relationship between the Legendary character and Howard Stark, Obadea was more certain of his guess, but his gaze towards Chen Mo was full of disbelief.

“Are you the commander of the special forces?!!!”

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