My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1231

Below is a wide and long bay, with towering mountain ranges on both sides. Standing on top of the flame giant dragon, watching the mountains on both sides receding quickly, Chen Mo couldnt help being kind. It feels like Qingzhou has passed ten thousand mountains.

As Chen Mo continues to deepen, the sea behind him has long been completely blocked by the tortuous mountains. In this deep fjord, even if Chen Mo is released from his invisibility, he does not have to worry about being exposed.

Soon, the fjord came to an end, and what stood in front of them was a huge, huge mountain!

Hydra’s top secret base is here!

When the flame giant dragon approached, a rock wall in the center of the mountain suddenly opened, revealing a hidden flight channel, which is large enough for aircraft to take off and land. It is also very spacious for the flame giant dragon. Under Chen Mo’s control, the flame giant dragon flew in from the passage, and the opened rock wall closed again to hide the passage.

In Hydra base, now Colonel John and Zola Court Academecian in charge of Hydra have already been waiting on the tarmac.

Looking at the door at the end of the passage opening and closing, although there is nothing in front of them, the expressions on their faces are not relaxed at all!

Although the flame giant dragon can’t be found by naked eye under the action of the stealth device, infrared equipment and radar can still find his figure!

And here as the headquarters of Hydra, the defense is naturally very tight. Not only the mountains are all around, there are all kinds of defense and detection devices, but also in the coast and fjords. Surveillance detection device, as long as there is a target within 100 kilometers of the coast, it will be immediately discovered, and there is simply no way to hide!

So when the flame giant dragon was still at sea, they had already discovered its silhouette!

If Chen Mo hadn’t informed them in advance that they were going to ride the flame dragon, they would have already launched an attack!

As the passage closed, the two people in front of the tarmac soon felt a burst of heat coming from before them. The cold air that entered when the passage opened just now seemed to be dissipated instantly. In midsummer, it feels like being roasted in the sun!

Although they did not see Chen Mo and the flame giant dragon, they knew that the giant beast, which had an extremely powerful energy response in the detection device, had already arrived in front of them!

If it werent for Chen Mo who is driving the giant beast, they all have the urge to turn around and leave at this time, especially Zola Court Academecian, they cant help but sweat a little on their forehead, and they dont know what it is. Because of heat or because of fear!

They also immediately received information about the incident in London not long ago, including all the video data of the flame giant dragon!

So they know what Chen Mo is riding over!

That was the flame giant dragon that almost ate Tony _ Stark!

Even if they all received the enhancement of Super Soldier serum, they definitely did not have the strong defense of Tony Stark wearing steel battle clothes!

With their strength, facing this terrifying flame giant dragon, they can only be eaten by a bite, and there is no possibility of struggling like Tony _ Stark!

So when they know that something terrifying is hidden in front of them, it is indeed difficult for them to remain calm, and it is inevitable that they will feel uneasy or even frightened!

not at all caused the two to suffer for too long, Chen Mo quickly turned off the invisibility device, like a soap bubble shattered, there was a ripple in the air in front of the two, and quickly dissipated Then, a huge giant beast with face looks sinister appeared in front of them!

At this time, the two of them were not worried, but their legs were a little bit weak!

Especially when the giant dragon eyes of the flame giant dragon turned to the two of them, both of them couldn’t help but feel tight, for fear that the flame giant dragon would suddenly go crazy and eat them both in one bite!

The huge mouth full of sharp teeth can eat the two of them together with just one bite. When bitten by the huge dragon teeth, with their physical fitness, they will break in two on the spot. half!

Zola Court Academecian’s fine sweat beads on his forehead suddenly enlarged and rolled down his forehead!

If it werent for the awe and loyalty to Chen Mo, the two would definitely have run as far as possible!

Just as the two of them were terrified, Chen Mo, standing on top of the flame giant dragon’s head, jumped forward and fell in front of them.

Blocked by Chen Mo between them and the flame giant dragon, Colonel John and Zola Court Academecian couldn’t help but relax in their hearts, and immediately saluted Chen Mo!

“Long live Hydra!”

“Ha… Long live Hydra!”

Chen Mo looked at Zola Court Academecian, who was terrified, and talked to Abraham Erskine Court Academecian, who is calm and collected at any time, compares and judges between the two!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but shook his head secretly in his heart. Zola Court Academecian is also considered a genius in research. He is extremely proficient in physics, mechanics and biology, and is the undisputed chief scientist of Hydra!

But his character is a bit timid. After so many years, he has not improved at all!

Never mind if you are usually timid, it doesnt matter if you are timid, anyway, you dont need him to go to the battlefield, as long as you do his research well, but Chen Mo is here this time and intends to let him help strengthen the flame For giant dragon, just his current performance, without him by his side, I dont know if he would pee his pants in shock!

How can he strengthen the flame giant dragon like this?

Is it possible that he has to take Zola Court Academecian for a drive like he helped Tony _ Stark overcome the psychological shadow before?

Chen Mo doesn’t mind, because he is afraid that Zola Court Academecian’s fear has not been overcome, but he scared his courage!

A glance at the two, Chen Mo asked Zola Court Academecian with a cold face.

“How about the Chitauri biotechnology research that I gave you before?”

Zola Court Academecian felt a flurry of hair when Chen Mo’s eyes looked at him, knowing that he had performed too much Unbearable, Zola Court Academecian tried his best to overcome his fear of the flame giant dragon, and said to Chen Mo in a calm voice as possible.

“The biological modification and cultivation technology has been completely mastered. We not only used the Leviathan giant beast and Chitauri soldier embryos you brought back for experiments, and successfully cultivated the Leviathan under our control. The giant beast and Chitauri soldiers have also used biological modification technology to transform them, and their strength has been improved to a certain extent! We now have a more powerful biological weapon than Chitauri!”

Zola Court Academecian quietly observed Chen Mo’s expression as he spoke, and saw that Chen Mo’s expression eased slightly. This was sighed in relief, and then he continued.

“As long as you order, we can start manufacturing these biological weapons in batches at any time. They are cultivated very quickly, and it does not take too long to build a powerful Legion!”

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