My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1349

Newt is not alone, behind him there are many rare beast admirers controlled by the pioneers, and some of them also hold quite a powerful force, such as this Satellites!

With this satellite in a synchronous orbit over the Pacific, Newt can keep track of the movements of Mecha, the joint defense force of the Pacific Rim.

Newt immediately started operating on the tablet. Soon, all more than 80 Mechas, including Chen Mos giant Mecha, were all marked by him, and their movements could be tracked in real time via satellites. .

Looking at the Mecha stations leaving Tokyo one after another, Newt immediately decided to start Plan B immediately!

Although the previous series of actions all ended in failure, he still holds a powerful force in his hands.

Although it cannot compete with the entire Mecha hunter Legion and Chen Mo’s giant Mecha, in some cases, it is also a very terrifying force.

He secretly manufactured more than one Furious Obsidian, as Chen Mo investigated, using the power core produced in the core factory in the Northland Islands, Newt built a total of four Furious Obsidian.

According to the original plan, he originally planned to use these Mechas to open wormholes.

In the ten years since the wormhole was destroyed, the pioneers wormhole device has actually been rebuilt long ago. As long as he uses rare beast Mecha to open the wormhole to a sufficient size, Using the energy from the activities of the crustal plates to supply energy, the wormhole can once again be permanently opened.

It’s just that the heart insect hole was discovered by the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force when it opened and Mecha was sent to destroy the worm hole again, so Newt has never implemented this plan.

Until later, the unmanned Mecha plan went smoothly, Newt thought of a better way, through the opportunity of massive deployment of unmanned Mecha, and opened a large number of wormholes in the Pacific Rim.

Unmanned Mecha’s sudden attack and a large number of wormholes appearing at the same time, the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces will certainly not be able to take care of it.

Although the plan to use unmanned Mecha to open the wormhole has failed, its original plan is still feasible!

Moreover, this is an unprecedented opportunity!

Although the current major bases of PPDC were not completely captured by the unmanned Mecha as he planned, they were also severely damaged in battles with many rare beasts, and their battle strength dropped greatly.

The most important thing is that after eliminating all the invading rare beasts, they thought that the war had been won and directly transferred all Mecha who participated in the war.

In the end, only the original three Mechas of the Tokyo base were left in Tokyo. Although these three Mechas were lucky not at all, they were damaged very seriously. The battle strength was not as good as the original ones. half.

All Mecha from other bases returned to their respective bases, and it was impossible to come back again in a short time. At this time, it can be said that the defense of Tokyo is the weakest in the past ten years!

And he can just take advantage of this great opportunity to relax his vigilance after the victory of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, and start the original plan again, using furious obsidian to open a wormhole near Tokyo!

Furious obsidian is not the unmanned Mecha, Shao Liwen cannot control the detonation, and near Tokyo itself is an active area of the crust, he can directly open permanent wormholes in the Tokyo Sea Territory, using the energy from the activities of the crust , Sent a large number of rare beasts to attack Mount Fuji.

Although the wormhole will be discovered by the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force as soon as it is opened, the evacuated Mecha could not be reached in a short time.

As long as it can block the Tokyo bases attack and successfully open the wormhole completely, the furious obsidian plus the rare beast that went through the wormhole to the earth is enough to kill Mecha in the Tokyo base, and the hunter Mecha in other bases will arrive. Before, rare beast had already entered Mount Fuji!

At that time, no one can stop his plan to destroy mankind!

Newt hid in the city of Tokyo, controlling the three furious obsidian Mecha hidden in the secret base, and it took half a day to quietly reach the Tokyo Bay Sea Territory.

Although Newt moved a lot of hands and feet without telling Shao Liwen, and other rare beast admirers, but everything they did was inhuman after all and could only be carried out in secret, impossible to fanfare, so In the past ten years, they have exhausted all of them to produce only four furious obsidian Mechas.

Except for the one destroyed by Chen Mo, these three furious obsidians are already Newts last strength, and this time action will also be his last chance!

If he fails again this time, he does not know if he has the opportunity to wait another ten years and prepare again.

Newt was extremely cautious about this final decision to win or lose.

Although the Mecha of the Tokyo base were all seriously injured, they still had a certain battle strength. In order to prevent them from coming quickly and destroying the opening of the wormhole, Newt deliberately chose a place far away from the Tokyo base. The seabed opened the wormhole, and he himself stole a yacht and drove to the nearby quietly.

This is his last chance, he must be there in person!

Following the navigation, Newt quickly came to the Sea Territory he chose.

Stopping the boat, Newt came to the deck and took out the tablet.

On the electronic map, three yellow light spots are rapidly approaching from the south to his location in the middle of the map.

Newt hurriedly walked to the south deck and looked into the distance with the guardrail. At first he couldn’t see anything, but as the three yellow light spots on the electronic map kept getting closer, Newt Soon he saw three waves rushing towards his position on the sea.

After getting closer, he can vaguely see through the sea the three black silhouettes as huge as seabed giant beast.

Three furious obsidian Mechas quickly passed through the front of the yacht and stopped at the set position outside several hundred meters.

Immediately, with a rumbling sound, three tall black steel silhouettes suddenly broke through the sea, stood up from the sea, several dozen meters deep sea water only reached the middle of their thighs, and their tall bodies were straight. Standing on the surface of the sea, a large amount of seawater was taken into the air and then fell down, forming a torrential rain within 100 meters.

The waves formed when the three furious obsidian Mecha stand up from the sea are as high as several meters. Even if Newts yacht stops outside several hundred meters, it is still swayed fiercely by the waves. .

Newt firmly grasped the guardrail on the side of the ship with both hands, and followed the yacht up and down. The water splashing in the air was blown by the wind, and his clothes were mostly wet.

Until the waves passed, and all the water splashing in the sky fell, Newt cautiously let go of his hand. Looking at the three mighty furious obsidian Mecha not far away, Newt couldn’t help but flash on his face. Excited and contented.

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