My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 152

After taking down Tony _ Starks chest of the Ark Reactor, Obadiah thought that Tony was bound to die, so he no longer concealed himself, and frankly admitted what he had done until now .

In Afghanistan, he ordered the terrorists to kill Tony Stark, and he always regarded Tony as a tool for making money, using his talent in weapon manufacturing to make money for him.

Until this time, Tony _ Stark fully understood the true face of Obadea, and deeply regretted his previous naivety and ignorance.

Before leaving, Obadea proudly told Tony that he had created more powerful steel battle clothes, and the Mini Ark reactor would serve as the core of this powerful new generation weapon, helping him control the entire world.

Furthermore, after Tony, he was about to attack Pepper, which made Tony _ Stark anxious, but he was helpless.

Without the energy supply of the Ark Reactor, the electromagnets built into the chest cavity could not continue to absorb the shrapnel in the chest. They began to move slowly to the heart with the blood, and Tony Stark seemed extremely painful and weak.

But due to the function of the nerve paralysis device, he was completely unable to move even a little bit. He could only sit on the sofa and feel the constant approach of death, unable to stop Opadea. .

After Obadea left the villa with the second generation Ark reactor triumphantly, Chen Mo walked out of the underground laboratory slowly, holding a newly built third generation Ark reactor in his hand. .

Tonys desperate gaze became excited the moment he saw Chen Mo. After Chen Mo installed a new reactor for him, the electromagnet worked again and absorbed the positive heart. With the moving shrapnel, he finally relieved the threat to his life, and his complexion slowly improved.

Chen Mo immediately called Phil Phil Colson and asked him to take Pepper to a safe place, and immediately sent someone to evacuate people near Stark Industries.

Obadeas private arms trade and the evidence that instigated terrorists to kill Tony Stark have been obtained by Pepper. He will definitely jump the wall in a hurry. A big battle is inevitable. With the strength of steel battle clothes Huge might, nearby civilians are very vulnerable.

Phil Coleson, who received Chen Mos order, ignored Peppers request to summon Obadeas request, and took her to the New York Branch of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Agency. .

There is heavily guarded there, and there are underground shelters. Even if Obadea calls in steel battle clothes, he cannot hurt Pepper.

Confirming that Pepper is not dangerous, Tony is finally sighed in relief.

When the effect of the nerve paralysis device passed, Tony Stark, who had recovered completely, stepped onto the equipment platform with a murderous aura face and put on steel battle clothes.

Obadea got the Mini Ark Reactor, so the steel battle clothes he made have energy. Although I dont know what kind of battle clothes he made, since he can instruct terrorists Attacking yourself and claiming to have made larger steel battle clothes, then he must have obtained the design drawings of Mark 1 he left in the base, and may even include the prototype that crashed in the desert.

Opadea is now in full control of Stark Industries. With the company’s strength, with drawings and prototypes, it is not difficult to produce steel battle clothes that are stronger than Mark One.

The only thing that can trap him is the energy that drives the steel battle clothes. Now that he got the second-generation Ark reactor from Tony, his steel battle clothes also have power.

Based on Tony _ Starks understanding of steel battle clothes and Stark Industries scientific research capabilities, even if Obadeas steel battle clothes were not made by him, they were made by Stark Industries engineers in Mark One. Improvements made on the basis of its destructive capacity must also be extremely amazing.

He must be stopped in time, Tony does not allow the things he created to be taken by others for evil and harm the innocent.

Chen Mo didnt stop him. A strong fighter must go through battles. To become a superhero, Tony will inevitably go through countless battles in the future. Obadea is a good one. Practice object.

Furthermore, the person who betrayed him wants him to solve it himself.

Although they have been studying the new third generation Ark reactor and battle clothes fast-dressing system during this period, Tony not at all left the Mark II completely idle.

Tony, who is very satisfied with this armor set, took the time to modify it, added the weapon system, and painted the whole, just like in the movie, he took a Lord from his collection. The car is painted in similar gold and red colors, warm, eye-catching and handsome.

After finishing the equipment on the dressing platform, Tony _ Stark moved towards Chen Mo and Ethan nodded on the side, directly activated the thruster to accelerate and left the passage.

After Tony left, Chen Mo quickly put on his Edman alloy armored combat suit, opened the door of a sports car parked in the garage and sat in.

Ethan saw this and hurried to the other side to get in the car.

“You want to go too? Bring me!”

Chen Mo hearing this can’t help but think of the movie Ethan Court Academecian, in order to buy time for Tony, held his rifle and roared in the within cave Looking at the scenes of driving away several terrorists, I have to say that the normally elegant Ethan Court Academecian is afraid of even terrorists.

But now he obviously doesn’t need him to work hard.

“Ethan, you stay, there is still a very difficult task for you to complete.”

Ethan Court Academecian hearing this stopped immediately, looking firmly with his face Looking at Chen Mo, a determined expression of generosity to death.

“Don’t worry, leave it to me!”

“What task?”

Chen Mo stepped on the accelerator, and in the deep and loud engine rumbling sound, the sports car Speed up and move forward, moving towards rushing towards the passage.

Chen Mos voice came from the car.

“Give me navigation, I dont know the road.”


Although Chen Mo guided the sports car under the guidance of the Ethan version of the manual voice navigation system It drove to the fastest speed, showing speed and passion along the way, but it still did not fly as fast as Tony Stark’s steel battle clothes.

By the time he arrived at Stark Industries, Tony had been fighting a larger steel armor for a while, and the surrounding buildings had been demolished by the two.

Fortunately, this is the park of Stark Industries. The employees have gone home from get off work. Civilians within a few kilometers of the surrounding area have also been evacuated and a cordon has been set up. Therefore, the battle between the two has destroyed a lot of Construction, not at all, caused civilian casualties.

However, their fighting was too fierce. They hit the road from the factory to the road, and the momentum was amazing. They were still seen by many people who were curious and watching from a distance.

The “Iron Monger” driven by Obadea is obviously rougher and much behind the Mark II, but its huge volume allows it to have enough space to install a more powerful power unit. In terms of strength, it was much stronger than Tony’s Mark II, and the heavy armor made it difficult for Tony to break through its defenses.

So after Chen Mo arrived, he saw that Tony was being beaten by Opadya. He could only rely on the Mark 2s greater flexibility and speed to deal with Iron Monger.

There have been many scars on the surface of the battle clothes, and they have obviously received a lot of attacks. Fortunately, the defensive power of the gold-titanium alloy-enhanced composite defensive armor of the Mark II is strong enough that it has not been directly dismantled.

Stark Industries is an munitions manufacturing company, and naturally there is no shortage of weapons. Iron Monger’s huge size can also be loaded with more and larger weapons with stronger formidable power.

It’s just that the engineers who made Iron Monger don’t have the talent of Tony _ Stark. They hide all their weapons in the battle clothes. Most of these weapons are directly mounted on Iron Monger.

The difference from the movie is that because Obadeas left hand was chopped off by Brock Rumlow, Iron Mongers left hand was changed to a heavy impact hammer, capable of bursting out powerful The impact drove the enemy into the air.

After using the impact hammer to blow Tony out again, he fell into a pile of twisted steel pipe racks and temporarily unable to escape, the armor behind Iron Monger slowly opened, and a one was extended. The long heavy missile, locked to Tony, moved towards him and launched it.

This is the largest formidable power weapon equipped on Iron Monger, and the only weapon hidden in battle clothes. Its formidable power is enough to kill a tank head-on.

If the Mark 2 is hit directly, it will also suffer a lot of damage. Fortunately, Tony got out of the twisted steel in time when the missile flew, avoiding the missiles frontal attack. , But was still hit by the huge impact of the missile explosion into the air.

While rolling in the air, Tony directly activated the thrusters under his feet and the two-handed flight stabilizer, and floated steadily in midair, which made Obadea unable to catch him.

“Wow! It’s amazing! You upgraded your armor?”

Obadea’s proud voice came from Iron Monger, admiring Mark Two .

“What a coincidence! I also made some improvements!”

After Obadea finished speaking, Iron Monger’s legs began to deform, and two thick thrusts extended The jet pipe of the engine, and the thruster ignited immediately, ejecting a strong stream of flames, pushing Iron Monger up to fly.

Although the propeller of the Iron Monger is obviously much behind that of the Mark II, the huge model makes up for the shortcomings to a certain extent, so that the heavy Iron Monger also has the ability to fly.

Seeing Obadea controlling Iron Monger flying towards him, Tony quickly increased the power of the thrusters and flew high.

Obadea, who wanted to kill Tony, saw that he turned his propeller to its maximum power. A fierce flame spurted out with billowing smoke, and the huge Iron Monger dragged two thick lines under his feet. The plume of smoke chased Tony into the sky.

At the moment when Iron Monger took off, Tony had a brainstorm and couldn’t help but think of the Mark 2 flight test, when it flew to an altitude of 150,000 feet, Chen Mo was sternly stopped by Chen Mo.

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