My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1351

Newt hurriedly took out the tablet and quickly started to operate it, only to find that the giant Mecha that killed a lot of rare beasts in Tokyo City was still at Mo Yulan base.

Looking up at the familiar giant Mecha not far away, Newt couldn’t react for a while.

The satellite monitoring It shouldn’t be wrong. If the giant Mecha leaves Mo Yulan base, he will immediately receive an alarm.

But the giant Mecha in front of me is really standing there, and it’s impossible to be fake.

Newt did not know that the giant Mecha transformed from the dark elf battleship has the ability to be invisible, and his satellite monitoring program simply does not work on it.

Just when Newt was puzzled, the huge waves caused by the giant Mecha falling into the water had already surged over, and the yacht followed the violent turbulence, and Newt had to hold it tightly The handrails on the side of the ship prevent yourself from being thrown into the sea.

In the giant Mecha, Chen Mo looked at the fully opened wormhole and was nodded with satisfaction. Newt did not disappoint him!

Chen Mo was originally worried that if he failed to open the wormhole, he could only take a little effort to let other rare beast admirers controlled by the pioneers “find the opportunity” to implant the monster embryos again Unmanned Mecha’s control center, let them open the wormhole again.

But now everything is much simpler.

Seeing the few rare beasts walking in the front roar and rush towards the giant Mecha, Chen Mo did not take the initiative to fight at all, but looked up towards the air.

On the yacht, Newt, who gradually stood firm as the shaking eased, couldn’t help but look up with the gaze of the giant Mecha.

next moment, Newt couldnt help but his mouth opened wide. In the sky, dozens of huge white steel silhouettes were sprayed with long tail flames, and they were facing the position below them. Dive quickly!

Newt, who is the head of Shao Clan’s industrial development department, recognized these white silhouettes at a glance. They are the unmanned Mecha of Shao Clan Industry!

But all the unmanned Mechas have been destroyed. Where did these guys come from? Could it be……

“bang! bang! bang! bang!……”

Just when Newt’s face was puzzled, dozens of unmanned Mechas were already out of the sky After landing, it fell into the sea with a bang, agitating huge waves, and at the same time all the rare beasts, furious obsidian Mecha and wormholes were all surrounded.

The yacht at Newt’s feet was swayed violently by the surging waves again, just like his mood at this time, turbulent.

The reality of these unmanned Mecha was beyond his expectations, and the feeling of something wrong that appeared in his heart before became more and more intense.

However, Newt could only hold onto the guardrail tightly. As the yacht continued to sway, when the turbulent waves subsided slightly, Newt found that these Mecha had already crawled out of the wormhole. A few rare beasts are fighting!

Mo Yulan base, training center, fifty unmanned Mecha control terminals transported from Shao Clan industry are neatly arranged in the room. There are 13 Mecha hunters and nine hunter trainees from Mo Yulan base. , And twenty-eight Mecha drivers from Shao Clan Industries are operating these fifty unmanned Mecha on the Mecha control terminal.

“Level 4 rare beast is a group of two, Fifth Level rare beast is a group of four, and the others will work with me to deal with the furious obsidian!”

Because of Sen Mazi’s relationship, I was Jack, who Chen Mo designated as the unmanned Mecha Legion commander, ordered loudly.

Many unmanned Mecha immediately rushed towards the rare beast in coordination with each other, while Jack and Knight controlled two unmanned Mecha to face a rare beast furious obsidian together.

The fiasco of the furious obsidian last time in Sydney has been coiling in his mind. The powerlessness and despair made him still unable to let go. This time he had the opportunity to be ashamed!

At the same time, after experiencing Shao Liwen’s unmanned Mecha technology, Jack felt the power of this technology.

Through the unmanned Mecha control terminal, he can control an unmanned Mecha alone, and the agility and speed of his actions are slightly improved than when the hunter Mecha is combined.

The hunter students such as Amara and Ouyang Jinhai did not consider so much. Finally they had the opportunity to actually participate in the battle against rare beasts. They were all excited, and they showed all their energy one by one, moved towards The rare beast attacked desperately.

“Vico, let’s deal with this rare beast together, and be careful not to be topped!”

“I will break its corner!”


The situation at this time is very unfavorable for rare beast.

Although these rare beasts are powerful, there are 40-50 unmanned Mechas surrounding them, three or four times as many as them, even if three rare beasts do not need to continue to maintain the wormhole. The beast furious obsidian Mecha is still at an absolute disadvantage, not to mention that there is an extremely powerful Mecha next to it, even the super rare beast has been killed by it.

But Newt is not at all desperate because of this, he still has a chance to reverse the situation!

As the head of the R&D department of Shao Clan Industry, he is responsible for the unmanned Mecha project. He also took this opportunity to make hands and feet in the control center of unmanned Mecha and implant rare The beast embryos turned all the fifty unmanned Mechas delivered to major bases into rare beast Mecha, which opened up a large number of wormholes and opened up a new rare beast invasion.

If he didnt guess wrong, these unmanned Mechas that suddenly appeared were probably because the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force decided to cut the number of deployments in half, and the fifty unmanned Mechas that were not assembled !

It’s just that he didn’t expect that after the previous unmanned Mecha mutation accident, they dare to continue to create unmanned Mecha!

Be aware that he has implanted rare beast embryos in all the unmanned Mecha control centers!

If they didnt find out that these unmanned Mechas made by these control centers were used directly, then he could directly reverse the situation in front of him, and even destroy the giant Mecha in turn!

Thinking of this, Newt quickly picked up the tablet and started to operate, wanting to activate the rare beast embryo through the hidden backdoor program he left in the unmanned Mecha.

However, after a long time, several rare beasts have been killed by unmanned Mechas under siege, but these unmanned Mechas still have no response, and there is no tendency to mutate into rare beast Mecha.

“Damn it!”

Newt slammed an angry punch on the railing, and at the same time his heart fell to the bottom.

Obviously, the hands and feet he made to the unmanned Mecha control center have been discovered and removed by Shao Liwen. At the same time, all the back doors he left in the unmanned Mecha control system were also blocked. He simply couldn’t Control these unmanned Mecha!

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