My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1412

Amid the enthusiastic applause, everyone looked towards Gao Yuan with a hint of respect.

Not only because Gao Yuan was the only sober person on the plane, and drove the airliner back with Iron Man, but also because of Gao Yuan’s performance afterwards.

In fact, after the plane landed, Gao Yuan could completely disembark for treatment. Even if his physical fitness is very strong, the long-term lack of oxygen will inevitably have some effects on him. In this case, he No one would accuse him of leaving the plane.

But he didn’t do it at all, instead he took the initiative to stay and help other rescuers to rescue the unconscious passengers.

Gao Yuan did not think so much. The reason why he stayed was because of his duty.

As a flight attendant on this flight, he is responsible for helping and rescuing every passenger on the plane, especially when the other crew members are all in a coma, he cannot shrink back.

When he returned to the ground, Gao Yuan was already exhausted. In the face of the applause of everyone, he was not at all triumphant.

Gao Yuan didnt think he had saved the passengers on the plane. Without Iron Man, they would have died long ago. At best, he only helped Iron Man fly for a while, most of the time. All are in the state of autonomous driving.

But for him, this is enough to make him proud.

Who else in this world can witness Iron Man saving an airplane like him, and as Iron Man’s deputy, assist him in driving the airplane back.

For him, this experience is even more legendary than this accident!

In the applause of everyone, Gao Yuan rejected the oxygen mask that a nurse handed him, and went to the ambulance to check the situation of several crew members.

As a diver, Gao Yuan knows his physical condition very well.

Although the previous hypoxia also caused him some repercussions, for example, he was a little dizzy at this time, and the brains reaction was slightly slow, but the degree was not serious, and it did not cause any damage to the body. For substantial injuries, as long as you sleep, you will return to normal tomorrow.

The situation of other people is obviously more serious than that of him. They may need to lie down in the hospital for a period of time to wake up, and the brain damage caused by hypoxia will also take some time to slowly recover.

However, compared with the terrifying consequences of the crash, this damage is fundamentally insignificant, and it can be basically recovered after a period of rest.

After Gao Yuan checked the situation of several colleagues, and when he stepped aside to take a break, the reporters who had been shooting from a distance had long been watching him.

At this time, the rescue was basically completed, and Gao Yuan came to a position not far away from them. They immediately couldn’t bear it, and they surrounded Gao Yuan by the breakthrough blockade.

A microphone came in front of him, and more than a dozen cameras all pointed the lens at him.

“Can Mr. Gao Yuan tell us about what happened on the plane?”

“The tower said that you and Iron Man were flying the plane together. Could you tell us about you and Iron Man? The process of contact?”

“How did Iron Man get into the plane? Or he was on the plane!”


Look from afar Looking at the many microphones handed to him, he was a little frowning, and he was a little dizzy. Now it is even more uncomfortable to be quarreled by these reporters.

But thinking of the soldiers and armored vehicles that surrounded the airliner before, I knew that the military wanted to be disadvantageous to Iron Man. Looking at the numerous cameras in front of me, my eyes suddenly lit up.

His power alone cannot compete with the U.S. military, nor can he help much, but he can use these reporters to promote the heroic deeds of Iron Man and increase the reputation and influence of Iron Man. Increase people’s attention.

Although the impossible made the U.S. military and government get rid of the idea, at least it can make them somewhat scrupulous and dare not be too unscrupulous.

After all, the United States is still a democratic country on the surface, and politicians also need votes in the hands of the people. When the people all over the country oppose the arrest of Iron Man, they will be somewhat restrained.

This is also the only thing he can do for Chen Mo.

Immediately Gao Yuan explained what happened on the plane, and emphasized the danger and emergency of the situation.

I didnt conceal anything about my situation at the time. I frankly said I was very weak due to lack of oxygen, and my consciousness was a little fuzzy. It took a long time to reach the cockpit, and I couldnt fly a plane at all. Man appeared in time, he and everyone on the plane had a dead end.

Speaking of Gao Yuan, it is obvious that the faces of the surrounding reporters and photographers could not help but flash with a trace of fear and happiness. After learning about the situation on the plane, they really realized Iron Man. How important is the appearance of.

The people who were watching the live broadcast listened to Gao Yuan’s narration, and they couldn’t think of making up for the picture on the plane at that time.

The entire aircraft, all passengers and crew fell into a coma, the aircraft was in an unmanned state, and only one flight attendant, who was barely awake, was leaning on the back of his seat and moving towards the cockpit with difficulty. go with.

“Iron Man is mighty!”

“The situation at the time was too dangerous. Without Iron Man, this plane would definitely crash!”

“But he Its already very difficult to deal with. If I dont feel dizzy, I probably wont be able to get to the cockpit!”

“Not only is my body strong, Willpower is also super strong, I am a tough guy who has been a special soldier!”

“The person who said before that they could be saved without an Iron Man plane, the person involved denies it personally, right?”


Gao Yuan didnt know The reaction of the audience continued to speak directly to the camera.

“And I simply dont know why the plane lost pressure, let alone how to deal with it. It was after Iron Man controlled the situation and let the pressure and oxygen in the plane return to normal, my brain gradually When they wake up, the passengers on the plane are free from danger. Otherwise, under long-term lack of oxygen, they may not wait for the plane to land and die!”

Heard here, the reporters on the scene and watching the live broadcast The audience couldn’t help but looked towards the many passengers behind Gao Yuan who were being rescued in front of the ambulance.

It is a miracle that these people can all be saved alive.

Looking at everyone’s reaction, Gao Yuan paused and continued.

“Actually, I only fly small planes. I am not familiar with the operation of large passenger planes and cannot control it to land safely. The entire landing process is actually driven by Iron Man.”

Everyone was hearing this. They couldn’t help but think of the perfect landing just now. The plane landed smoothly and stopped slowly. The whole process was no worse than those experienced old captains. They even suspected that the captain woke up personally. Driving, it turned out to be Iron Man!

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