My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1417

Different from the last helicopter crash, it was caused because there were no witnesses except the passengers on the helicopter, and there was no evidence to prove the existence of Iron Man. The impact is very limited, and many people do not believe in the existence of Iron Man.

However, this time is completely different!

Iron Man came out of the cabin, then quickly lifted into the air, and was chased by two F15 fighter jets and left. The whole process was completely filmed by a dozen cameras present.

Because of the plane accident, it has received a lot of attention. At that time, hundreds of millions of people watched the live broadcast on TV and the Internet, and witnessed the appearance and departure of Iron Man.

Then this video image was spread wildly on the Internet and major TV media, and it was not limited to the United States, but quickly spread to the whole world. In less than a day, the whole world has been Got it, Iron Man really exists!

The world was in an uproar for a while!

The Iron Man in the movie actually appeared in reality, and countless people watched the video with a shocked expression.

Of course, more people are very excited. The superhero in the movie appeared beside them and saved a plane full of passengers. These plots that originally only happened in the movie turned out to be Really staged in reality!

Many people have become Iron Man fans, and the original Iron Man fans have become more loyal and enthusiastic!

They originally liked only a virtual character in a movie. This is the case. This virtual Iron Man has gained support and pursuit from many people. Now, a real, powerful, The righteous Iron Man really appeared in reality, so how not so excited and enthusiastic about them!

Their idols really existed, and they saved a plane and hundreds of passengers on the plane, and finally left calmly under the chase of two F15 fighter jets. Their original love quickly upgraded. For worship, Iron Man’s fans have been greatly improved in a very short period of time in terms of number, loyalty and fanaticism.

Iron Mans popularity and number of fans are close to the worlds top stars, and the loyalty of fans is even more unmatched by those stars.

Among these new Iron Man fans, there is a group with the strongest loyalty and cohesion. They are aviation practitioners such as pilots and flight attendants, and even active air force pilots!

After this incident, almost all pilots and flight attendants replaced photos of their wives, children, husbands, family members or God, Bodhisattva in their wallets with Chen Mo standing in steel battle clothes. Photo taken at the door of the cabin.

In the minds of all of them, Iron Man has become their Guardian God. In an air crash, the only one who can save them is Iron Man!

And the matter is not at all over here. Soon after the incident, when the news of Iron Man spread wildly throughout the world, the US government suddenly announced it and listed Iron Man as a terrorist. Wanted worldwide!

The crimes listed by the U.S. government for him were theft of national military secrets, illegal possession of advanced weapons, illegal flying, hijacking of passenger planes, and threats to U.S. national security.

In fact, the United States originally planned to arrest Iron Man first, and then hold a press conference. This way, the benefits will be put in its hands and the United States will be shown to the outside world.

Its just humans calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. We didnt expect that Iron Man would easily get rid of their all-round search by fighter planes, fleets, and satellites. Later, the FBI did not capture them. Any result.

Seeing that the popularity of Iron Man is getting higher and higher, the situation is developing in a bad direction. If Iron Man is really supported by the people of the whole country, they will definitely suffer a huge Obstruction and opposition may even affect their votes!

So they had to hold a press conference urgently and charged Iron Man with a bunch of crimes, trying to discredit him completely and eliminate the support and support of the public for him.

At the press conference, listening to the blonde White House press secretary on the stage counted the charges they had listed Iron Man, the reporters below were caught in a commotion.

A reporter stood up and asked.

“Gao Yuan, the only awake crew member on the airliner before, has proven that Iron Man saved the plane. What is the basis for your charges against Iron Man?”

Faced with the reporter’s rhetorical question, the White House press secretary, not at all panicked, spoke with a proud face.

“What I want to correct is that the crew member was not fully awake at the time. The prolonged lack of oxygen in the cabin made his brain very unconscious and even had hallucinations, so his words did not It cannot be used as evidence.”

“We have sufficient evidence that Iron Man hijacked the passenger plane, and was forced by the two F15 fighters sent by the military to drive the passenger plane back. At the airport, he is not a hero, but an evil and brutal terrorist. This can also be seen from the color of his armor. The colors of the real Iron Man armor are golden and red. Only the villain will paint the armor black. !” Listening to the words of the White House press secretary, the reporter below couldn’t help but look astonished, but she was not at all influenced by everyone, and she still looked arrogant and confident, each minding their own business and said.

“And when two military F15 fighters intercepted him, he disobeyed the order and fled directly. This is a fear of crime and absconding. This is enough to show that he has a guilty conscience, equivalent to directly admit that he hijacked the plane. !”

“Moreover, the steel battle clothes that Iron Man wears are actually a set of new weapons that the military is secretly developing. It was stolen in a secret laboratory more than a month ago. The last Kobe helicopter crashed. We suspected that he was responsible for the incident, and this time he was finally caught by us!” At this point, the White House press secretary looked filled with indignation and his tone of voice also improved.

“Iron Man shamefully stole the steel battle clothes belonging to the military, painted it evil black, and wore it to carry out terrorist hijacking activities. Fortunately, it was blocked by the heroic U.S. Air Force. , He had to give up the terrorist attack!”

“We should thank President Temepo. Thanks to his timely order to dispatch the air force, he avoided the tragedy and saved more than 100 innocent people on the airliner. Passengers, avoid the evil hands of the evil Iron Man!”

Looking at the admiration of the White House press secretary, the reporters below couldn’t help feeling sick.

“I’m going to throw up!”

“Fuck to have no shame!”


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