My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 148

At an air force base near New York, a military transport plane taxied on the runway of the airport for a while and then came to a halt.

Beside the plane, besides Tony Stark’s assistant Pepper Pepper and driver and bodyguard Hogan, there was a beautiful teenage blond girl waiting to be picked up.

The hatch of the tail section of the transport plane slowly opened, moved towards the ground and lowered, and Tony Stark stepped down the slope with the help of Ethan Court Academecian.

Chen Mo and Phil Colson followed them.

When the two met that day, Chen Mo almost made the exhausted Tony Stark rush up to him in his first sentence. Although you saved me, you can’t take advantage of me!

Just when Tony Stark stared at Chen Mos face angrily, he suddenly realized that Chen Mos appearance is exactly the same as the person in a photo at home, and that persons identity is him. The godfather of the special forces commander Chen Mo.

Unlike Steve, who used to perform as a big star in publicity and made movies. Chen Mo did not leave many images. Although he was not less famous than Captain Steve in the United States, he stayed The impression given to the world is more of a mysterious image wrapped in black steel armor with a sword and shield.

The photo at Tony _Stark’s house is one of the few photos left by Chen Mo that shows his face.

Because of the relatively long time, coupled with the near collapse of the body and the dizziness of the brain, Tony _ Stark could not immediately recognize Chen Mo when he saw him.

But that photo was taken 70 years ago, and Chen Mo looks almost unchanged from the photo now. Compared to accepting that the person in front of him is Chen Mo who disappeared 70 years ago, Tony _ Stark even more Would like to believe that this is a person who looks exactly the same.

However, the matter of Chen Mo being his godfather was privately decided by the two of them back then. Simply few people knew. He didnt think that the man who saved him claimed to be him just to take advantage of him. father.

This complicated situation made Tony _ Stark’s groggy head become a mess, and the feeling of dizziness also intensified, and he couldn’t think of a reason at all. Come.

Tony put aside the doubts in his heart for the time being, and hobbled into the helicopter with the help of the young man who claimed to be his father.

After returning to Baghlan Air Force Base, Tony _Stark finally recovered after some rest and treatment.

From Ethan’s mouth, he learned that there were only three people who went to the terrorist base to rescue him that day. The special forces that he thought had wiped out all terrorists were actually Chen Mo alone.

Those terrorists are equipped with the most advanced weapons of their Stark Industries. Although the quality of their personnel is a little bit worse, they have the advantage of an absolute number of hundreds of people, plus advanced equipment and powerful firepower. Can’t imagine how they can be wiped out by one person.

This kind of inhuman battle strength, he has only heard of his father Howard, even the fighting style is so similar.

When he was young, Howard often told him the legendary story of his godfather, the commander of the special forces.

I rushed into the Hydra base alone, under the siege of hundreds of enemies, as if I had entered the land of no one, by the strength of oneself, wiped out the well-equipped, battle strength Hydra Legion. Human battle strength is also above the entire special team.

With such an astonishingly powerful strength, as far as he knows, there is no one other than Chen Mo, even Captain Steve Rogers of the United States is also inferior.

This made Tony Stark start to believe that this young man who looked exactly like the photo was his godfather.

And what Phil Phil Colson told him later completely solved his doubts and allowed him to fully accept the identity of Chen Mo.

It turned out that Chen Mo didn’t die at all after he crashed into the sea when he drove a plane, but was frozen in ice.

Not long ago, the Hydra super bomber was discovered by an expedition team. They then found the frozen Chen Mo inside and dug him out.

The first place Chen Mo went after waking up was the Chinese dojo in Brooklyn, New York.

Tony Stark knew that when he was young, his father Howard had taken him there, and told him that they fought side by side and destroyed the two mafia families overnight.

Until now, when hes fine, he would go to sit in dojo, feel the place where his godfather and father used to be, practice martial arts with his Wang Kun Uncle, and tease his little boy by the way. Disciple, the generation of Chinese is really interesting, he likes it very much.

It’s just that now Wang Jin is studying hard and practicing hard in dojo every day, and his kung fu has improved a lot. He is no longer an opponent. In order to maintain the dignity of his elders, he has gone less recently.

He knew that the dojo was founded by Chen Mo. Captain Steve Rogers of the United States also studied with Chen Mo in it. It can be said that it is his home in this World, so he will wake up Just rushed there.

Hearing this, Tony _ Stark has basically confirmed Chen Mo’s identity.

And when Chen Mo came to rescue him immediately when he learned of the accident, he was even more moved.

Is his godfather in the end, it feels like a daddy, so good, Tony _Stark thought in his heart.

Tony has no resistance to Chen Mo, the godfather.

Lets not say that he already knew he had a great godfather, and he admired him so much. He always wanted to see him with his own eyes. Chen Mo just rushed when he learned of his accident. Come to rescue him, and show up in time when he is about to collapse, Tony Stark agrees with Chen Mo, the godfather.

Stepping off the transport plane, Tony Stark and Pepper, who was smiling at him with red eyes, looked at each other affectionately. The beautiful girl on one side saw that Tony was a little embarrassed, but there was nothing secretly relieved afterwards, she was curious at first. I took a look at Chen Mo, and then looked at the flirting and cursing two people who had no choice but to roll the eyes.

“Since you are okay, then I have to go to class and have a snack in the future. Don’t worry Pepper anymore.”

The little girl has finished preaching, each minding their own The business turned to a small beetle and left.

Tony touched his nose uncomfortably and said to Chen Mo.

“This is Sharon, the orphan of my father’s comrade-in-arms, who entrusted me to take care of her. She was very good when she was a child, but she has grown up more and more rebellious.”

Chen Mo Slightly smiled did not speak. This should be Steve and Carter’s daughter, Sharon Rogers. Of course, Tony didn’t know her true identity. After all, Steve and Steve had already suspended animation several decades ago.

Although she behaved a bit rebellious, Chen Mo could see that she still cared about Tony _ Stark, but she was not very good at expressing, and acted simply and directly, which was very similar to Carter.

“Pepper, this is my godfather. I told you that he rescued me.”

Tony introduced Chen Mo to Pepper.

Of course Pepper knows who Tony’s godfather is, and she is one of the few people who knows this secret, but hasn’t this Legendary commander been missing for several decades?

Looking at the young Chen Mo in front of him, Pepper opened his mouth in surprise.


After leaving the airport, they went directly to the press conference site, just like in the movie. Tony Stark announced the closure of the Stark Industries weapons manufacturing department at the conference. It caused an uproar, and Chen Mo blocked it not at all.

Afterwards, Chen Mo and Ethan followed Tony back to his beach house, and Phil Phil Colson returned alone to the New York branch of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Service.

Brock Rumlow not at all came back with them. He was left in Afghanistan by Chen Mo to wipe out the remaining terrorists. At the same time, Chen Mo gave him another item through Hydra. Secret instruction.

Secretly collect the wreckage of the Mark One that crashed and scattered in the desert, and the design drawings of the Mark One that Tony Stark left behind in the cave.

As a Hydra spy, Crossbones Brock Rumlow is not alone in the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. Many of his special forces are members of Hydra.

He only needs to divide his troops in two ways and let others eliminate the remaining terrorists, while he leads the Hydra members on secret missions.

The design drawing is within the cave, and Chen Mo directly asked them to return to the base with Ethan Court Academecian that day, so not at all people have moved, and easily got their hands, and scattered in the desert It took a lot of effort for the Mark 1 steel battle clothes to be collected.

Due to the rush of equipment, the connection between the components is not strong enough. In the process of losing power during the fall, due to vibration, the steel battle clothes have a tendency to disintegrate, and many parts fall and spread during this process. Within the range of several hundred meters.

Under the leadership of Brock Rumlow, it took nearly a day to finally collect Mark One.

Afterwards, in accordance with Hydra’s orders, Brock Rumlow secretly contacted Obadea Stein.

For this cancer in Stark Industries, Tony has always trusted a partner, Chen Mo does not intend to kill it directly.

He is also an important part of Tony _ Starks growth. After his betrayal, Tony _ Stark has truly matured. He still has some value to Chen Mo, which is a good grinding blade stone.

But what happened after these all are, returned to the villa, Tony _ Stark quickly began to build Mark II, for his godfather and life saving benefactor, Tony _ Stark did not have any precautions, gave Chen Mo and Ethan Court Academecian have access to the laboratory.

For the manufacture of steel battle clothes, Tony not at all concealed the two of them. Chen Mo was able to witness the birth of steel battle clothes with his own eyes and joined them personally.

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