My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1386

Daniel knows the style of David and his group of Titans. They are brave and fearless, and they dare to fight, although George has always let them deal with some shit and bad things when George was in power. But before that, David and his Criminal Investigation Division were the best action team in the Los Angeles Branch of the FBI and the strongest battle strength!

Rifles are almost daily standard for them, and the bullets consumed every month rank first in the entire branch. No group can compare with them, and even their fraction is not enough. .

But similarly, they have the highest rate of solving crimes. The criminals and thugs who died in their hands are more than the other groups in the whole branch combined. If they are equipped with a full set of equipment, they can all be It is comparable to the military special team.

If it hadn’t been for George’s interests that David was promoted to the agent, he would not have been suppressed for so many years.

What Daniel has to do now is to get David and the others back to the state they were in the past. Dont you all kill each other, then I will fulfill you!

Anyway, he was the acting director who solved the case, and he was able to sit back and relax even if something went wrong.

It’s just that his wish is obviously going to fail.

Although the current David is still that David, he has neither received physical enhancement nor superpowers, but his identity has become a Level 1 agent of SHIELD!

Dont say you can call for support at critical moments, just the SHIELD special agent mobile phone and the Aegis badge that can be turned into a micro-mechanical spider that Chen Mo gave him can bring him tremendous help .

Although the built-in artificial intelligence of the mobile phone is far behind Chen Mo’s Jarvis, it is also comparable to the artificial intelligence system used by Tony _ Stark, intrusion, investigation, monitoring, and collection All the evidence is nothing difficult, and the micro-mechanical spider can sneak into almost any place concealedly, conducting investigations and even assassinations!

Even for ordinary persons, these two kinds of black technologies can exert tremendous formidable power, not to mention top agents like David!

With these two Divine Items, David’s investigation of the target can be said to be unprofitable.

By hacking into mobile phones, computers, and monitoring equipment, David can grasp the situation of most of the targets, and the rest can be completely controlled by the mechanical spider.

Every time before going on a mission, David already knows the situation well. If he can do it, he will do it. If he cant, he will ambush. If it doesnt work, he will apply for the support of other action teams. Even if Daniel thinks David is dead, But in the face of the application that David had submitted early before the operation, he could not disapprove it.

Other action teams also cooperated extremely well with Davids support request. At first it was due to Davids strong power to overthrow Georges no one dares provoke, and later it was willing, even wishing David would often find They help.

Because they found that every time they act with David, the whole process is surprisingly smooth.

Although they need their support in situations where there are a large number of enemies and usually strong firepower, David always knows the situation of the opponent clearly, time, place, how many people, David knew exactly what weapons he was carrying. They usually didn’t need much effort to wipe out all the enemies.

The process of fighting may seem fierce, but it is actually very easy.

Follow David to release a few shots easily, and you can get a lot of credit. Where can I find such a good thing? Several action groups are rushing to help almost every time!

At the same time, they were amazed by Davids powerful intelligence capabilities. Although they didnt know where David got the incomparably detailed information, they were more certain in their hearts. , Don’t provoke him!

David was able to obtain evidence of Georges corruption and sent him to jail. He was able to find out the internal intelligence of these illegal forces and easily catch everything in one net. These all show great significance. Mastering a very powerful intelligence channel, it is not too simple to clean them up.

Many people doubt whether he has something to do with the CIA or the National Security Agency!

In any case, David’s prestige in the Los Angeles branch of the FBI is getting higher and higher, and even Daniel is less and less daring to attack him.

Under the leadership of David, the Criminal Investigation Department has uncovered several major and important cases one after another, and eliminated several large criminal groups. Within half a month, they were only killed in battle. There were dozens or hundreds of criminals, and even more were captured. The FBI’s detention room could no longer accommodate them. They had to borrow the cell of the Los Angeles Police Department.

The Los Angeles Police Department was originally dissatisfied with the FBIs recent big moves. After all, no one wanted to be robbed of credit. But when they saw the FBI sent in batches of these criminals, almost After filling up their large-scale cell, the original unrest disappeared in an instant.

Especially after learning about their series of fierce battles, no one ever claimed credit.

Even if this kind of credit is placed in front of them, they don’t want it. Compared with that little credit, it is obviously more important than life!

They dont want to shoot at a group of fully armed bandits with pistols. The bullets dont have long eyes. These powerful criminal groups should be handed over to the FBI. They catch thieves and robbers. That’s it!

Chen Mo has not been in contact with David during this time, but he will always pay attention to their situation.

Every time David and the others perform a mission, Chen Mo will sit on the sofa and watch the holographic image from Jarvis projection and watch the live broadcast.

Chen Mo is still very optimistic about David and his group of people.

Strength and so on are not important to him. With Super Soldier serum and X gene serum, even weak people can become powerful super fighters. What he values is their inner qualities. , This is the real precious thing!

Of course ability is also very important, and David and his men are the most elite FBI agents, although they are far behind the Hydra agent Chen Mo brought from the Avengers world, but In the real world, it is already a very powerful existence.

According to the madness of David and their current missions, according to Jarvis’ calculation, it will not be long before David can be upgraded to Level 2 Aegis Agents. Chen Mo is very much looking forward to David receiving Super Soldier serum. What will happen after strengthening?

Will it become the real world American Captain or Batman who fights crime as a Law Enforcer during the day, and becomes a superhero to punish and punish evil at night!

While Chen Mo was watching the actions of David and the others, while waiting for him to upgrade to Level 2 agents, on this day, Chen Mo suddenly received a call from David!

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