My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1234

“After the near-battle skill is implanted, the new biochemical soldiers melee ability is very good, and Spear Art has also been greatly improved with the enhancement of physical fitness, the overall battle The strength is several times the original!”

As Colonel John said, he took a rifle from a soldier, handed it to Chen Mo, and introduced it at the same time.

“The weapon they used is a new type of energy rifle made by Zola Court Academecian, which combines Chitauri’s energy weapon and Hydra’s original energy rifle. It is larger than the original formidable power weapon equipped by Chitauri soldiers and has a faster rate of fire. High, with the stronger physical fitness of the biochemical soldiers, it can exert greater formidable power on the battlefield!”

The energy weapon originally developed by Hydra uses the energy of Tesseract, which relies too much on Tesseract. , While Chitauris energy weapon uses an artificial energy similar to Tony _ Starks Ark reactor. Although the formidable power is not as large as Hydras space energy weapon, it can instantly burn targets, but there is no dependence on energy sources. , Can be manufactured at will without restriction!

Chen Mo was holding this energy rifle, which was slightly longer than the ordinary rifle, and aimed the sharp-edged muzzle at a steel target in the distance.

As Chen Mo pulled the trigger, a purple energy beam shot out from the muzzle quickly, hitting the steel target far away in the blink of an eye.

Made of alloy, a steel target that was only slightly deformed when hit by a rifle bullet, exploded directly after being hit by a beam, and turned into a pile of metal fragments scattered on the ground. This formidable Although power is a bit weaker than the original space energy weapon, it is enough to deal with the vanguard. With their physical strength, there is only a dead end to be hit!

Chen Mo tried to shoot quickly, one after another purple beam flew out in a fan shape, and the row of steel targets in the distance burst one by one!

Chen Mo discovered that the rate of fire of this new energy rifle is similar to that of the original Hydra space energy weapon. It should be integrated with Hydra’s energy weapon technology and upgraded Chitauri’s energy weapon. The original Chitauri rifle The rate of fire is not so fast!

Chen Mo is very satisfied with this new energy rifle, with large formidable power, high rate of fire, and very good accuracy. It is perfect for dealing with a large number of agile vanguards!

It can shoot directly at a long distance and destroy a large number of them. Even if they are rushed to the front, you can use the sharp blade in front of the muzzle for melee combat. With the upgraded physical quality of the biochemical soldier, it is not against the vanguard. Falling wind!

Throwing the energy rifle back to the biochemical soldiers, Chen Mo turned to look at the dark golden armor on them!

The original Chitauri soldiers only had thin armor inlaid on a few parts of the body surface. The decorative effect was far greater than the defense. Except for the fists and feet of the ordinary person, they basically couldn’t stop any decent attack.

The purpose of their design may be to ensure maximum flexibility. After all, they are just the opposite of the Asgard army, which uses cold weapons for close combat. The main attack method is short-to-medium-range attacks with energy rifles. Will fight with the enemy in close hands, so the demand for armor is not too great!

The biochemical soldiers modified by Hydra wore the alloy armored combat suits designed by Chen Mo, which covered the whole body. In fact, these armors were not worn on the body. , But like Chitauri soldiers, directly embedded in the body!

The exquisite design makes the gap between the armors extremely small, but does not affect the movement at all. While providing stronger defensive ability, it will not affect the speed and flexibility.

The material of these armors is the same as the lightweight armor of Leviathan giant beast. Although the hardness is not particularly high, it cannot be used to make weapons, but the toughness is very strong and the weight is very light. It is used for defense The armor is more suitable, the general cold weapon attacks and rifle bullets can be easily resisted, and the sharp claw used to defend the vanguard is not a big problem!

With these enhanced versions of Leviathan giant beasts and biochemical soldiers, Chen Mo has a greater grasp of Thanoss vanguard Legion!

The transformation of the flame giant dragon cannot be completed in a short time. Chen Mo not at all is waiting at the Hydra base, but after confirming the detailed transformation plan of the flame giant dragon with Zola Court Academecian, So he left directly and returned to New York.

Of course, there are a bunch of new energy rifles in Chen Mo’s space than before!

Although Chen Mo may not be able to use it by himself, he is prepared for it. Anyway, the space is getting bigger and bigger, and decoration weapons simply can’t take up much space.

Now the various weapons, ammunition and material reserves in Chen Mo space are about to catch up with a large arsenal.

Various conventional weapons, pistols, rifles, machine guns, sniper guns, Vulcan cannons, anti-personnel weapons, grenades, bombs, missiles, and even nuclear bombs, as well as various energy weapons, sonic weapons, steel battle clothes The supporting reactors, micro missiles, war chariots, airplanes, speedboats, spaceships, as well as food, medicine, tents, tools and other materials piled up into mountains, it is enough for him to launch a World Extinguishing War alone, and it can also let him Survive for a long time in any environment!

And all these materials only occupy a small corner of the space!

Even if you cross over to fire star next time, Chen Mo will be able to survive on fire star!

Back to New York, Chen Mo did not return to SHIELD, but came to the Avengers building.

Tony _Stark has moved back, Pepper is on his way with his pile of baby armors. Compared to his collection of Lord cars and artworks, these battle clothes are him. The most precious possession!

But these properties are very convenient to move, you can fly over by yourself!

When Chen Mo returned to the Avengers Building, Tony _ Stark was busy in the laboratory with Ethan Court Academecian and Banner Court Academecian. They were researching new drive devices.

Originally Tony Stark was very satisfied with the Mark 42 armor, but it was almost dismantled in the battle with Kylian, and was almost eaten by the flame giant dragon last time in London. Tony _ After learning from it, Stark decided to upgrade the steel battle clothes!

The most important thing is the drive device!

The most important function of the steel battle clothes is to enhance the user’s strength, and a stronger formidable power erupts in the battle, and it is the driving device that determines the strength of the increase!

In fact, it is not just power. Except for flying, all actions of the steel battle clothes are driven by the driving device.

For the strength and speed of the battle, the lower limit is determined by the user’s physical fitness, but the upper limit is determined by the performance of the driving device!

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