My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 145

Phil Phil Colson looked at Chen Mo in a daze.

Should he refuse with disdain, and then use the righteousness of maintaining world peace and protecting all mankind to convince him?

Who would think that he had agreed so simply that all the rhetoric he had prepared for a long time were of no use, but what did his last words mean? I was recruited?

For Chen Mo, the dictator of Hydra and the core leader of SHIELD, the major general of the U.S. military and the commander of the special forces of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Service are not at all attractive, but for His next action will be much more convenient to have such an on the surface identity.

After all, although Hydra and SHIELD are powerful, they are hidden behind the scenes and should not be seen in the public. It is not very convenient to use them.

Chen Mo originally joined the U.S. military with Steve more than 70 years ago, and then joined the strategic science reserve jointly established by the allies. Now he accepts the rank of major general in the U.S. military, and the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Service. The post of commander of the special forces is only to restore the identity that’s all that year.

Furthermore, although he took these two appointments, Chen Mo did not intend to accept their leadership and command.

I got the rights, obligations? Lao Tzu is already maintaining world peace. If anyone dares to point fingers and beep, Chen Mo will let him know what inviting humiliation to oneself is.

Of course the military, government, the International Security Council and Nick Fury and the others would not naively think that Chen Mo can be commanded at will.

Opening Chen Mo’s dust-covered archives, you can find that Chen Mo until now’s acting style, swift and decisive, acting decisively, arrogant and cold, and unruly.

He is an absolute pragmatist, safeguarding world peace and fighting evil forces. Chen Mo is definitely going all out, but he has his own principles and way of doing things, and he has no respect for the powerful and powerful. It is simply unrealistic to command him like an ordinary soldier.

This is also the reason why Nick Fury felt that the appointment of Chen Mo went too smoothly. Chen Mo was so awkward, he thought that his plan would be some resistance. Now it seems that these politicians and military Fang hasn’t been so stupid yet, he sees Chen Mo’s value clearly.

They dont expect Chen Mo to obey the arrangement absolutely. He exists more as a strategic force. In general, they can handle it by themselves. Once a major event occurs, Chen Mo will come in handy. , When it comes to the critical moment of human interests, he will naturally go all out.

Chen Mo destroyed the powerful Hydra at the beginning and changed the situation of World War II. At the last moment, in order to avoid the bombing of the city, causing a large number of casualties, he had no hesitation in driving a Hydra super bomber into the sea. His thoughts There is no problem with character, which is why they dared to hand over rights to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is a trump card for them. Normally, he will give him a good tribute, and he will show his great value at the critical moment. They only need proper supervision. Phil Phil Colson is A good candidate.

He is prudent, seasoned, and has strong organizational and action abilities. He can assist Chen Mo very well, assist him in his work, and play a good supervisory role, so Nick Fury After learning that Chen Mo had recruited Phil Coulson and transferred to the special team, not at all opposed.

Although Chen Mo only intends to enjoy his rights after accepting the appointment, not at all, he intends to accept command, but Chen Mo is already responsible enough. 70 years ago he started the Frost Fighter Project and was prepared to deal with the future Alien invasion.

Because in Chen Mo’s view, the entire world belongs to him. It is his responsibility as the lord of the earth to maintain the security of his own territory. As for now, it is like a private visit by the king to himself The name of an imperial envoy was installed for convenience.

In the afternoon, Chen Mo and Phil Phil Colson returned to Washington by helicopter.

When the helicopter landed on the apron on the roof of the headquarters building of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, on the other side, Tony Stark was also walking off his private jet.

This is the US Air Force Base in Baghlan, Afghanistan. A dozen senior US and Afghan military officers are standing next to the aircraft gangway, preparing to welcome the arrival of Tony Stark.

“Hello General!”

Tony Stark, dressed in a straight suit and sunglasses, walked down the gangway briskly, with an unruly smile on his face, standing towards you A senior U.S. military officer at the front stretched out his hand.

The base commander smiled and shook hands with Tony.

“Hello Mr. Stark, we are looking forward to your weapon display.”


A few tens of kilometers away from Baghlan Air Force Base Desolate and no man’s land.

On a high ground, there are several military Hummers parked. Dozens of fully armed American army soldiers are on guard all around. On the side of the high ground, there are a dozen high-ranking military officers from both countries. Attentively listening to Tony _ Stark’s speech.

“Is it scary? Or is it respectable?”

“I think, is it possible to do both.”

“Next, I want Introduce you to the best of Starks “Freedom” weapon series.”

“It is the first missile system equipped with our exclusive propeller technology.”

“Someone Say, the best weapon is a weapon that never needs to be used.”

“I have reservations.”

“I prefer weapons that only need to be used once.”

“This is the experience of my father and the experience of the military.”

“This experience has been proven by history.”

“Find a chance , After trying this weapon, I can assure you that those bad guys never want to get out of the hole again.”

Tony finished speaking, the operator on the moved towards side waved his hand, and immediately, A missile vehicle not far away from the crowd moved. Accompanied by the sound of a motor running, the missile on the weapon rack lifted up and began to adjust its direction, aiming at a mountain range several kilometers away from the crowd.

After that, one of the three missiles was activated, and the tail section ejected a violent stream of white flames, pushing the missiles away from the weapon rack, and flew towards the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The powerful propeller gave the missile extremely high speed, and it quickly crossed most of the distance, flew over the target mountain range, and began to lower its altitude to fall.

A burst of fire suddenly lit up, and the shell of the missile body was thrown away, exposing dozens of small missiles neatly arranged inside.

These small missiles were ejected immediately, and the tail section’s thrusters were activated at the same time, pushing these missiles to the mountain range below. Under the guidance of the positioning system, the number Ten small missiles were evenly distributed, covering the entire mountain.

“I solemnly recommend to everyone, Jericho Missile.”

Tony Stark slowly raised his hands and stretched them on both sides of his body.

Behind him, dozens of missiles fell from the air with tail flames, hitting the mountain range, and caused a violent explosion. The mud of the mountain was lifted by the explosion and rushed into the air. At 100 meters high, the powerful shock wave generated by the explosion rushed towards the surroundings at high speed.

The powerful air wave produced by the shock wave engulfed a large amount of dust on the ground from behind Tony _Stark violently rushed up, turning over the people who were unable to react, and the hats on their heads did not know where they were blown. .

Its that Tony _ Stark had been mentally prepared for a long time, but just took a few steps forward with the impulse of the shock wave, then neatly sorted out his clothes, and walked to the few printed on the side with Stark. Big metal box with sign.

Opening the lid of the box, a burst of air-conditioning came out, and the bottom of the box rose automatically. The wine glasses, ice cubes and several bottles of fine wine were raised to the top of the box neatly arranged in the slot.

Tony _ Stark picked up a glass of whiskey with ice and said as he walked.

“Buy more than 500 million US dollars at a time, and get free wine.”

“For peace.”


The whole The weapon display was very successful. The huge formidable power of the Jericho missile excited all the soldiers present. Tony was confident in his subsequent call with the companys veteran Obadea Stein that he would make another big profit this time.

However, on their way back to the base in their car, they encountered a violent attack by terrorists. The soldiers who personally protected Tony were all killed, and he himself was launched by the terrorists by Stark Industries. The manufactured missile was seriously injured.

When he woke up, he found that he was locked in a within cave, and an electromagnet was embedded in his chest, and a car battery was connected to it with a wire.

It turned out that after the missile exploded, his within the body was shot with a lot of shrapnel. Ethan Court Academecian, who was detained by terrorists with him, operated on him and removed most of the shrapnel, but still There are a few shrapnel close to the heart that cannot be taken out, and once they enter the heart and beat, they will slowly tear Tony _ Stark’s heart, breaking his heart and die.

This electromagnet can absorb these shrapnels, prevent them from entering the heart, and save his life.

The terrorists who came later asked Tony _ Stark to make for them the huge Jericho missiles he demonstrated before, the formidable power, its bad state, and the terrorists were found to be equipped with all Stark Industries Tony had no fighting spirit for the weapons he made, and he planned to wait and die.

Fortunately, with the encouragement of Ethan Court Academecian, Tony finally cheered up.

He knew in his heart that even if a missile was made for them, they would not let him go, so he agreed on the surface, but in fact was planning to escape.

Under the desperate situation, Tony’s mind was very clear, a brilliant idea quickly formed in his mind, and all the designs were quickly completed.

With the help of Ethan Court Academecian, using tools and materials provided by terrorists, Tony quickly built a miniaturized Ark reactor, which replaced the heavy car battery and installed it directly on his chest.

Ten days later, the Mark One was finally completed, and it was time to act.

But when the two began to assemble the Mark 1 on Tony, they avoided the surveillance cameras and aroused the suspicion of the terrorists who had been monitoring outside. They immediately dispatched several gunmen The terrorists visited the inside cave where the two Tony were imprisoned.

Several people shouted outside the cell door, but no one came over. Upon seeing this, several terrorists opened the cell door directly. The bomb that Tony had placed on the door immediately exploded, killing them all.

But the sound of the explosion will soon attract more enemies, and the program of the Mark 1 steel battle clothes has not been transmitted yet, and their situation is very dangerous.

Seeing the critical situation, in order to buy Tony time, Ethan Court Academecian picked up a terrorist’s rifle and rushed out of the cell, intending to buy time for Tony with his life.

Although I have never fought before, all the bullets hit the top of the cave, but with the frenzied and fierce shooting without saving ammunition and a press forward imposing manner, Ethan Court Academecian still Several terrorists who had rushed into the within cave were driven out again.

Just when he roared and drove several terrorists who were afraid of death to the entrance of the cave, he found that dozens of terrorists were standing there, and the guns of a dozen black holes were all pointed at Up him.

Ethan put down the rifle in his hand a little sullenly, he should have bought enough time for Tony, his family is dead, and I should go with them.

At this moment, a fierce gunfire suddenly came from outside the cave.

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