My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1536

At this time, Karina has completely lost the anger and ferociousness she had before. After holding the power gem, she felt that her arm could not be controlled, a tyrannical force full of destruction. The energy of rushing along her arm towards her body, intense pain hits wherever she goes.

She watched as the purple energy spread under her arm like lava, burned her arm, and instantly collapsed. She screamed in horror and despair in the pain and fear. stand up.


But it is too late, she is just an ordinary person, how can she withstand the terrifying power of the power gem, and soon be affected by the powerful energy The body was filled, the skin on the body surface was completely burned, and the whole body was lit up with purple rays of light.

Just after Star Lord and Chen Mo jumped down the steps together, her body finally couldn’t support her, and the whole explosion exploded!

Huge energy swept the entire collection room in an instant, and the remaining glass boxes were completely destroyed in the explosion, except for Chen Mo who jumped off the steps and fainted, just blocked by the table. Except for Emperor Fan, all the collections in the collection room were completely destroyed in this explosion.

When the explosion passed, Chen Mo stood up from the steps and glanced at the glass box that originally held the Dark Elves and Chitauri soldiers.

In the explosion just now, they were not spared either. At this time, there was only a pile of fragments left in the glass box, and the Dark Elves and Chitauri soldiers inside had been blown to pieces by the power of the power gem.

Chen Mo was satisfied and nodded.

A race must be neat and tidy, everyone else has been killed by him, what’s the matter with this one?

Since he has become an exterminator of this kind of tribe, he must be responsible to the end!

This time, these two races are truly extinct!

Star Lord, Gamora and Rocket Raccoon also stood up and looked at the collection room that had been completely turned into ruins, with wonderful expressions on their faces.

“My God…”

“This formidable power…”

Recalling the horrible scene of the energy group flying around just now, a few people He couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva.

Chen Mo glanced at a few people who were afraid of his face, and then awakened them.

“Dont be stunned, Gamora pulls, go get the power gem back, we leave here.”

Gamora pulls hearing this and does it quickly, Star Lord is patted and filled Heika’s backpack showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Although the experience just now was a bit thrilling, it was finally a worthwhile trip, and successfully got the funds, and more than expected.

This guy Difan is a local tyrant. Now the money in his bag is tens of billions. Not to mention upgrading equipment, it is enough to build an interstellar fleet!

Having seen the formidable power of the power gem with his own eyes, the Star Lord has a stronger sense of urgency to fight Thanos and Ronan the Accuser. With this fund, he feels a little bit more bottomed.

Gamora stepped on a messy ground and quickly came to the console, closed the opened universe spirit ball, sealed the power gem inside, and glanced at the unconscious Difan. , Then turned around and returned to Chen Mo’s side.

She felt that her brain was really broken, and she wanted to give the universe spiritual ball to Difan for safekeeping.

In fact, even without this accident, Emperor Fan simply has no strength to guard the Infinity Gem.

In terms of financial resources, collectors can be regarded as the top rich in the galaxy, but nothing more. Although the Difan Group in his hands is also a large company, it has certain armed forces to deal with ordinary The person and interstellar robbers are okay. In truth, battle strength is far from Ronan the Accuser, let alone Thanos.

In addition to his racial advantage, he has a longer life and hardly any battle strength. Without Thanos, Ronan the Accusers men can kill him!

That’s why Chen Mo didn’t ask Asgard to hand over the reality gems to Difan for safekeeping. It is simply what’s gone can never come back, which is not much different from directly giving Thanos.

Gamora gave the cosmic spirit ball to Chen Mo. Star Lord was about to take it and put it back in the backpack, but Chen Mo handed it to Gamora again.

“Quil has the money, let you keep this one.”

Gamora took a look at Star Lords bulging backpack, did not say anything, reached out and took it. Come here.

With the cosmic spirit ball and the huge sum of money sponsored by Difan, the entire group quickly left here.

Although the explosion just now was only a small amount of power leaked by the power gem, the formidable power was very huge. Not only was the collection room in ruins, but the bar connected to it outside was also affected. confusion.

The steel door at the entrance of the collection room was directly blasted out by the shock wave. Several people left the collection room unimpeded all the way, walked out of the bar, and came to the street outside. All around were escaping from the bar. Many people who come out have blood shed.

Standing in the chaotic crowd, several people looked at the universe spiritual ball held by Gamora with different expressions.

The formidable power of this thing is really too terrifying. If you are not careful, you will turn the surroundings into ruins. It is too dangerous to bring it around. A few people can’t help but feel a little confused.

Gamora tends to hand it over to the New Star Empire for their safekeeping.

The Rocket Raccoon doesn’t matter, as long as you can stay away from this thing, the farther the better!

Star Lord also feels that its too dangerous to keep this thing by his side. He doesnt want his spaceship to be blown to pieces, but whether the new star Legion can guard the universe under Thanos and Ronan the Accuser Spirit ball, but there is no bottom in his heart.

Just when a few people looked at the cosmic spirit ball browse tightly frowns and looked solemn, Chen Mo said.

“I have a better place than Rising Star Legion!”


Gamora, who is worrying, cant help but get together. looked towards Chen Mo, wanting to know what a good way he has to deal with this hot potato.

Chen Mo’s gaze swept across the faces of several people, and finally fell on the Star Lord, and said slowly in his surprised gaze.


Gamora pulled a few people hearing this for a moment, then quickly reacted, except for the Star Lord, they couldn’t help being nodded.

The ability to eliminate Chitauri Legion, even the new star Legion may not be able to do this. Although Chen Mo is the main credit, it also shows that the strength of the earth is also very strong. Perhaps this is a good one. idea.

Star Lord’s expression is very complicated, he wants to oppose but doesn’t know how to speak.

Just as the Star Lord struggled, the surrounding crowd suddenly became agitated.

Several people looked up, but saw dozens of spaceships flying in the sky, and they came over them in a blink of an eye. Star Lord and Gamora recognized the origin of these spaceships in an instant.

“Necro spaceship is Ronan the Accuser!”

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