My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1443

Looking at the speed of the two steel battle clothes rushing straight toward the aircraft carrier, they couldnt see whether the signal shielding was effective, so there were more than a dozen battle axes. The missiles were launched from each battleship and flew towards the two steel battle clothes.

The fleet commander and the ground command center Chief-In-Charge all looked expectantly at the satellite images in front of them.

It is reasonable to say that after the signal is shielded and interfered, and the human control is lost, the steel battle clothes can only rely on the automatic control system for simple avoidance, and these formidable power are huge, and the battle is set to detonate in advance. In front of the axe missile, its avoidance will be meaningless.

But the situation is not at all developing as they thought.

Seeing dozens of Tomahawk missiles approaching quickly, Iron Man did not at all evade, but directly raised his arm, bounced off the armor, and successively launched small armor-piercing missiles. A dozen Tomahawk missiles rushed up, and they all detonated soon.

Looking at Iron Man, who fired more than a dozen small missiles again, the fleet commander and the ground command center Chief-In-Charge strengthened the speculation that Iron Man is a robot. Even the probability of the disabled Was excluded by them.

But this also shows that the intelligence of this steel robot is much higher than they thought.

Even if they interfere with the control signal and lose the control signal, it can still automatically analyze the formidable power of the attacking missile and independently select the corresponding weapon to counterattack.

Seeing the two Iron Man passing through the flames of the missile explosion and continuing to approach the aircraft carrier, the distance between the two sides is only a few kilometers. With their powerful speed and flexibility to surpass fighters, the weapon operators on the fleet It is difficult to keep up with their speed, so the fleet commander directly ordered the Aegis defense system to be turned on, and issued an automatic attack command through the command and decision system, and the weapon control system automatically intercepted the target.

The ANSPY-1A multifunctional phased array radar system has firmly locked the two steel battle clothes. With the battle clothes entering the range of the air defense missile, under the control of the fire control system, the MK26 dual-arm air defense missile The launcher turned to aim, and anti-aircraft missiles were launched from the aircraft carrier and several battleships around it, toward the two steel battle clothes flying over.

However, these air defense missiles were intercepted and destroyed by micro automatic tracking missiles when they entered the 100 meters range of steel battle clothes. Although air defense missiles were continuously launched from the battleship, they could not stop Chen Mo and Chen Mo and The pace of the old steward.

During the explosion in the sky, the distance between the two steel battle clothes and the aircraft carrier kept getting closer.

The fleet commander stared wide-eyed in astonishment as he watched the air-defense missiles that were constantly shooting out of the battleships, but all of them exploded hundreds of meters away from Iron Man.

How many missiles are equipped in this steel battle clothes? !

Not counting before, just after the Aegis system was activated, more than a hundred anti-aircraft missiles have been launched, but the missiles on this steel battle clothes seem to never be able to be fired. The launch, intercepting the incoming air defense missiles, so far no missile can enter their 100 meters range.

While the Aegis system uses anti-aircraft missiles to intercept, the fleet commander also ordered the battleships to continue launching Tomahawk cruise missiles in an attempt to take advantage of the Iron Man’s busy dealing with anti-aircraft missiles. Its a hit!

When he thought about it, the constant attack of air defense missiles and the continuous explosion of fire would inevitably interfere with the automatic control system of steel battle clothes, making him unable to accurately distinguish each incoming missile.

As long as he misjudges a Tomahawk missile and regards it as an air defense missile and lets it fly within 100 meters, the formidable power of the Tomahawk missile explosion is enough to cause an attack on him, even if it cannot be If it is shot down directly, he will certainly not be able to continue to resist the anti-aircraft missiles coming from hiding the sky and covering the earth.

But he obviously didn’t know. In his opinion, the violent air defense missile attack is simply not worth mentioning for steel battle clothes.

Although its not as they guessed, steel battle clothes are remote-controlled robots, but one thing they guessed right is that steel battle clothes do have an automatic control system, and its the highest super artificial intelligence, Jarvis. !

Although the reaction speed with Chen Mo does not require Garvis to control battle clothes to dodge, the interception of incoming air defense missiles by the micro tracking missile is all controlled by Jarvis.

And the multi-targets they thought and the impact of the explosion on the automatic control system simply did not exist.

Through a variety of advanced detection devices of steel battle clothes, the number, speed, trajectory and type of all incoming missiles are clearly mastered by Jarvis. Under its control, even the number of anti-aircraft missiles After doubling, dont even think about the breakthrough satellite tracking missile defense circle.

As for those Tomahawk missiles that want to take advantage of the chaos and approach, even if they are not specifically marked by Jarvis, Chen Mo has already discovered them all.

In the arm bay that could only launch a small armor-piercing missile, silver missiles the size of a cigar were quickly shot out. Before these Tomahawk missiles approached, they were all detonated by the small armor-piercing missiles. .

Looking at the Tomahawk missiles that exploded before they even reached the middle of the flight, the fleet commander couldn’t help being lost. Isn’t this all right?

With their current attack intensity, even another aircraft carrier formation is difficult to completely resist, but these advanced missiles can’t even be touched by the steel battle clothes.

Each of these ship-based missiles, each costing tens of millions of dollars, has no effect at all except for bursts of fire in the air like fireworks!

The two steel battle clothes flew quickly, and soon entered the 1500m range of the aircraft carrier and reached the range of the Phalanx system. This is also the last line of defense of the Aegis defense system!

The independent search and tracking radar above the 20mm automatic rotating gun locked the steel battle clothes, the base and muzzle began to move quickly, and the six-barreled MK15 “Vulcan” fired quickly!

A fierce tongue of fire shot out from the rapidly rotating muzzle, and 4500 rounds of depleted uranium armor-piercing projectiles per minute formed a long chain of bullets toward the steel battle clothes swept away in the air.

The Phalanx system is a weapon used by warships to deal with low-flying fighters and missiles. All its combat functions are automatically completed by high-speed computer control, without manual operation, and the reaction speed is extremely fast.

The reaction speed of the Phalanx defense system under the automatic control of the fire control system is much higher than that of the ordinary person. With the barrage formed by the ultra-high rate of fire, ordinary fighters and missiles are difficult breakthrough its defense.

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