My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1392

Gao Yuan couldn’t help but remember the news that he saw on the Internet not long ago.

The helicopter that Kobe was riding in crashed, but all the people on the plane survived miraculously. According to the description of the survivors, including Kobe, they were turned out to be a man wearing black steel battle clothes. Iron Man caught the falling plane in midair and rescued them all.

Gao Yuan just laughed when he saw this news. He didn’t think Iron Man really existed. He only thought it was an illusion or hype of the people on the plane.

Now, he obviously doesn’t think so anymore.

Looking at the same black steel battle clothes as described in the news, Gao Yuan instantly understood that he should be the Iron Man who saved Kobe and the others before!

Chen Mo didn’t give him too much time to marvel, and instructed him directly.

“Move them both to the cabin, I will fly the plane back to Los Angeles!”

Still Gao Yuan, shocked by Chen Mo’s identity, hearing this not much Asked, but acted directly according to Chen Mo’s instructions.

Fortunately, after a while, he has recovered most of his physical strength and is no longer as strenuous as before.

The pressure and oxygen concentration in the cabin have returned to normal. Gao Yuan directly took off the oxygen mask he had just brought to the captain, stood up with his arm, and sent him to the back of the first class. The empty seat in the cabin.

Chen Mo sat directly in the vacant driver’s seat, turned off the autopilot directly with the assistance of Jarvis’, and controlled the plane to turn around.

According to the map displayed on the holographic panel, the aircraft’s current position has passed Alaska and is heading towards the Bering Strait.

However, Los Angeles is still closer to Los Angeles than Huaxia, and it can return to the ground faster, allowing the unconscious people on the plane to receive treatment.

Although Chen Mos timely disposal has made all the people on the plane out of danger, long-term hypoxia will still bring them some bad effects. If the delay is too long, It is very possible to generate some repercussions.

While Chen Mo controlled the plane to slowly turn around, Gao Yuan settled the captain, went to the cockpit and moved the deputy captain to the back, leaving Chen Mo alone in the entire cockpit.

After Gao Yuan put the co-pilot in the first class outside the door, he looked at the open cockpit door, hesitated for a moment, and was about to return to the cockpit again to see if he could help Chen Mo. , But when I just walked to the cockpit door, I heard Chen Mo’s voice coming from inside.

“Close the door and take care of the others!”

Gaoyuan glanced at the Iron Man who was sitting in the pilot’s seat and maneuvering the plane proficiently, and he concealed his about to enter the cockpit His feet, answered complied, and then obediently and honestly closed the somewhat deformed hatch, turned and moved towards the engine room with some reluctance and walked back.

In fact, he can also fly planes. Although it is only a small plane license, it is still far from flying a complicated large passenger plane. However, he can still play when the captain and captain are both unconscious. Something useful.

But looking at Chen Mo’s proficiency in flying a plane, he knew he was out of play.

Just judging from Chen Mo’s performance, he is obviously an old pilot who is skilled at driving, and he simply can’t help him, a novice who can only drive small airplanes.

He didn’t know that Chen Mo simply couldn’t fly a plane, and several of his flying cars were not so complicated to drive.

Steel battle clothes are directly controlled by body and mind. Wakanda spaceship and dark elf battleship are both fully automatic, and Jarvis personally controls them. He was most interested in holding the joystick to experience the feeling of driving a spaceship. As for the flame giant dragon, the latest car, not to mention, it’s similar to riding a horse.

But although not before, it does not mean that Chen Mo will be very rusty when flying a plane.

With Chen Mos reaction speed and learning ability, with the assistance of Jarvis’, Chen Mo quickly got started. After a while, he read the flight manual and added the actual operation. When this mission is completed, Chen Mo’s aircraft driving skills will directly reach the full level!

While Chen Mo was controlling the airliner to turn around, the two fighters also quickly turned around and reported to the ground command center.

“Command center! Iron Man took the driver’s seat and was controlling the steering of the passenger plane, as if he wanted to turn around and return to Los Angeles!”

The pilot who made the report couldn’t help but feel a little excited.

Not only because the aircraft regained control, but also because of the picture before me.

Iron Man da plane, bombing plane, crashing plane, they have all seen in the movie, but Iron Man flying the plane, this kind of magical scene has not even appeared in the movie!

When the command center heard his report, a strange expression appeared on everyone’s face.

They couldn’t help but think of Iron Man wearing steel battle clothes, sitting in the driver’s seat and flying a plane. This scene is indescribable!

At the same time, all of their new Zhongyuan breathed a sigh of relief. The passenger plane regained control and began to return. This means that the worst case will not happen. The more than 100 people on the plane should All saved!

In fact, Chen Mo doesnt feel uncomfortable. The perfect design of steel battle clothes makes him very comfortable inside. Even if he sits in the drivers seat across the battle clothes, its actually better than sitting directly. The top is more comfortable.

Controlling the plane to draw a huge semicircle in the air, the passenger plane finally completed a U-turn and began to fly towards Los Angeles.

However, Chen Mo did not directly turn on the autopilot, but controlled the plane to slowly descend.

The fighters flying on both sides of the passenger plane immediately reported the situation to the command center again.

In the beginning, they were a little worried, thinking that the plane was out of control again and was about to crash, but when they found that the plane’s flight attitude was very stable and the altitude drop was also very gentle, someone immediately guessed Chen Mo’s purpose. .

“He is to increase the air pressure and oxygen content in the cabin to prevent the passengers on board from being in danger of prolonged hypoxia!”

They did not know that Chen Mo had renewed The pressurization system is turned on, but Chen Mo’s lowering of the height is indeed for the safety of passengers.

At the altitude of ten thousand meters, because the outside air pressure is only 0.3 atmospheres, in order to prevent the pressure difference between inside and outside being too large, the cabin cannot withstand the huge pressure and rupture, so the cabin can only be pressurized up to 0.6 atmospheres.

For normal people, this air pressure and oxygen concentration can be fully adapted, but for passengers on the plane who are unconscious due to lack of oxygen, they need a higher concentration of oxygen!

So Chen Mo drove the passenger plane and gradually descended from ten thousand meters to an altitude of 2500 meters, and controlled the pressurizing device to raise the pressure in the cabin to one atmosphere.

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