My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 150

Under Tony’s control, Mark 2s leg thrusters were fully powered and moved towards high altitude and rushed quickly.

Soon, Tony reached an altitude of 85,000 feet, which is the highest flight altitude record set by the SR-71 Blackbird high-altitude high-speed strategic reconnaissance aircraft, but Tony did not stop there, instead Continue to fly to a higher altitude.

When Mark 2 reached an altitude of 150,000 feet, seeing that Tony still didn’t mean to stop, Chen Mo couldn’t help rolling the eyes and shouted sternly in the communicator.


Tony _Stark, who was immersed in the incomparable excitement beyond the limit, came back to Chen Mo’s stern voice when he heard Chen Mo’s voice. His senses, and at the same time remembered Chen Mo’s instructions before departure.

“Okay, okay, got it, daddy.”

Tony reluctantly agreed.

Looking at the sky above where there is no cloud and dust, in the darkness and purity, dotted with the bright starlight sky, Tony stopped reluctantly and continued to climb, waiting for the battle clothes to slow down under the action of gravity. Slowly slowed down, and finally started to fall downwards, only then started the propeller again, turning the direction and dived downward.


The test flight of the Mark 2 was perfect. Its performance greatly exceeded Tony _ Stark’s expectations. It can be said that it is fully mature and does not need to be done. Modification, and what he originally envisioned was to carry out multiple transformations, tests, and possibly even heavy cultivator changes, and to manufacture several sets of battle clothes in order to finally meet the actual combat requirements.

But now, it was easy to get it done once, and he was satisfied that he couldn’t find a problem. He knew that all of this was Chen Mo’s credit. His joining and guidance not only saved him a lot. Detours save a lot of time and energy, and the performance of battle clothes has been greatly improved in all aspects with the enhancement of many high-end technologies provided by him.

If he is himself, it may take enough time to solve the loopholes, but the technology provided by Chen Mo cannot be researched in a short time, especially for battle clothes. It is very important to say that the propellers that power the flight.

The energy engine designed by Chen Mo, whether it is energy conversion efficiency or thrust-to-weight ratio, is much stronger than the engine he originally designed.

The most direct benefit brought by the Mark 2 is that the maximum flying speed of the Mark 2 is as high as Mach 2, and each hour is more than 2,400 kilometers. The Mark 3, which was put into actual combat in the movie, was just able to breakthrough sound speed.

Tony _ Stark is very satisfied with this set of battle clothes, but Chen Mo is not satisfied.

With the forward-looking suggestions provided by Chen Mo and the enhancement of Hydra technology, the new Mark 2 is much more powerful than the improved Mark 3 in the movie, but there are still two larger problems. .

One is that the steel battle clothes are too cumbersome to equip. A special equipment platform must be used. Multiple automatic robotic arms are assembled at the same time, which still takes a long time, which makes it cope with emergencies. Ability is greatly reduced.

If the enemy hits your door, you can’t expect them to stop and wait for you to put on your battle clothes before attacking, right?

In the Avengers, the Mark No. 7 automatically flies in. The laser-guided tracking rapid deployment system is directly carried out from behind, or the Disassemble of the Iron Man III Mark No. 42 split automatic assembly. The deployment method is much faster and more convenient, no longer needs to be restricted by the bulky assembly platform, and can be quickly dressed anywhere.

In addition, although the performance of the Mark 2 has been improved a lot with the help of Chen Mo, it is actually far from reaching the limit. It is limited by the insufficient output power of the second generation Ark reactor. The performance of flight speed and attack power are not at all fully utilized.

Although he is quite satisfied with the current Mark II, under the temptation of the more powerful battle clothes described by Chen Mo, Tony chose to continue to strengthen the battle without the slightest hesitation.

Next, the two began to study the third generation Ark reactor with more powerful output, and to improve the way of dressing battle clothes.

The second-generation Ark reactor is the same as the first-generation palladium metal embedded. It needs to be discarded when used up and replaced with a new reactor. The third generation in the movie uses palladium metal plates, which can be replaced directly after use. The palladium metal plate is more convenient to use, with higher energy output efficiency and longer battery life.

While they continued to improve the steel battle clothes, Chen Mo received a message from Hydra that Obadea Stein has successfully obtained the Mark 1 prototype and its design drawings.

However, there was an episode in the middle. As Chen Mo had expected, Obadea did not intend to trade obediently and honestly, but instead intends to eat the dark, but unfortunately he The wrong object was selected.

Brock Rumlow is not the original bald leader, and his subordinates are not those mob terrorists. They quietly took out a nerve paralysis device and approached Brock Rumlow in Obadiah. When he wanted to plot against him, he was easily subdued by Bullock, who was always vigilant.

In normal times, he would definitely kill Obadea directly, but the task assigned by Hydra must be completed, so Obadea was lucky to survive, but as a punishment, Brock Rumlow Cut off his left hand holding the nerve paralysis device.

Obadea saved his life only after paying double the price and a left hand, and got what he wanted. He walked out of the tent with a grimace and prepared to summon his men to avenge him. At the time, it was discovered that those elite bodyguards who were left outside by him and should have been in control of the situation were all lying on the ground at this time.

The curtain of the tent was opened again, and upon seeing Brock Rumlow, who came out behind him, a sarcasm smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that you have to transport them back yourself.”


When Chen Mo and Tony Stark successfully improved the Ark Reactor , When he created the third generation Ark reactor that uses palladium metal plates, which can be easily and directly replaced, and at the same time has stronger energy output and endurance, Obadea also took the Mark 1 with his other staff. Returned to New York from Afghanistan.

As early as Tony _ Stark had just returned and announced at a press conference to disband the arms manufacturing division of Stark Industries, Opadea, the CEO of Stark Industries, took advantage of the opportunity of a sharp drop in stock price , Said that the board of directors restricted Tony Starks rights, making him hid the sky with one hand in Stark Industries.

This time I paid a huge price to get the prototype of the steel battle clothes. After Obadea returned to Stark Industries, before he had time to go to the hospital to deal with his severed hand, the impatient ordered the convening Scientific research personnel conduct research on drawings and prototypes.

There are ready-made drawings and the Mark 1 prototype. The research on the steel battle clothes went well. The steel battle clothes code-named “Iron Monger” was quickly completed and started to be manufactured, but it was used to drive the steel battle. The energy problem of China has never been resolved.

His scientific research team has already begun to study the large Ark reactor in Stark Industries, and wants to build a miniaturized Ark reactor like Tony _ Stark did. Many days have passed now, but But there has been no progress.

Obadea couldn’t help but cast his eyes on Tony Stark again.

Since the three Chen Mo killed all the terrorists who kidnapped Tony, they left the crossbones Brock Rumlow to lead the special forces to wipe out the remaining terrorists nearby, so Ethan later in the movie The plot of the hometown being attacked by terrorists not at all happened.

Tony has always been obsessed with the development of new steel battle clothes, and has no thoughts about the company’s affairs.

So Tony didn’t know anything about Obadea’s series of actions in Stark Industries.

However, Chen Mo knew Obadea Steins actions well, and it was time for Tony to know his true colors.

That night, Phil Phil Colson came to Tony Starks beach house and brought photos of Stark Industries selling a large number of weapons to terrorists and rebels, including the latest Jericho missile.

“When was this taken?”

After reading the photos, Tony _Stark asked with a serious face.


Phil Coleson replied calmly.

“I did not approve any transaction.”

Tony _ Stark shook the head, said with some uncertainty.

“But your company approved.”

Colson looked at Tony said slowly.

Tony _ Stark was hearing this, he couldn’t help but think of his restriction of rights by the board of directors and the suspension of his work, and he said angrily.

“My company and I are two different things!”

Phil Phil Colson glanced at Tony Stark, did not speak any more, left the information and turned and left.

Tony Stark was lost in thought as he watched his back. Apart from him, there was only one person in Stark Industries who could do all this. Obadiah’s face could not help but surface in his mind.

Now that the company is completely under his control, this matter must have something to do with him.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark dialed Obadea’s phone with a calm face.

The conversation was not pleasant. Seeing that Tony discovered his behind-the-scenes transaction and questioned him. Obadiah, who was dealt with a severed hand in the hospital, was upset and simply admitted that he had applied to the board of directors and stopped. Tony’s work.

Now Tony _Stark has been emptied by him and completely lost his rights in Stark Industries. It is no longer a threat to him. Now he has got a powerful weapon like steel battle clothes. Pretending to be a kind elder in front of Tony again.

Hang up the phone, Tony _ Stark looked in a trance. He had always treated Obadiah as a family member, but he didnt expect in the end he designed himself and took away his work in the company. that power.

This feeling of being betrayed by someone close to him makes him extremely uncomfortable.

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