My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1396

At this point, the United States, which dropped two atomic bombs in Japan, is Chen Mos best example.

However, how to implement this lesson specifically, I couldn’t help but think about it.

There are atomic bombs in his space. When he was fighting Chitauri in the Avengers world, he installed two in the space. This time in the Pacific Rim world, Chen Mo even attacked The opportunity to pioneer the world greatly expanded its nuclear arsenal.

But to deal with such a small whaling ship, obviously there is no need for such a big fight.

And he doesn’t want to do it himself.

Looking at the anti-whaling ships and speedboats below, these Marine Guardian volunteers are actually good candidates and can also act as a deterrent, but this will also bring them great Big trouble, Chen Mo couldn’t help but shook the head secretly, and finally set his sights on the blue whale that was diving into the sea, and his eyes lit up.

To tell the whaling ship a lesson and play a deterrent effect, this blue whale is actually the best candidate!

Being countered by one’s own prey should be an unforgettable experience!

Chen Mo couldnt help showing an expression of expectation on his face. He watched the people on the whaling boat who were still hurriedly installing whaling guns and ropes, smiled coldly, and then released his thoughts and dived into the blue whale. In his mind.

Chen Mo found that the consciousness of the blue whale is really as strong as the consciousness of a ten-year-old child, as scientists say, and, like a child, its consciousness is very simple, with krill etc. The blue whales that feed on small crustaceans and small fishes don’t even have any consciousness of attack in their minds. At this time, they were chased by the whaling ship. They were just full of panic and fear. They only wanted to escape, but did not have the slightest idea of attack.

When Chen Mo saw this, he couldn’t help being more determined to help them.

Whether it is from the perspective of humanitarianism or marine ecological protection, Chen Mo should not sit idly by.

Chen Mo first calmed the panic of the blue whale. Under the influence of Chen Mos powerful spirit strength, the blue whale quickly calmed down. For the words that appeared in his mind The gentle and powerful consciousness could not help being full of curiosity.

Chen Mo felt the blue whale’s deep curiosity like a child, and couldn’t help but smile, but then he launched mental manipulation to suppress the blue whale’s consciousness and seize control of its body.

The captain of the whaling ship watched the blue whale dive underwater, and couldn’t help but loudly shouted loudly.

“The whale is going to dive! Hurry up! Hurry up! Don’t let it go!”

However, after Chen Mo controlled the blue whale, he did not at all. Let it continue to dive, but controlled it to swim below the whaling ship, biting the rope that was hanging down in the water after the whaling gun was cut off!

The captain of the whaling ship not at all saw the blue whale’s movements clearly. He thought that the blue whale had been chased by them for a long time, and his energy was exhausted and he could not swim anymore. He couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement on his face.

“This whale is exhausted! Hurry! Put on the whaling gun and cable, and grab it! As long as you catch it, we can go straight back!”

With the size and tonnage of this blue whale, it is enough for them to catch dozens of small whales.

Everyone rekindled hope on the whaling ship. When they were so excited, under the water that they couldnt see, the blue whales huge beak was closed tightly, and the rope was firmly bitten in the mouth. Here, Chen Mo immediately controlled the blue whale, moved towards the side of the whaling ship to swim with all his strength!

On the bow of the ship, the two sailors brought a new rope together, and they were about to reinstall it, but the deck below their feet suddenly shook, and the entire hull moved towards one side, especially on the deck. It was the sailors in the bow that stood unsteady, and many of them fell directly on the deck.

The sailor who was running with the new whaling rifle slipped and slammed on the guardrail. If it wasn’t for the guardrail, he would just fall into the sea, even though he It’s okay, but unfortunately, the whaling gun in his hand fell directly out of the guardrail and fell into the sea!

After the captain finally stood firm, he found that the sailor was holding the guardrail empty-handed, looking at the sea below.

“Asshole! Where’s the whaling gun? Where did you get it?”

The captain couldn’t help but shouted.

However, before the innocent-looking sailor could answer, the captain found something was wrong. Their ship was going to one side, and the distance between the original and the anti-whaling ship was constantly widening. Going up as if they were turning sharply to the right.

But he knows very well that he not at all ordered a change of course!

Thinking of the sudden shock just now, the captain couldnt help but looked down and moved towards, and then found that the cable originally hanging in the sea was stretched straight on the right side of the ships gunwale, and at the end of the cable, you can clearly see under the sea. The huge silhouette of that blue whale!

Could it be that it was accidentally hooked by a whaling gun just now?

No! There is simply no whaling gun on the cable, impossible to hook it, is it possible that it actively bit the cable? What does he want to do?

The strange behavior of this blue whale caused the captain to have a bad feeling in his heart!

Originally based on the tonnage of their ship, it was a bit reluctant to kill this blue whale, which is nearly 30 metres long. However, considering that the whaling gun contains explosives, it can blow the whale half to death as long as it hits. , Simply did not have the opportunity to struggle, and a blue whale weighing more than 100 tons, worth more than 3,000,000 US dollars, how could he give up with such a huge benefit before his eyes.

It was just that I thought it was foolproof, but didn’t expect that the cable of the whaling gun was entangled at the critical moment, and the whaling gun was chopped off by those damn maritime terrorists and fell into the sea.

This was nothing, anyway, there was a spare whaling gun and cable on the ship, but now the cable that was entangled in it before being untied was bitten by this huge blue whale!

With the huge power of this blue whale, accidentally their whaling ship is likely to be overturned!

Moreover, he also found that the bow deviated more and more severely under the constant pulling of the whale, as if it was turning quickly, but the most taboo of the ship is that the turn is too fast, just like a car. If you turn too fast, you can easily capsize!

His face immediately changed involuntarily, and immediately moved towards the sailor beside him loudly shouted in panic.

“Quick! Cut the rope!”

While shouting, he took out the walkie-talkie on his body and ordered anxiously.

“Slow down now and stop the boat! Stop the boat!”

Without Chen Mo, with the rich experience of this captain, it is really possible to turn peril into safety, but unfortunately, Chen Mo impossible let them escape!

Since they have decided to teach them a lesson, it will never be just a scare!

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