My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1401

At the speed of steel battle clothes, even if it didnt fly at full speed, it didnt take too long to catch up with the Boeing 747 returning home under the escort of two fighters.

Flying to the bottom of the passenger plane against the sea, Chen Mo turned off the propellers, and then a teleport appeared in the cockpit.

A new big pet was accepted. Chen Mo, who was in a good mood, sat directly in the driver’s seat, but did not release the autopilot.

He knows that things are not at all over here, and the whaling in Japan will not stop because of this. The dolphin slaughter in Taiji Town, Wakayama Prefecture will be staged again after a while, and he wants to stop them completely. , Chen Mo must do something.

The easiest way is of course to wear steel battle clothes to sink all the whaling ships, but this can easily cause panic and is too rough.

But if you don’t use violence, it will be a little troublesome to deal with.

Chen Mo couldn’t help but think of the black anti-whaling ship fighting the whaling ship, as well as the members of the Marine Guardian Association on the speedboat.

The goal of these people is the same as Chen Mo to prevent the killing of whales, and they have been working hard for this for many years, but due to their lack of strength, they have not been able to effectively prevent the Japanese The mass killing of whales by national whaling ships.

But with the support of Chen Mo, the situation is completely different!

After having the plan, Chen Mo couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, and then temporarily put the matter down and focused on the plane.

Judging from Jarviss monitoring of the airspace ahead, the air traffic control department has already driven away all the aircraft in front. There shouldnt be any danger on this road. According to the current speed of the passenger plane, return Los Angeles will need more than two hours.

Chen Mo couldn’t help but frown when he thought that he had to fly the plane for more than two hours, but then he thought about the only sober flight attendant on this passenger plane.

The information given by Jarvis shows that he will also fly planes. Although it is only a small plane license, it is sufficient in autopilot.

When everyone on the passenger plane was in a coma due to lack of oxygen, he was the only one who remained awake, and went to the cockpit with great effort, trying to control the plane again.

Although he was almost impossible to succeed under the circumstances at the time, at least he was really trying hard to save the plane. He never gave up, and he was considered a hero.

Since he didn’t succeed in trying to fly the plane before, it is better to let him fly now, which can be regarded as a hero addiction.

Chen Mo immediately opened his mouth and called Gao Yuan in.

Gao Yuan, who was checking the condition of the passengers in the cabin, quickly turned and walked into the cockpit, looking at Chen Mo with some excitement.

He checked all the passengers in the cabin before and found that although they were still unconscious, their breathing and heartbeat were very stable, not at all mortal danger, which made his heart sighed. in relief, and at the same time, I am extremely grateful to Chen Mo who came to rescue them in time.

He knew very well that with his own abilities and the conditions at the time, if he wanted to land the plane safely, the end result would only be that everyone and the plane would destroy and die together.

The appearance of Chen Mo changed everything, and they all survived!

Chen Mo looked at him with a look of admiration in front of him, looked at his loftyness, pointed to the position of the deputy captain, and said directly to him.

“Sit down, you will drive next, and I will take over when you land.”

Gao Yuan heard this, a touch of excitement appeared on his face, and he hurried to the vice The captain sat down and fastened his seat belt.

The moment Gao Yuan’s heart was overwhelmed with excitement when he reached out his hand and stroked the joystick.

Not only because he flew a passenger plane for the first time, but also because the lives of more than 100 passengers on the plane were handed over to him. At this moment, he bears greater responsibility.

But the biggest reason is that Chen Mo, who is sitting in the captain’s seat, is now acting as deputy for Iron Man!

Thinking about it, I’m very excited. He is the only one who can fly a plane with Iron Man in this World!

This is undoubtedly a great honor for him. So far, apart from Kobe and the others, he should be the only one who has close contact with Iron Man, and Kobe and the others After being rescued, Iron Man left directly. Their contact was very short and there was simply no way to compare him.

Although he was extremely excited, Gao Yuan tried his best to control his urge to turn his head to observe Chen Mo carefully, and put all his attention on flying the plane.

Although the plane is now in autopilot state, it does not mean that he does not need to do anything.

Autopilot only reduces the pilots work intensity, and cannot completely replace the pilots work. Especially when they are flying at low altitudes, Gao Yuan has a 12-point spirit and dare not even for a moment. Relax.

Shortly after sitting down high, the communicator in front of me suddenly rang.

“Boeing 747 airliner, number 5B-DBY, this is the US Air Force F15 fighter, please reply if you receive it!”

Gao Yuan turned his head and scanned the communicator in front of Chen Mo and found that it was Being shut down by Chen Mo, he immediately understood that Chen Mo didn’t want to contact the military, so he directly raised his hand to shut down his communicator and continued to concentrate on flying the plane.

When he was in the back cabin before, he had already seen two fighter jets not far outside through the side windows on both sides. After a little thought, they knew that they lost contact after a problem with the airliner. Was sent to investigate.

But they simply couldn’t help much, they could only watch them by the side. If Chen Mo hadn’t rescued the plane and the passengers, the pilots on the fighter jet could only watch them crash.

At this time, the plane is safe. It doesn’t matter whether or not to contact it or not, he naturally followed Chen Mo’s idea.

If it werent for the speed of the passenger plane, even if Chen Mo asked him to speed up and throw the two fighters away, he would do so without the slightest hesitation.

It was Chen Mo who rescued them at the critical moment, but not the two fighters who only shouted and peeped around.

In the two fighters, when they saw Gao Yuan sitting in the co-pilot position, they expected to get in touch with the plane through him and grasp the situation inside the plane, but didn’t expect the other party and the Iron Man The same, close the communicator directly.

After a few more attempts to no avail, they had no choice but to give up, obediently and honestly drove the fighter plane to escort the airliner.

Chen Mo didn’t care at all. He turned off the communicator. It was just too noisy. He didn’t want to waste his tongue with the military that’s all. Even if Gao Yuan talked to the pilot and told them all about the airliner, it didn’t matter.

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