My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1421

“What’s the situation? How could he not react at all?”

“Didn’t you see it? Shouldn’t it!”

“Ipossible , He stared at Iron Man for a long time, he must have seen it!”

“Could it be, he took this as an illusion, right?”

“Listen to you That said, its really possible!”

“He was in an oxygen-deficient state at the time, and he probably regarded it as an illusion!”

“putting it that way also I almost made the brain-disabled woman right! Gao Yuan really thought he had hallucinations at the time! Haha!”

“This is different, he just thought he had hallucinations, everything he experienced Its true! Its exactly the same as what he said before! The one who lied was Mai Nii Ni!”

“Yes, there is this video as evidence, see how she continues to lie!”

“He might say that all of this is our illusion!”

“Save the video quickly and be careful to be deleted by the FBI!”


“Saved! They don’t want to die this time!”


As the oxygen concentration in the cabin rises, Gao Yuan’s consciousness gradually wakes up When he finally recognized Iron Man, people looked at him in shock and disbelief, and they couldn’t help but laugh.

However, they cant help being envious as they laugh at lofty distances. After all, apart from Kobe and the others, only Gao Yuan and the others have been in contact with Iron Man at close range, and they also have a fight with him. The plane came back, this experience made him proud for a lifetime.

At the end of the video is the process of Chen Mo and Gao Yuan landing the plane safely. Chen Mo’s skillful driving skills convinced everyone that Iron Man’s true identity is an elite pilot!

In fact, Chen Mo once left the cockpit and went to the sea to deal with the whaling ship, but the scene had long been deleted by Jarvis.

The exposure of this segment of the monitor screen in the cabin completely confirmed Iron Man’s heroic feat of saving the airliner!

The U.S. government also immediately discovered this video that was posted on the Internet, and immediately many people panicked and ordered the website to be deleted immediately, but the video uploaded by Jarvis himself is not so easy to delete. !

No matter what they do, they simply can’t delete this video. They are finally forced to helplessly. Due to government pressure, they have to temporarily shut down the server.

But what is the effect of this not at all? The server here has just been shut down, and this video has appeared one after another on other websites. Some of them are uploaded by Jarvis, and some are others. Anticipating the government’s move, I uploaded it spontaneously.

If you delete a video, I will post ten!

If you block one website, I will post ten!

When the video itself has been completely disseminated, the US official blockade simply has no effect, but it proves that they are guilty!

The government is also very puzzled at this time.

The surveillance video inside the airliner had already been sealed by them, and it was simply impossible to leak it to the Internet. This is why they dared to brazenly unlimited Iron Man.

Anyway, there is no real evidence to prove Iron Man’s innocence. As long as they insist that Iron Man hijacked the plane, even if people know what’s going on in their hearts, they can’t help it.

But now that this video has been exposed, the situation is completely different.

This video completely confirmed that they framed Iron Man, and it was almost impossible to label Iron Man as a terrorist.

And now that the truth is discovered, they are likely to welcome the anger of the people next!

In fact, this is true!

With the exposure of this video, the escalating demonstrations and demonstrations quickly entered a climax!

However, unlike before, the two parties in the original conflict are now standing together, and even the brainless blacks who originally shouted the severe punishment of Iron Man, behave better than Iron Man supporters More radical and angry!

Iron Mans supporters are only happy and excited because the truth is finally revealed, and these people who were instigated by the government realized that they were deceived and became a tool for politicians to attack Iron Man. It is intense anger, and compared to rational supporters, they are more radical than impulsive!

Once there was a conflict with the police maintaining order, if it werent for the White Houses tight defenses, they might just break into the White House and ask the President for an explanation!

The passengers and their families on the plane that had awakened from the accident also rushed to the White House, demanding that the government return Iron Man to innocence!

Chris is also very helpless at this time. In fact, they are not doing this kind of thing for the first time. To be precise, this is a routine operation of the U.S. government. Lying, framing, and giving to the opponent , The company and even the country arbitrarily weave charges!

Steal advanced U.S. technology, threaten U.S. national security, graduate chemical weapons, and support terrorist activities. As long as they need, they can concoct crimes against other countries and impose sanctions, even military attacks!

They have become accustomed to such unscrupulous and arbitrary actions. Anyway, as long as they put the hat on, the other party will not find evidence to prove their innocence, unless they give up resistance and cooperate with them in investigation and supervision.

Relying on this move to have no shame trick, coupled with strong military force and economic strength, I dont know how many companies and countries have been trampled underfoot by them and knead it at will!

It’s just this time that they fall in the sewer!

The good video that had been archived was not known to have been put on the Internet by who, and their lie was completely exposed!

In the face of angry people, Chris had to make a compromise and will become the second president to be impeached and stepped down in the history of the United States!

Ordinary demonstrations are that’s all, but now what they are doing is really offensive.

Not only was the framing of Iron Man completely exposed, it also deceived and led some people who believed in the government to attack and discredit Iron Man. It was also discovered after the video broke out. The group that originally supported them most People, now turn their heads to attack them!

If the situation is allowed to continue, not only will Chris lose his mind and hope for re-election, the government agencies may be greatly affected.

When the time comes, his opponents will never let go of this excellent opportunity. They will inevitably mobilize Congress to impeach him and put all responsibilities on him. People are angry, and the post of president is vacated, one move, two gains!

So after Chris realized that the situation was completely out of control, he made a decisive move and pushed his favorite White House press secretary Mai Niuni out as a scapegoat!

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