My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1431


After asking for help several times, the inside of the communicator was always quiet and there was no response. The driver immediately took off the communicator angrily. Threw it to the ground.

“We were given up! Those bastards simply sent us to die!”


“Three-element business bitch !”

“I don’t want to die yet!”

“My beautiful girlfriend doesn’t know which grandson will be cheaper!”


Just when everyone was angry, desperate, and unwilling, the hatch above their heads was suddenly opened!

Several people in the tank froze for a moment, then reacted instantly, and climbed out excitedly.

I saw that the steel mesh on the top of the tank that had tightly wrapped the tank was torn open at the position of the hatch, and when they turned their heads to look, they found Iron Man was standing next to it. On the turret of another tank, a dazzling white flame was ejected from the palm of the palm, cutting the steel mesh tightly covered by the hatch.

It turned out that they were rescued by cutting the steel mesh, but it was the Iron Man they were still attacking just now!

At this moment, several soldiers couldn’t help but feel an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

When they were trapped in a military mission and were in danger, the military chose to abandon them. Instead, the Iron Man they wanted to capture rescued them!

In the movie, the plot of evil military generals and politicians driving soldiers to capture superheroes cannot help but surface in their minds.

In fact, they had some resistance to the task of capturing Iron Man. After all, Iron Man was a superhero who saved a plane and hundreds of passengers.

If it hadn’t been for the superiors to give orders and they were unable to resist as soldiers, they would never choose to oppose Iron Man.

Countless movies tell them that soldiers who want to capture superheroes usually have no good endings in the end, and in the eyes of ordinary persons, they are not defending the motherland, but taking the side of the evil-doer will be regarded as an evil villain by everyone!

According to the militarys statement, Iron Mans steel battle clothes were stolen from the militarys secret laboratory. Out of trust in the military, they reluctantly accepted this statement. Thinking that they are defending the country, they have been using the soldier’s duty to obey orders to persuade them to attack Iron Man, but now they cannot help but have doubts about their beliefs and the military’s statement.

Is Iron Man really a threat to national security?

Are they really on the side of justice now?

Just as they were tangled in their hearts and vacillated, what happened before their eyes completely broke their last insistence.

Just as Iron Man was cutting the steel mesh on the tank turret, and seeing it was about to complete, the net gun on the top of the warehouse suddenly fired again, and a huge steel mesh leaped straight down towards the vehicle. The trapped tank was covered.

Iron Man found the attack from above and had to give up and continue to save people. He activated the thruster and quickly flew away from the top of the tank, avoiding in time before the wire mesh fell.

However, the tank couldnt escape at all. It was tightly wrapped by this steel mesh again. The hatch that had been half opened was repressed under the tight restraint of the steel mesh. Going down, the soldiers who were about to escape and ascend to heaven were locked in the tank again.

The soldier on the tank who was rescued first looked at the scene in front of them and couldn’t help but eye socket cracked. A strong anger and disappointment couldn’t help but spring up in their hearts.

When they were in danger, the military did not send people to rescue them, and it was all thats all to abandon them. When Iron Man took the initiative to rescue them, the military actually ignored their lives and was right again. Iron Man launched an attack, trapping their comrades who were about to be saved in the tank again.

This is simply murder!

Although they are soldiers, they are also human!

Why are they abandoned like this? Become a victim of achieving high-level goals!

The US military’s attack was not at all stopped because of their anger, one after another steel mesh was still shot continuously from above, shrouded in Iron Man, so he simply had no chance to continue to save people.

In order to catch Iron Man, they didn’t even put the lives of those soldiers in their eyes!

Several people who had escaped from the tank stood on the turret. Before they could take any action, they were covered by a steel wire mesh shot from above. Several people were directly thrown down by the power of the steel wire mesh. The ground, tightly attached to the tank, tenacious steel wire made one after another depression on them, and the bright red scars can be clearly seen on the exposed skin.

Several people who had just escaped were trapped again, and the situation was worse than before!

Originally, they would be slowly burned to death in a tank, but now, once the fuel is ignited and the flame burns the steel mesh, they will soon be burnt red. Before being burned to death, They have to endure the torture of gunfire!

And all this must be given by their government and military!

From the very beginning, these people are destined to be abandoned!

Just when all of them were extremely sad and angry, there was a sudden explosion not far away.


A flame burst out from under the burning shelf, and quickly spread along the ground to the location of several tanks!

The fuel on the ground is ignited!

Looking at the fast approaching flames not far away, whether it is trapped in the tank or the soldiers tightly bound by steel mesh outside the tank, they all showed a look of despair!

At this time, they only hope that the tanks and guided missile vehicles can explode quickly and let them die!

They don’t want to die in a little bit of pain under the burning flames!

Unfortunately, their wish did not come true. Because all the fuel in the fuel tank was discharged, after the flame spread, not at all caused an explosion, but formed a fire sea. All tanks and guided missile vehicles were surrounded by it.

Senior Steward dodges the steel wire mesh that is constantly in the air, looking at the fire sea below, his brows can’t help but frown.

He broke the fuel tank in order to force all the soldiers out. Not at all really wanted to burn them all. After all, these soldiers were just following orders, and not at all caused any threat to him.

What he didn’t expect was that he didn’t want to kill them, but the US military wanted their lives!

He doesnt think that the trapping of these soldiers is just a coincidence. He clearly didnt fly in the direction of the tank that was rescued first, the steel mesh that would once again cover the escaped soldiers. , Simply not to attack him!

Old Steward soon wanted to understand the purpose of the US military.

They wanted to sacrifice these soldiers, blame them for their deaths, label him as a terrorist, arouse peoples anger, and eliminate the peoples concern about their arrest of Iron Man. Strong dissatisfaction and opposition!

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