My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1424

Looking at the silver steel battle clothes falling back to the ground in front of him, Chen Mo was satisfied and nodded at first, then looked at the lightly frowned silver armor, and spoke to Jarvis.

“Paint it black too!”


Soon Chen Mo’s silhouette reappeared in the living room of the castle, watching The old Steward of the newspaper saw him appear, immediately put down the newspaper, stood up gracefully, and watched Chen Mo speak to him.

“These politicians in the United States are still so greedy. That video didn’t make them give up their coveting of steel battle clothes. Do you want Hydra’s people to deal with them?”

Old Steward’s words are gentle and gentle, without the slightest murderous aura, but the meaning in his words is completely opposite to his tone!

And he is not just joking about that’s all!

As the leader of the Avengers world Hydra, he secretly helped Chen Mo to control the entire world for more than 70 years. He is no longer the one who left his hometown and home because of the war. He can only rely on painting for others. A lonely old man born, the life of the American president is not much better than any cat any dog in his eyes. As long as he is willing, whether it is to send Hydra agents or take action by himself, he can be completely sure to kill him.

With the current strength of the old steward, assassinating the president of a country is like as easy as pie, and there is no risk of exposure.

Chen Mo couldnt help but smile when he heard the old stewards words. He knew that Eddie was angry and wanted to kill Chris and the politicians who coveted steel battle clothes. The most important reason was because They framed Chen Mo and charged Chen Mo with a bunch of unreasonable charges.

In the eyes of the old Steward, insulting Chen Mo is more difficult for him to accept than insulting himself. If Chen Mo didn’t allow it, the White House Press Secretary McNairn gave Chen Mo’s initial speech as early as When he got the hat of a super terrorist, the old Steward was ready to go straight into the White House and kill all these damn guys!

Chen Mo smiled and waved his hand, and said to the old steward.

“Dont worry, its boring to kill them directly. It just happens that I am idle and Im fine, so Ill have fun with them!”

The old steward hearing this didnt say anything, He will put forward his opinion at the appropriate time, but as long as Chen Mo decides something he will comply with the slightest hesitation, since Chen Mo wants to play, let him play.

Whether it is the US government or the military, in fact, not at all is regarded by the old Steward.

He knows exactly how terrifying Chen Mo’s power is. Not to mention the rapid development, Hydra, which has penetrated into the worlds major countries and organizations, and those powerful Hydra elite agents, are just The power in Chen Mo Castle is enough to eliminate all the great characters of the US government and military!

In the eyes of Agent Zero and Wade, the difficulty of killing these great characters is not at all very different from that of the Los Angeles mafia!

As long as Chen Mo is willing, with an order, the entire US government and military leaders will be cleaned up overnight, and the country will fall into a state of chaos without a leader.

But what followed is bound to be huge chaos, riots and a large number of civilian casualties, and the entire social order may collapse completely. This is obviously what Chen Mo does not want to see, and Now it’s not to that level at all.

Looking at nodded giving up on the old steward who assassinated the president of the United States, Chen Mo smiled and said to him.

“Eddie, would you like to come with me and show them some color?”

The old steward hearing this looked at Chen Mo in surprise, nodded said.

Of course! My old bones havent moved for a long time, so I happened to go out and move my hands and feet!

The old steward has lived for more than a hundred years, and many things have become bearish. But it does not mean that he has no temper. Chen Mo was framed by the U.S. government and military. He has been holding a sigh of breath in his heart. He wanted to assassinate the president of the U.S. but also wanted to help Chen Mo out.

Now Chen Mo offered to join him to give the United States a bit of color, and he naturally accepted it.

Especially, you can still act with Chen Mo. The last time was more than 70 years ago!

Chen Mo was glad to see the old steward nodded, and immediately waved his hand to take out the steel battle clothes that had just been manufactured from the space, his eyes looked towards the old steward, a smirk in his heart, he couldn’t help but expect his reaction.

When the old Steward started to see this steel battle clothes, he thought it was Chen Mo’s, but when he noticed Chen Mo’s smirk, he felt It’s not normal.

He immediately turned his gaze to the steel battle clothes and observed it carefully. This time he finally found something wrong. The coating of the battle clothes was too new, so he stood Here, I can faintly smell a faint smell of chemical paint, which seems to have just been repainted.

The most important thing is that the old Steward found that the size of this steel battle clothes is slightly different from that of Chen Mo’s original one, and the whole is slightly shorter.

Thinking of the smirk on Chen Mo’s face, and just saying that he would act with him and teach the U.S. government a lesson, old Steward soon had guesses in his heart and looked towards Chen Mo with surprise, Said with some uncertainty.

“This is a new steel battle clothes?”

Chen Mo entered the steward and looked out, and immediately nodded with a smile.

“Yes, I gave it to you! Since I want to act together, of course I have to wear the same equipment. I can’t always wear steel battle clothes. Let you wear the armored combat uniform of the year!”

Old Steward’s guess was confirmed by Chen Mo. Because of his calm state of mind, he couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

As Chen Mo’s absolute confidant, he certainly knows how powerful the performance of steel battle clothes is.

Even if an ordinary person wears steel battle clothes, he can fight the American Captain for 300 rounds. Relying on the weapons loaded on the battle clothes and the flight speed surpassing the top fighters, they have extremely powerful air combat and Attack power, destructive power is comparable to a fully armed mechanized army!

Although for todays old steward, there are few things that can cause him too much mood swing, but Chen Mo gave him this set of steel battle clothes, which still made him very happy. !

Even a person who is not a special hobby car, I am afraid to get a world-class sports car, let alone the old steward.

Although he is usually gentle and calm, he is an elegant gentleman steward in front of Chen Mo, but after experiencing war and turmoil, he actually has a desire for strength and weapons in his heart. Not very strong, but it does exist.

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