My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 134

When Chen Mo wakes up in the morning, he feels one less heartbeat in the survivors camp.

After he arrived, he realized that the old man had passed away. The look on his face was not painful, he seemed to have left unconsciously in his sleep.

After Chen Mo’s arrival, the survivors woke up one after another, and learned that everyone was heartbroken after the old man passed away.

Together they survived the air crash and struggled to survive on this deserted island. It was only recently with the help of Chen Mo that their lives improved, even if rescue could not come. Now they can live on the deserted island.

Seeing that there is hope in life, the old man failed to hold on to the end.

Looking at the old man’s corpse, everyone couldn’t help but redden their eyes, and the two little girls were crying even more sadly.

Although the elderly seldom act with them because of their poor health, and they dont have much contact with the elderly, he is after all their mutual dependent companions. For life and death, parting, two young little The girl is not mentally prepared yet and doesn’t know how to face it.

It is Su Wan who is the secretary of the elderly. Although she shed tears in sadness, her apricot eyes are red, but she seems not at all. The sudden loss of close people is unacceptable. This is for Chen Mo. It feels fairly calm.

It turns out that the physical condition of the elderly is already very poor. Even if they insist on taking medicine, according to the doctor, they are likely to get sick at any time and pass away.

The doctor’s original suggestion was to stay in hospital for a longer period of time, but the old man did not want to spend the last days of his life in a hospital bed.

So, after handing over all the company’s affairs to his son, the old man took Su Wan and the bodyguard to start the last journey of his life.

What they didn’t expect was that God made a joke with them, and the original Hawaiian island vacation trip became an exciting desert island survival.

The old man is also very open about this, thinking that this is Gods arrangement. At the end of his life, he can experience a dead escape in an air crash. Fortunately, he survived and experienced a real experience. The difficult survival on the dangerous desert island is not in vain.

At least more interesting than the island vacation he originally planned.

At the end of life, everything has been seen, and there is nothing left to let go, so the old man walked peacefully.

Although Su Wan was sad, she was already ready to send the old man away this time when she came out. Although the old man left suddenly, she was not at all unacceptable.

Only next, Su Wan was a little confused. Since graduation, she has been in the elderlys company. She has been working diligently for several years. The elderly also value her and have been working hard to cultivate her. In mind, the old man is not only her boss, but also her close elders.

Now that the old man passed away, she didn’t know what she should do in the future, but then she remembered that her current situation is not necessarily whether she can go back or not. What is the point of thinking about this.

Anyway, this elder who has been guiding her and leading her to grow has left, and she has to go the rest of the way.

Initially holding the plan to finish the last journey of life, the old man naturally explained his affairs to Su Wan. According to the old mans previous decision, everyone cremated his body and scattered the ashes. The sea.

So far, only seven of the air crash survivors on the deserted island, including Chen Mo, remain.

After grief, life still has to go on.

Life on the island has returned to its previous calm. The survivors fish and gather every day. They are busy and fulfilling. When the harvest is good, they can stay in the camp for a leisurely rest in the afternoon. With the threat of hunger and cold, life on the island is not so difficult anymore.

Another week has passed, and Chen Mo’s space has finally changed again.

Today, the survivors who had a good harvest returned to the camp early.

While a group of survivors were handling food in the camp and preparing the evening dinner in advance, in another camp, Chen Mo was fully armed and standing on the open space in front of the tent, slowing down his consciousness. Slowly plunge into the space.

The side length has grown to the cubic space of five meters, and the original void boundary gradually becomes transparent. Through the space boundary, the familiar starry sky reappears in front of Chen Mo.

Same as last time, what appeared out of the space this time is still two bright light balls, they represent two spaces that can be shuttled.

Chen Mo familiar slowly bet his consciousness on the first ball of light.

In Underworld World, Chen Mos spirit strength has improved a lot. At this time, the picture received in his mind is much clearer than last time, but it is still very fragmented and chaotic. To some short scenes that flashed by.

But this is enough, because in this large number of fragmented pictures, the most appearing are groups of ragged, staggered silhouettes. The much clearer picture than before made Chen Mo recognize at a glance Lost them, the living dead, or rather, zombie!

Cities, suburbs, roads, houses, almost all places can see their silhouettes, it seems that the entire world has been completely occupied by them.

With immortal body and perfect blood, Chen Mo is not afraid of zombie virus, but he does not know the level of technological development of this World and the time he has crossed over.

Zombie film Chen Mo has watched a lot. If it is the “Resident Evil” series, then the technology of T virus and the umbrella company has some value, and if it is like “I am Legendary”, crossing over the past After that, he will be greeted by a world completely occupied by zombie, so this crossing over will be meaningless.

Others like “Zombie World War” and “Travel to Busan” are not worth the slightest crossing over.

Every crossing over is precious to Chen Mo. According to the received pictures, Chen Mo can’t judge which movie world this is for the time being, but obviously, it is not as a last resort, Chen Mo Would not choose here.

Withdrawing consciousness, Chen Mo bet it on the remaining ball of light.

As soon as his consciousness touched the ball of light, Chen Mo felt a strange feeling of strangeness coming from the ball of light. As the picture came into his mind, Chen Mo couldn’t help but smile.

Because he saw a cool silhouette of gold and red flying above the sky.

“Iron Man!”

That special set of steel battle clothes directly exposed everything to Chen Mo. Obviously, what this ball of light is connected to is the world of Iron Man. As for The specific one, Chen Mo is unclear for the time being, but there is no doubt that that set of steel battle clothes is very useful for Chen Mo now.

With it, Chen Mo has the ability to leave the deserted island at any time. After all, he is impossible to stay on this deserted island.

Even if rescue comes, he can only hide, impossible to follow them and leave, because that will inevitably reveal his identity, and other means of transportation that can help him leave the deserted island to land are not His current space can accommodate.

Waiting for his space to expand to a sufficient size, or to get other more advanced means of transportation, I dont know how long it will take.

With this set of steel battle clothes, its different. For the time being, lets not talk about the battle strength and defensive power of battle clothes. Its flying ability alone is no less inferior to the powerful F22 Raptor fighter. The speed exceeds Mach two, wearing it, Chen Mo can go wherever he wants.

Chen Mo is not only happy to be able to get powerful and advanced steel battle clothes, but more importantly, the familiar feeling that occurred the moment he touched the light ball just now.

Although he didnt get more information from the pictures he received in his mind, Chen Mo felt that this World was probably the first world he went to, the world of “Captain America”. The continuation is an Iron Man world that has changed after its own intervention, not the original movie world.

Otherwise, the strange, familiar and unfamiliar feeling cannot be explained.

Of course, these are only Chen Mo’s speculations, and he has to enter this World to verify it personally.

But since it is Iron Man’s world, Chen Mo’s current dress is a little inappropriate.

Consciousness exited the space, Chen Mo took off the armor mask on his head, removed the holster with the pistol on his thigh, and put it into the space together with the sword of the king and the Vibranium shield.

In this way, Chen Mo looks just like a tall young man in a black combat uniform. Even if he appears in the city, it will not cause unnecessary trouble.

Although the previous two crossing overs appeared in places where no one was present, Chen Mo can’t guarantee that this will be an exception. There is always nothing wrong with being careful.

After finishing finishing, Chen Mo put his consciousness into the space again, and the impatient chose crossing over.

A white light flashed by, and Chen Mo’s silhouette disappeared in the clearing in front of the tent.

Wait for Chen Mo’s silhouette to appear again, but in a huge office.

Looking at this familiar place, the corners of Chen Mo’s mouth turned up.

Here is the place where he left the world of “Captain”, the commander’s office of Hydra’s top secret base in Norway. Everything here has not changed much from when he left, including the placement of things on the table. The position has basically not changed.

It’s just from the subtle traces that many things in the room have been replaced with new ones.

Around the large table, Chen Mo sat down on the same chair as before.

“It’s not the previous one, but it’s more comfortable.”

Chen Mo sat in a chair and looked at this familiar office carefully, and he couldn’t help feeling like a world away.

Opening a drawer, Chen Mo took out the top document.

Although the paper has turned yellow, the writing on it is still clear. After a glance, Chen Mo put it back again.

He can already be sure that this is his previous office. This document was placed in the drawer after he read it. He still remembers the contents of the document, which is absolutely correct.

Judging from the degree of yellowing of the paper, a long time has passed.

It seems that his guess is correct. This world with Iron Man developed from the American Captain world at the time. It is no longer the original Iron Man movie world, but I dont know how it compares to movies. , How big the change will be.

Release the doubts in his mind for the time being, Chen Mo looked up and looked towards the desk. On the left side of the desk, a call intercom device was installed. Each button on it corresponds to the chief of different departments of Hydra. -In-Charge.

Now the indicator light on the pager is on, indicating that it can be used normally.

Without much hesitation, Chen Mo directly reached out and pressed the call button on the far left.

A name is printed on the label below the button.


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