My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1345

Chen Mos giant Mecha kicked this super rare beast to the foot of the mountain, but it failed to inflict severe damage or even kill it as it did when dealing with Fifth Level rare beast. .

The energy of that blow was still absorbed and reflected by its body, and it did not cause any harm to him.

Chen Mos giant Mecha is powerful, but it seems unable to deal with this extremely powerful super rare beast.

Super rare beast reflected the energy of Chen Mo’s attack, then roared up to the sky and climbed up to Mount Fuji again.

Without the blocking of many hunters Mecha, other rare beasts also climbed towards Mount Fuji from the east and south with it.

As many Mecha fighters looked at the super rare beast who was climbing up the mountain first, and wanted to attack again, Chen Mo’s voice suddenly sounded in their cockpit.

“You stop the other rare beast and give it to me!”

Faced with this terrifying super rare beast, the Mecha fighters are no longer the same as before Full of confidence in Chen Mo, they do not think that Chen Mo alone can deal with this powerful super rare beast.

When they heard Chen Mo’s words, they couldn’t help turning their heads to look at him hesitantly, only to see the black giant Mecha lift up the right hand and slowly stretched out to the back.

At the same time, the people standing behind the giant Mecha can see the changes in it more clearly.

A piece of armor in the middle of the back of the giant Mecha suddenly bounced outward, and a long black hilt bounced out from below.

As soon as the right hand of the giant Mecha grasped the hilt of the sword, he suddenly pulled it out. With a loud and crisp clang, a long black blade was suddenly pulled out of the armor.

This black long sword obviously uses a technology similar to the chain sword of the Vengeance Wanderer. The entire blade is not a whole at this time, but is connected by a single blade. The steel chain, which is why it can hide on the outside of the giant Mecha’s spine without affecting movement.

As Chen Mo pulled out the long sword and pointed it in the air, the sword blades quickly shrank, and they were closely connected in a burst of clear metal collision, and merged into a real long sword. .

The whole sword body looks like a whole body. The gaps between the blades of the blade were completely disappeared. Although the blade is pitch-black as ink, the blades on both sides of the blade flashed sharply. The edge!

At the same time as the sword body merged, the two sides of the sword hilt also quickly extended two branches, forming a cross guard, a huge black cross long sword appeared in the hands of the giant Mecha !

As the long sword takes shape, a dazzling red rays of light suddenly appeared from the root of the blade, covering the entire blade in a blink of an eye, adding a little killing to this black long sword intent.

Chen Mo wants to create his own Mecha, naturally he will not forget to make his best melee weapon, which has not been used before, but it is because those opponents are not enough for him to use weapons.

This black cross long sword uses the chain sword and ion sword technology of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, combined with the amazing blade of the dark elf blade aircraft destructive power, after the fire source is modified and strengthened, formidable power bring it up a level, although it does not reach the level of no stronghold one cannot overcome the sword of the king, it is also much stronger than the melee weapon of the hunter Mecha.

Seeing the cross long sword with dazzling ion rays of light flashing in the hands of the giant Mecha, hope arose in everyone’s hearts.

Although all their previous attacks were absorbed by the super rare beast and bounced back, it does not mean that it can completely ignore any attacks.

Although the reflective panels of Rare Beast can absorb the energy of their attacks, they should still be harmed in the face of sharp blade attacks.

Of course, the premise is that they can get close to the rare beast. This is difficult for them, but it may be possible for Chen Mo!

After all, he just kicked the super rare beast off the hillside in front of them.

In the cockpit of the Vengeance Wanderer, Jack and Knight glanced at each other, and immediately controlled the Vengeance Wanderer to turn and moved towards The Rare Beast, which was climbing upward on the southern slope, rushed up.

The other Mecha fighters knew that they would not be able to help Chen Mo by staying here, so they turned around immediately and rushed to the other rare beasts who were rushing up the mountain according to Chen Mo’s orders.

While holding a black cross long sword based on the sword of the king in his hand, Chen Mo could not help but look at the giant super rare beast that was climbing up the mountain through the holographic image in front of him. A touch of excitement emerged.

The fourth Fifth Level rare beast has almost no power to fight back in his hands, and there is no challenge to deal with it, and the giant super rare beast, which is half taller than his giant Mecha, is obviously powerful. Much stronger.

This is the opponent he really wants!

But the kick of dropping from the sky just now can be said to be the strongest formidable power for his unarmed attack. This super rare beast obviously has the ability to absorb attack energy and rebound similar to the Vibranium nano combat suit. Ability, ordinary explosions and blunt attacks do not work on it.

Although the giant Mecha has great power, the size of the giant rare beast is too large, and the vital brains are also heavily protected. Coupled with this almost cheating energy rebound ability, it is really true. It’s hard to deal with.

Its just that its body does not have the indestructible and powerful defense of Vibranium, and it cannot be truly impervious to sword and spear like the Vibranium nano combat uniform. As long as it uses sufficiently sharp weapons, it can Hurt it.

Holding the ion long sword with both hands, Chen Mo directly controlled the giant Mecha and rushed towards the super rare beast that was climbing up the mountain.

Seeing this black Mecha that just kicked it down the hillside, the super rare beast raised his forelimbs angrily, stretched out the giant claws and patted him.

With the terrifying power of the super rare beast, if this claw is shot, the giant Mecha will definitely fly far away.

Chen Mo was about to come into contact with the giant Mecha when the sharp claw was about to push his legs hard on the ground, and the huge body jumped up flexibly, just avoiding the giant claw of the super rare beast. Leaped over its head.

At the same time, Chen Mo suddenly waved the long sword in his hand and chopped it towards its neck.

In the face of the sharp ion long sword, the hard horny armor that can absorb and rebound attack energy loses its effect, and its defensive power alone cant resist the ion long swords attack and it is easily cut open. , The blood of blue splashes out with the dance of long sword.

This sword made a long and deep wound on the neck of the super rare beast, but compared to its huge size, it was not too serious and did not hurt. Vital.

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