My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1373

In this case, David is more impossible to join Hydra easily.

It seems impossible to recruit David, but Chen Mo did not at all give up because of this.

Nothing is impossible for him!

But now that this matter is handed over to Hill and the others, it is obviously no longer possible. Anyway, I am idle, and Chen Mo is ready to go out himself!

That night, the Criminal Investigation Division of the Los Angeles Branch of the FBI.

The door of David’s office was pushed open, and a capable-faced female agent poked her head into the door and said to David.

“Boss, let’s withdraw first!”

David sat at his desk looking through the information, hearing this without raising his head.

“Well, let’s get off work first.”

When the female agent Lena saw David like this, she couldn’t help but speak again.

“Dont be too late. Let me tell you that this case is just like the dead waiter who slaughtered the entire Losanji Mafia overnight. No results can be found. “

David hearing this lifts the head, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes, watching the female agent’s concerned eyes, David’s rebuke reached his mouth and swallowed it, and finally Just nodded, waved his hand and said.

“I see, hurry up and get off work! Otherwise, stay with me to work overtime!”

Rena hearing this is not at all, like David thought. And to escape, but hesitated, it seemed that he really planned to stay.

When David saw this, he waved his hand and said impatiently.

“I really want to stay and work overtime! Hurry up, don’t bother me here!”

Rena gave David a vague look, and she closed the door unwillingly. opened.

When he heard the sound of footsteps walking away, David couldn’t help but sighed in relief.

How David is not clear about the thoughts of his veteran, but now he simply has no thoughts and no time to fall in love.

The daily cases have taken up most of his energy and time. David is still young and in his prime of life. He has his own ideals and ambitions to realize, so although he is in charge of the agent After a long time, there is no hope of promotion. David is still working hard and has no slack. He does not intend to start messing around like some people until retirement.

His heart has been holding back!

He is very aware of his abilities and knows how many big cases he has solved over the years, but his position has not changed.

He is not obsessed with power and desires to be promoted, but just wants to get what he deserves!

In fact, he also knows where the problem is.

The easiest way is to “loyal” to the sub-director George, like everyone else, and become his own person, turn a blind eye to some of his actions, provide convenience and assistance, or even join them completely Do it with them!

As a powerful law enforcement agency in the United States, the FBIs powers are superior to the state police, but the supervision is relatively weak.

George, as the director of the Los Angeles branch, has huge powers in his hands, and powers often mean huge benefits!

Not to mention that some people arrested by the FBI want to make money and eliminate disasters. The drugs, stolen goods and money they seized in the operation are also a very large wealth. Just move a little bit in it. The hands and feet are not a small number, far better than the obediently and honestly earning wages.

It’s not just George. This behavior has become a kind of unwritten rules. In addition to David, all the agents in charge of the other operations have also joined it. Only David, who is hard-headed, refuses. In cooperation, each seizure was reported truthfully, so that they could not do anything, and some of the black box operations were flatly rejected by him, which made them lose a large amount of income and naturally became the target of suppression.

David has not thought about investigating and reporting the actions of George and the others, but on the one hand, he is alone, on the other hand, George and the others have always been guarding him.

Finally, he also discovered that it was not only Los Angeles branch. This situation is very common in the entire FBI system, and it has almost become unwritten rules. David suspects that even the FBI executives are also involved and cannot be spared. , And the situation may even be more serious than he thought.

After knowing all this, after experiencing a brief period of decadence and self-doubt, David got up again. Not only did he not feel depressed, but he worked harder to handle the case.

He doesn’t believe in this evil!

He has to rely on his own efforts and strength to get the promotion that should belong to him!

Although he can do nothing about the corruption of the FBI, as long as he can climb to a higher position, have greater power and more voice, he can reverse all this step by step, and everything will From the Los Angeles branch where he is!

Originally, this should be a long process, and he is also ready to spend his life working hard, but in the past year, various strange cases that have occurred continuously have given him opportunities , He has an instinctive intuition that the opportunity he has been waiting for is likely to come.

Although there has not been a case related to “Deadpool” and “Iron Man” so far, he found the image of the suspect in the previous incident of the theft of a new anti-cancer medicine. , And traced them all the way, and eventually involved the executives of several major pharmaceutical companies, arrested many people, and made a big appearance in the entire FBIsystem and entered the vision of the executives.

Although he has not gotten rid of the situation of being suppressed by George since then, his prestige in the Los Angeles branch agent is quite high.

This makes David even more exciting. It just shows that his previous ideas are fully feasible. No matter how George suppresses him, as long as he solves more influential cases, it is best to cause some sensation. When the time comes, George can’t hold him down forever!

The crash of this time seems to David a good opportunity to counterattack.

This incident not only involved Kobe, but also caused great influence and attention. At the same time, the target “Iron Man” also attracted the interest of countless movie hobbyists.

The most important thing is that Davids instinct tells him that there is a certain connection between this incident and several peculiar cases that happened before. If this Iron Man can be found, then several other cases The case is very likely to be solved together!

You must know that although time has passed for a long time, the impact of these cases is still there. Deadpool and Iron Man are still the hottest COSPLAY objects. Aegis Group uses these incidents The release of 3D holographic films adapted for the material has pushed them to the forefront again.

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