My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 139

Chen Mo took a look at the data displayed on the tablet in his hand. The thickness of the ice layer, the depth of the aircraft sinking, and the damage to the aircraft body are clearly displayed on it.

After grasping the situation of the Valkyrie Goddess, Chen Mo directly put the tablet into the space, turned and moved towards the ice cliff at the junction of the ice sheet and sea water.

“You go back first, everything goes according to plan.”

Chen Mo said as he walked forward.

“Yes! Sir!”

John hearing this immediately replied.

Under his gaze, Chen Mo strode to the ice cliff, glanced at the sea surface with a large amount of floating ice scattered below, and then jumped forward directly from the ice more than 20 meters high. Jumped off the cliff.

“pu pass!”

Chen Mo’s falling body accurately avoided the scattered ice floes and fell into the cold water, splashing a high wave .

I witnessed Chen Mo jumping off the ice cliff, but John’s dark color did not change. He directly followed Chen Mo’s order and went back to board the fighter plane.

The opened cockpit shield slowly closed, the engine of the Hydra fighter jet sprayed out a light blue flame again, and the snow on the ground was blown up by the strong air current, flying all over the sky.

The Hydra fighter slowly left the ground and began to accelerate into the air. It quickly rose to the height of several dozen meters, and turned the nose to face the direction it came.

Then, the vertical downward thruster of the fighter’s tail section slowly rotated backwards, and at the same time it ejected a more intense flame, pushing the fighter to accelerate and fly forward, quickly flying into the sky, disappeared.

At this time, Chen Mo who fell into the sea was continuing to dive down along the ice cliff.

Under the sea, the huge blue glacier is like a majestic huge city wall, extending infinitely to both sides, blocking the sea from the ice wall.

Under the ice wall, the moved towards seabed extends deep. Chen Mo dived along the ice layer for nearly 20 meters before finally reaching the bottom of the ice layer.

Stop diving, Chen Mo reversed direction, moved towards the ice sheet downstream, under the ice sheet, like being in an upside-down world, the rugged ice surface is like a rugged land, occupying Chen Mo’s entire field of vision can’t be seen at a glance.

Chen Mo’s body is like a swimming fish, walking through the sea, swimming towards the depths of the ice sheet at a very fast speed.

Actually, for an ordinary person, Chen Mo’s actions at this time are very dangerous.

The ice sheet above his head is as thick as several dozen meters, and it is impossible to directly float out of the sea. If you want to breathe out of the water, you can only go back the same way. So the deeper the ice sheet, the danger becomes Bigger.

It is not only the increase in distance. The world under the ice is monotonous and vast. There is no reference to indicate the direction. It is easy to get lost underwater. When you want to withdraw, you find that you cant find the direction to go back. Swim farther and farther, until the oxygen runs out, suffocation underwater and die.

Even if you are not disoriented, you must return in time when there is sufficient oxygen. Once you get too deep into the ice sheet and wait until you find that the oxygen is insufficient, you may not be able to persist until you swim out of the ice sheet, and you will suffocate on the way back. Died.

However, Chen Mo has been prepared for this. Not to mention his own strong physical fitness, it is enough to support his long-term underwater activities. There are also enough oxygen cylinders specially prepared in the space. In case of emergency, it is enough to ensure that he has sufficient oxygen supply.

Swimming forward several hundred meters under the ice sheet, the cookie-cutter scene finally changed. A large black metal body appeared in front of Chen Mo’s eyes.

“Valkyrie Goddess!”

At the beginning, Chen Mo drove the Valkyrie Goddess down near a glacier and sank into the sea, where it was frozen in the ice.

Its just that its not at all completely covered by ice, as Chen Mo can see at this moment, an incomparable gigantic, a full 30-meter-long wing that slants from the ice cap above And here, diagonally inserted in the sea below.

This is part of the huge wing of the huge Valkyrie Goddess.

After discovering the target, Chen Mo directly moved towards the wing and swam over.

Swimming around the huge wing of the same high-rise building a few times, Chen Mo quickly found a broken hole under the wing.

Take out a waterproof glare flashlight from the space, Chen Mo turned on the switch, and a bright and dazzling light beam shot out from the flashlight, instantly turning the slightly dim space brighter.

Immediately, without any hesitation, Chen Mo swam directly to the hole and got in from here.

The dark interior of the aircraft was illuminated by the beam of a bright flashlight, and Chen Mo could clearly see the scene ahead.

The inside of the wing has been filled with sea water, one after another huge steel skeleton criss-crossed, supporting the wing.

Chen Mo passed through the strong steel frame, entered the interior of the aircraft, and swam along the passage towards the upper cabin.

Soon, Chen Mo was blocked by an ice wall, and above the ice wall was the cabin of the Valkyrie Goddess.

The road was blocked, Chen Mo had to stop temporarily.

At this time, it has been several minutes since Chen Mo jumped into the sea. Although he did not feel hypoxia, he could continue to hold on for a period of time. Chen Mo took out the oxygen cylinder from the space and supplemented it with The oxygen of the body.

Putting away the oxygen cylinder, Chen Mo raised his head again and looked towards the ice layer above. At the same time, the right hand stretched forward, and the sword of the king appeared in his hand instantly.

Next, Chen Mo began to shovel ice. Under the sharp sword of the king, the hard ice was cut down like tofu in large chunks, and then Chen Mo was paid. In the space, a channel with a diameter of one meter was soon dug, and it continued to deepen above the ice layer.

The thickness of the ice layer inside the Valkyrie Goddess is very deep. Chen Mo digged up and approached ten meters before finally reaching the end.

With Chen Mo’s last sword cut a large piece of ice, the passage finally penetrated, but above this thick ice layer, there is not at all sea water.

When the Valkyrie Goddess sank into the sea, the overall airtightness was not at all damaged too much. Sea water poured into the aircraft from the damaged parts such as the wings, but not at all filled the aircraft. Instead, an air chamber is formed in the upper cabin.

Later, after the airplane was frozen in the ice, the seawater below the air chamber froze, forming the ice wall that Chen Mo encountered just now, completely blocking the cabin.

Seeing the passage opened up, Chen Mo put away the sword of the king, climbed up from the entrance of the hole, and entered the cabin.

The light of the strong flashlight illuminates the cabin interior. Chen Mo carefully looked all around and after confirming his position, he stepped on the smooth ice surface under his feet, moved towards one direction Go.

Coming to the edge of the ice, there is a slope close to thirty degrees in front of Chen Mo. This is the original ground of the cabin, but the aircraft body tilted after sinking into the sea. The wing cocked and the other side sank, so the ground inside the cabin also formed a slope of about thirty degrees.

I have been frozen in the sea for 70 years, and a thick layer of ice has formed on the bulkhead and the ground. In addition to the slope caused by the tilt of the aircraft, it is not easy to walk, but it is agile For Chen Mo, there is no difficulty.

But instead of walking straight forward, he stopped at the slope.

Take off the drenched combat uniform, and earn space, Chen Mo put on Edman alloy armor and a black combat uniform with traces of combat, and combined the original M1911 pistol, Vibranium The shields and other equipment were all put on, completely restored to the state they had when they left.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, Chen Mo stepped onto the slope and walked along the passage to the aircraft control room of the Valkyrie Goddess.

The icy sloping ground still affected Chen Mo’s traveling speed. It took a few minutes for Chen Mo to finally reach the control room.

Its not much different from the situation when I came all the way just now. The entire aircraft control room is also completely covered in frost. The trap that Struck Baron set to trap him is still there, just the original steel. The cage had now become an ice cage, and the sections of steel pillars he had cut off were frozen on the ground.

Considering this familiar and unfamiliar environment, Chen Mo cautiously came to the console.

There is also a thick layer of frost on the wide driving seat.

Chen Mo cleared all the frost on the seat into the space, and then sat on it.

After that, Chen Mo took out a black box the size of a backpack from the space and threw it into the air.

Throwing in the air and leaving Chen Mo for a meter away, a blue spot of light suddenly lit up on the top of the box. Then, its four corners quickly stretched out and four sticks out. Arm.

At the same time as it stretched out, a light blue flame began to be emitted from the ends of the four arms, pushing it to float smoothly in the air.

It turns out that this is a small foldable aircraft.

After throwing out the aircraft, Chen Mo took out another tablet computer from the space and started to operate it.

The aircraft suspended in the air turned around under the control of Chen Mo, flew back along the way it came, and soon returned to the top of the ice cave dug by Chen Mo.

As Chen Mo gave the order, a scanning device was slowly extended below the aircraft, and a red light net was sent from it to sweep the ground below.

After that, a folded robotic arm stretched out in front of the aircraft. After unfolding, the robotic arm extended to the ice cave below.

Chen Mo left for just a few minutes, and the seawater in the ice cave began to freeze again. At this time, a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface, but it was slightly lower than the original ice surface.

The slender manipulator arm of the aircraft stretches to the point where the thin ice meets the ice surface, and the front end immediately begins to spray a white cold air. After contacting the thin ice, it quickly condenses on its surface, making it thicker. Gradually increase, and quickly become level with the ice next to it.

Then, the robotic arm moved continuously on the ice cave, and soon the entire ice cave was repaired and leveled completely with the surrounding ice surface.

But it didn’t stop there. Then, the cold air sprayed from the front of the robotic arm changed, and it condensed into frost directly in the air, and it fell on the new ice surface.

When the aircraft finished repairing and flew over Chen Mo’s footprints and started scanning, the ice hole just now disappeared completely, and there was no trace on the surface.

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