My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1439

If it was before, the fleet launching missile attacks would still make sense. After all, fighters and missiles are equipped with an identification friend or foe system, and these missiles will not easily damage the fighters by mistake.

But now the situation is different. Dozens of pilots who crashed the plane are flying in the air with parachutes, almost all over the sky.

These parachutes dont have an identification friend or foe system. The fleet fired so many missiles at once, it will almost certainly cause accidental injury!

This makes people think of what the rescued soldiers said before.

They are just pawns that’s all abandoned by the top!

The military and the White House simply did not take the lives of these soldiers and military pilots seriously. In order to capture Iron Man, even if they sacrifice the lives of many soldiers and civilians, they will not hesitate!

The true face of the military in this brief moment was seen through by them, and their hearts couldn’t help but feel angry!

The appearance of the second steel battle clothes has proved that all what President Chris said before are all lies. He claimed that the military laboratory made a prototype machine, and it was impossible to make the first machine in a short time. Two, but they stole only one Iron Man of steel battle clothes in their mouths, and immediately dispatched the second steel battle clothes!

So all Chris’ previous allegations against Iron Man, including stealing military research results, threatening national security, etc., are all nonsense!

The steel battle clothes were made by Iron Man himself. All the lies and actions of the military and the White House are aimed at snatching the steel battle clothes belonging to Iron Man from Iron Man’s hands.

In order to achieve this goal, they obviously do everything they can to achieve their goal at the expense of the lives of countless innocent soldiers!

But at this time anger obviously cannot save the pilots who are in danger.

In fact, it is not just the parachuting pilots. When the pilots who are flying fighters and two Iron Man continue to fight when they discover the numerous incoming ship-based missiles, their expressions can’t help but change!

The shipborne missile is indeed equipped with an identification friend or foe system, but the shrapnel is not at all!

As soon as the number of these missiles closes, they will explode. They don’t know if Iron Man has anything to do, but they will definitely be hit by shrapnel for a large part of the fighters fighting Iron Man!

If it’s just okay to be hit by the wing and other parts, they can still have a chance to parachute, of course, they must ensure that they are not hit by subsequent missiles before falling to the surface.

And if they are hit by shrapnel in the cockpit or missile bay, they can only be martyrs!

Faced with such a dangerous situation, no one wants to continue fighting.

But just when they wanted to distance themselves from the Iron Man and avoid the formidable power of the missile explosion, the command center’s orders sounded from the communicator, asking them to stick to their duties and must hold the Iron Man. Let him escape!

The fighter pilots understand the meaning of this command, which is to send them to death and use their lives to hold Iron Man!

Maybe this round of attacks will not kill them all, but as long as the Iron Man is not resolved, there will be a second and third round of attacks, and they will also be attacked this time. After being continuously consumed, I am afraid that there is not much left to survive in the end!

However, the superiors order has been issued. Even if they are angry and unwilling, they can only follow the order. Otherwise, they will flee, disobey the order and be sent to the military court, and the final result will not be Where would it be better.

The pilot under the parachute looked at the incoming missile with despair, while the pilot on the fighter plane continued to fight with the two Iron Man with the belief that he would die.

As the incoming missile gets closer and closer, everyone’s hearts are gradually sinking, and a tragedy is about to happen before their eyes.

At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly stopped his attack and turned towards the numerous missiles that had approached and rushed up!

Seeing his actions, everyone was surprised and puzzled.

The formidable power of these ship-borne missiles is huge, one is difficult to avoid, let alone more than 20 missiles surrounded by fans.

Turning around and fleeing are likely to throw them away by speed, and rushing up will only be hit by these pre-detonated missiles!

The formidable power of more than 20 ship-borne missiles exploded at the same time, even the strongest alloy will be shredded!

Although he was puzzled by Chen Mo’s actions, it was in the interests of the military. Therefore, the fighters were not at all to intercept, and Chen Mo was allowed to rush toward the incoming missile.

More than 20 missiles that have already targeted Chen Mo, as Chen Mo approached actively, they began to automatically adjust their trajectories, centering on Chen Mo, and outflank the middle!

Just when all the missiles were only several hundred meters away from Chen Mo, the armor on the shoulders of the steel battle clothes suddenly bounced off, and more than 20 micro tracking missiles were launched quickly, adjusting their attitude flexibly in the air. , Rushed towards the incoming missile!

In a blink of an eye, the two collided in the air, and each of the mini-tracking missiles accurately hit a ship-based missile. Although the size of the two is very different, the formidable power of the mini-tracking missile is not the same. vague.

A series of explosions exploded on the ship-based missiles, and the ship-based missiles were immediately detonated. More than 20 huge fires covered the sky completely, and even the silhouette of Chen Mo disappeared. In the sight of people.

Looking at the huge Fireball in the sky that could not be extinguished for a long time, people did not understand the purpose of Chen Mo until then!

He wants to detonate these missiles in advance to prevent them from accidentally injuring those pilots!

Everyone who realized this was very moved in their hearts. It turned out to be their in mind Protector superhero!

But at the same time, they couldnt help but worry. The formidable power of these more than 20 ship-borne missiles exploding at the same time is really too big. Even if those large battleships are attacked so fiercely, they will be on the spot. Destroyed, Iron Mans battle clothes are very advanced, but they should not be able to withstand such a huge explosion.

In the worried eyes of people, the huge fire in the sky has not yet dissipated, but a familiar silhouette has rushed out of the fire!

“It’s Iron Man, he’s okay!”

“Very good!”

“I was scared to death just now, I almost thought he was bombed by those missiles Dead!”

“He is Iron Man!”


For the reappearance of Chen Mo, the people watching the live broadcast were full of excitement. The military looking forward to shooting down the Iron Man was irritated, but the hearts of the pilots who had parachuted and the fighter planes were extremely complicated.

Fortunately, thankful, and entangled.

They have been attacking Iron Man, but at the critical moment, Iron Man took the initiative to protect them. Listening to the attack instructions from the communication, they couldn’t help but hesitate for a while.

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